Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds®


Video and Transcript Segment 8

Return to Interviews done by Cindy Herb

TITLE: The Shaman Healing – Dissolving not Releasing Limiting Beliefs

Shaman Charles Crooks discusses shaman healing, giving insight into, “The healing process,” “Dissolving limiting beliefs versus releasing them” and “What is reality.” Listen below to learn more. You can also read the transcription below the video.


The videos from Segment 8 to Segment 20 have a technical problem where the  Video Light used was too low. This caused Red Eye.

Red Eye is the reflection of the Retina back to the camera when the soruce of the light is too close to the camera lens. 

It is not an evil redness coming from my eyes.  We didn't realize the problem till later. A fix is on its' way.

Please click here for the Transcript 8 Video 

Note: All questions and responses in the above interview were unrehearsed.

Cindy:  I'm here today with my friend Charles Crooks who's a shaman and a healer here in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Thank you Charles for meeting with us and letting me interview you again today.

Shaman Charles:  Thank you very much. Good to be here.

Cindy:  We've been talking about healing. That's what you are…is a 'healer.' So, like shaman healing, can you talk about shaman healing? How do you know what is needed to heal a person? How do you know that?

Shaman Charles:  That's really a multi-faceted question when you really look at it. First of all, we need to determine the term 'shaman.' 'Shaman' basically is the tribal holy man…the healer and that type of stuff. So, you can have processes that involve certain techniques…there's Reiki, there's energy movement, there's all kinds of stuff out there. And so, as far as "shaman healing," I don't think I'd want to claim that as anything special because some of them use all kinds of items…everything from bags full of stones and feathers and various other things that they consider sacred to themselves or their tradition. And so, I do things a little differently. Number one, as far as healing is concerned, the real key to healing is resolving the cause of the problem. And the cause of the problem, for the most part, is how one's reality is functioning. For example, if somebody has the reality that they have discord with power, well they're going to naturally have problems with strength, back problems and things of that sort. So, yeah, you can take them out and get their back adjusted and do all that stuff…over and over again. And  they'll just continue to repeat because the initial cause of the problem is not resolved. So, first of all, we have to determine what the…I'd say…what the nature of the problem is or, in other words, what the nature of the causes are. Are they on the father's side, which has to do with money, power, respect and credibility? Or, on the mother's side, which has to do with long-term relationships, nurturing, children, family, and the power behind the scenes? And how did these things come around? Were they based on assumptions? Or, were they based upon actual trauma experienced with that particular individual? Or, were they based upon an individual who was so perfect that they thought they could never get there. And the key here is, once you find out where these things are located or the source of them, then it gives me a means to be able to find where's it's located inside the individual. Once I find the emotional trauma that's associated with the memory or the events the individual went through, I can go in, pull it out…and once I pull it out…I only have to do it once…it's permanent…it's gone. You'll have the memory, but the emotion will no longer be there. Now how it affects the healing, in that regard, is…let's say we go back to the issue on power…well money, power, respect, credibility and strength are all father attributes. So, if an individual is having problems with their kidneys or stomach area and especially, lower back area… that's very common and associated with power issues. Then, what's going to happen is [that] when you remove the cause or the emotional component, the reality no longer needs to maintain that incorrect information. And the vital life force  that naturally flows in the body starts flowing properly. When this happens, healing becomes automatic. So, bottom-line: a happy heart heals the body. And that's kind of the key on that. So you fix the cause of the problem first and then allow the rest of the stuff to kind of go on autopilot. You don't have to worry about it too much.

Cindy:  So you're helping them dissolve blockages. Correct?

Shaman Charles:  Well, the 'blockages' is a good way…a kind of a good way to put it…but it is not quite accurate. Let's say that somebody determines that the mother was dysfunctional. Okay. And as that individual grows up…you probably have seen back in high school, the best-looking girl in class going out with a guy you know is going to be in jail in six months…that's a mother issue. Because if she has issues on the mother [side]…let's say [her] mother was dysfunctional or mean or unfair or whatever the case may be…so she [the girl in high school] has that belief. Well the first thing that happens is her reality readjusts and says 'mother is not dangerous.' Because the intellect is collecting information and it doesn't have the ability to filter, so it says, 'anything that is wrong with mother…then everything is going to be wrong with mother.' So, as a result, what's going to happen is that that individual is going to say in their reality, 'anything associated with mother is dangerous, therefore, lock it up.' The second thing that happens is, as a result of this reality occurring, they have a big hole in their energy around themselves. And so, what they want to do is they want to fill it. So the first thing they do...they go find people they can heal.

