Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
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Weekly Letter

Charles R Crooks

Shaman, Healer of Hearts and Minds

(214) 923-5848

Thursday, November 25, 2021

8:24 AM

I would like to welcome new subscribers to this list and hope you find these letters useful.

There are many ways to give thanks. However, this time a year seems to be a renewed expression over various forms of gratitude. So let us look at the importance of an expression of gratitude for it is a validation of all that there is.

The following are very brief summations of various parts of my books so please forgive the brevity.
Every day we receive approximately twenty-four thousand six hundred gifts per day. That is the approximate number of breaths when someone is at rest and in each breath has some interesting characteristics.
There is a quality in the breath of a living person, which changes once the living person leaves the body. The gases contained in the breath are not sufficient to maintain structural cellular integrity within the body once the living person or individual is no longer bound to the body.
Yes, we do have artificial means of keeping the blood circulating, oxygenated, and properly nutritionally balanced whereas under standard logic of the Intellect would all that would be necessary for that body to remain alive, even after complete resuscitation after perceived death. Furthermore, it is a known fact that once the last breath is taken, the organs in the body starts to fail regardless of whether there is blood flow and circulation or not.
So, it seems there is a component of a different nature and/or source beyond the Intellect. I will let you come to own conclusion as to the nature and/or identity of this particular source. It is important to note this particular source transcends all things of a physical nature, meaning they can be with you wherever you are as long as you are breathing. It also exists in all places all conditions all things being no thing outside of, an embodiment and/or baseline for existence of the Universe itself.
It can also be said that with each breath we have been given so much freedom of choice where we can take a Path of Light or Path of Darkness.
So, while we are animated in our bodies, we seem to have a “Spiritual Connection” of which may be referred to the Vital Life Force which by definition is without judgment yet, the Intellect itself defines what parts of the body received the Vital Life Force.
Getting back to our initial statement, “We receive approximately twenty-four thousand six hundred breaths per day”. It may be safe to claim that the source of this vital life force is absolutely and completely generous without judgment. That is the key to this whole process, absolute Love Understanding Compassion without judgment. For if the source that makes all things possible carried judgment, we would not have freedom of choice to redirect our activities to the Path of Light within regardless of where we have been before. After all, if you look at many of the religious text the word repent means to turn around do it differently.
So, if you have a bunch of bad stuff in your history, relied on the backend of a donkey for much of your determinations, won awards and absolute stupidity selfishness and everything else for that matter, not to worry.
The fact is that you are cognizant and your desire is to change directions confirms the gift of absolute Love Understanding Compassion is available to all who wish to partake of its joy and Light. So, as you move, change directions, from the activities of the Lesser Light to those of the Greater Light you will find no resistance or judgment from the Light itself for it is complete in and of itself without reservation.
However, you will find resistance from your own judgment. We have to realize the Intellect is limited and therefore considers anything it cannot control to be dangerous. Since the Intellect cannot control Love or Light, both of these are considered dangerous. Therefore, resistance will exist until the Intellect realizes that the attributes of Love Understanding and Compassion are really only dangerous to the Darkness while being an enhancement to those who live in the Light exhibited by such.
In summation, every breath we take is a gift. It is up to us to remain cognizant of the continuing Light and Love in every breath. As we give thanks for these gifts we receive, we allow the Love and Light existing in each breath to magnify inadvertently, allowing others to respond to our reality likewise. For as our world consists of unrestricted Love Understanding and Compassion should we choose to partake of it; then truly not only are we are a Carrier of Light but also joyous in realizing the gifts that we have. For as a Carrier of Light we are no longer without but also an amplifier of said Light inadvertently assisting others.
Therefore, remind yourself every so often of the many millions of gifts that you have received and bask in the Love that is within you even as we speak today.
Our next class will be Wednesday, December 1st. I am giving serious thought about doing the Reincarnation Experiment. However, I am considering an open subject call for that particular evening. So, if you will take a moment and send me a note as to your interest for the Wednesday class, surely would be appreciated.
In the bonds of the Work, I am,






All original material is © Copyright 1997-2021 Charles R Crooks All Rights Reserved



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