Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds®

Weekly Letter

Charles R Crooks

Shaman, Healer of Hearts and Minds

(214) 923-5848

Monday, March 03, 2025

7:10 PM

I would like to welcome you to this list. Hope you find these letters useful.

There are two items I would like to bring up at this time, one of course is the upcoming class Wednesday night via Zoom, which we’re going to be looking at the process of ritual for the purposes of getting into the deeper spiritual realizations than we normally would be otherwise.

The second item is, that I am going to be at the Holistic Fair near Clear Fork West Fort Worth this Sunday from 11 AM to 6 PM.

3300 Bryant Irving Rd.
Ft. Worth, Texas 76109
Admission: $10/person FREE PARKING
Just north of the Whole Foods Market

Getting back to the Wednesday class, while many times in the past we have bypassed some of the preliminary work as many people have become proficient to the point for the most part a process and/or ritual is really not needed.

While that might be the case it is still important to have a process established either from your own invention or through other established traditions. It is well known in the process of ritual; we begin the disengagement of the intellectual mind to such a degree where safety of the intellectual mind is realized allowing for the greater realization of that which can be associated within the greater mind or collective consciousness.

It is also through this method that the ability to travel and access other areas beyond our five senses becomes doable and we will run some tests to confirm the validity of that which each and every one of us perceives.

For this particular effort I will be construction of a place in the mental realm which will allow you to observe some pretty interesting items leaning towards your deeper spiritual understanding of the world around you.

I look forward to seeing you this Wednesday via Zoom,


Booking Page

Classes and Workshops (healerofheartsandminds.com)


All original material is © Copyright 1997-2025 Charles R Crooks All Rights Reserved


Please check out my reviews page with over 105 five-star reviews, so you can get a good idea of what others have said about my work.

If you wish to book ahead, and pay for a time-slot for the fair, please use this link. Be sure and choose private session. Or you can pay in cash and/or credit card at the fair.

I have added a new page called “Vaccine Information,” included are sources from Epoch Times, One America News, Project Veritas and Frankspeech.com.

New! Brochure Version 2.8.5 PDF

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Nov 11, 203

Systematic Review of Published COVID-19 Vaccine Serious Adverse Events

2021 Reports Summarize a Cardiovascular, Thromboembolic Safety Disaster


NOV 11, 2023

Nov 09, 023

Florida Attorney General Responds After Lawyers Call for Criminal Charges Against Fauci | The Epoch Times

Nov 05, 2023

Poll: 1 in 4 Americans Know Someone Who Died From COVID Vaccine | The Epoch Times

Sept 14,2023

COVID Vaccines and Future Boosters Are ‘Not Safe for Human Use’: Dr. Peter McCullough Testifies in EU Parliament | The Epoch Times

Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough asked European lawmakers to take COVID-19 vaccines off the market, warning that the vaccines are responsible for a host of illnesses, including heart inflammation, blood clots, and neurological diseases.

He said that the spike protein is “proven” in 3,400 peer-reviewed manuscripts to cause four major domains of disease—cardiovascular, neurological disease, blood clots, and immunological abnormalities.

Jan 20, 2023

Fact checkers try to cover up evidence of thousands of athletes collapsing from heart attacks after vaccine. – One America News Network (oann.com)

July 24, 2022

This is probably going to irritate some and may to my own demise. I will not stand silent while there are Marxist masquerading as BLM or Communist masquerading as “Democratic Socialists” forcing their “Wok-ness” which is just a subterfuge for a totalitarian Communistic system where the State has total control. Have you noticed the lies claiming Systemic Racism? If true, how did Obama get elected to two terms? Another tool used to divide a society. What happened to the enlightened Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech, a beacon of Light?

In order for this exercise of Darkness to succeed, freedom of speech must be suppressed! The reason for this is the systems supporting this Darkness would never survive under the exposure of the Light of open debate. Therefore, all means of force and deceit, including death, must be exercised.

From the Black Book of Communism: Crime, Terror, Repression by Stephane Courtois

Is Communism Moral? | PragerU

From Prageru presentation

Civilian Deaths

Vietnam                   1 Million

Eastern Europe     1 Million

Ethiopia                   1.5 Million

North Korea            2 Million

Cambodia               2 Million

Soviet Union          20 Million

China                       65 Million

The second tool is disarming the public. Then the Elites get rich while the masses suffer. Why do you think people never migrate to communist countries while many non-communist counties have waiting lists for migration for over ten years?

There are times, while rare, I need to use these letters to inform you of the corruption of most of our news media and Big Tech. Well, a few days ago on https://frankspeech.com, I came across a Lawsuit proving the issues are not big tech censoring and/or canceling people and organizations; it is a secret portal for government agencies issuing instructions to Twitter to cancel and/or debunk a story or person.

 Here is the link Dr.SHIVA’s Historic First Amendment Lawsuit to Win Back Freedom: First Case in U.S. To Show Government MADE Twitter Silence Political Speech (vashiva.com)

So let us take a moment to compare the human body, not to mention most living things on this earth where we can show a direct relation directed towards their own survival.

While this is a generalization, every living thing on earth has in a system for killing off destructive viruses and bacteria. So now when you compare the human body with the earth, one reflects the other, yet the complexity is really not much different.

Like the body, society and the earth will allow the existence of viruses and bacteria, when both are beneficial for the functioning of the body and the earth. However, when the bacteria and/or viruses are no longer beneficial, becoming deadly, then by the nature and wisdom of our creator, an automatic and/or manual system has been provided for their extermination.

It is also important to note that when one is dealing with an adversary regardless of source and/or cause, the path of anger brings our own destruction by giving strength to the adversary. When judgment is the primary motivator rather than the more neutral comparisons of laws and facts, the judgment will always be wrong as it is based upon the process of assumption which I have spoken of before.

Classes and Workshops (healerofheartsandminds.com)


Vaccine Info (healerofheartsandminds.com)

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All original material is © Copyright 1997-2025 Charles R Crooks All Rights Reserved