Cindy:  Oh, wow…

Shaman Charles:  And so therefore, they always go after the hard-luck cases. And they always go after the ones…even if the ones have become abusive and physically abusive and all that…they never want to press charges because they think they can heal them with that. And the reason that is…is that they're trying to fill this emptiness with 'let me find somebody I can heal so I can show the world how good a mother I am.'

Cindy:  So that's not really a blockage…it's the belief is what you think it is.

Shaman Charles:  It's a reality.

Cindy:  A reality.

Shaman Charles:  Because the reality…there's a difference between belief and reality, ok. There are many limiting beliefs that basically have been…I want to use the term 'diminished' …and that's the best way I can put it….whereas reality and actuality are two different things. For example, if we go back in the 1500's, they knew that water was dangerous to drink but they didn't why. And so, they didn't understand…they didn't have enough tools necessary to understand why…so they didn't know about the reality…I'm sorry, the actuality of the microbes in the water making it poisonous to drink for them.  So…that was their reality. So the reality is determined upon the information that we know at that particular time. So, therefore, what is actuality is key here. So we are not dealing with belief or whatever…we can come up with conclusions and develop a belief from a conclusion and we may be accurate. But the key here is, you get to the point where the actual cause of the event is occurring…where the emotional trauma is located…you get that…you pull that out…and the reality no longer stands on its own and it dissolves.  

Cindy:  So you like to use the term 'dissolve.'

Shaman Charles:  Yeah.

Cindy:  Instead of…like 'release'…are they the same?

Shaman Charles:  No. They are completely different.

Cindy:  So what's the difference between release and dissolve? Because some people will say, "I'm going to release you of this." But you don't do that.

Shaman Charles:  Not at all. No actually the dissolve is much more accurate because when I dissolve it, it turns into ones and zeros.

Cindy:  So, it's like a neutral term, is what you're saying.

Shaman Charles:  Yeah. For example, in computer terms, you have what is called 'erasing a hard-drive'...it's called secure erase. And that is basically writes ones and zeros on the hard drive…so it wipes it completely clean. That's called a secure erase. In this type of work, when we're looking at terms of ones/zeroes or dissolving the issue, is we're taking that which was formed…and what I do is I actually take the thought energy matrix and that which was formed…and I actually dissolve it. And when I dissolve it, I return it back to ones and zeros or back to its neutral core. Therefore, it has not affect on anything. It has no substance. It has nothing. It's basically the equivalent of air.

Cindy:  And you say that you can do these things permanently.

Shaman Charles:  When I remove one of those items, it's gone. Done deal.

Cindy:  But can somebody re-manifest it?

Shaman Charles:  They have to work like hell…yes…excuse the expression. [Laughter]

Cindy:  Ha. Ha. That sounds good….Well, I want to thank you again, Charles, for being with us today. And if we want to find you, where can we find you?

Shaman Charles:  Well, I'm located in Allen [TX] and I do have a website…http://shamanic-enterprises.com. And I also have a second website, which is mirror of the first and that is called http://healerofheartsandminds.com.

Cindy:  And that's my favorite term. I love that! Now, I want everybody to listen to this…this guy is a healer of hearts and minds. So again…we'll come back to you again another time Charles…but I appreciate you talking to us today. And that's it for now.

Shaman Charles:  Thank you very much.

Copyright Statement: This video and transcription was produced and written by Cindy L. Herb and may NOT be reproduced on any related website without express permission of Cindy L. Herb. Copyright 2009-2013 Cindy L. Herb, http://CindysNumerology.com. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Copyright Statement: This video and/or article/transcription was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the video and/or article/transcription and you use the exact same HTML code to ensure a clickable link back to the author’s site. Further videos and articles/transcriptions are also available. Contact the author for more information. Copyright 2014 Cindy L. Herb, http://cindysnumerology.com. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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