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Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds® |
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Return to Interviews done by Cindy Herb
Spiritual Healing, Shaman Healing, Western Healing – Shaman
In an unrehearsed interview, Shaman Charles Crooks discusses
spiritual healing, shaman healing and western healing.
Specific answers are given to the questions: “Spiritual
healing versus Western Healing – Do you think there is no value to
western medicine?” and “Can you expand on the idea that sometimes
people come into this life with certain challenges. Why?” and “Do
all shamans heal – Is that one of their functions?”, and “How do you
heal?” Listen below to learn more. You can also read the
transcription below the video.
Please click here for the Transcript 6 Video
Note: All questions and
responses in the above interview were unrehearsed.
Hi. This is Cindy Herb. I'm back with Charles Crooks, the
shaman who has helped me these last few years become a very joyful
person. Thank you again Charles for being with us this afternoon.
Shaman Charles:
Thank you very much.
We're talking about shamanism and specifically, [in] this
segment we are going to talk about healing, because that's what…one
of the functions of a shaman is…we found out…is to heal. So now
Charles, I've heard of people seeking out shamans when regular
medicine did not work for them. Do you think there is no value in
western medicine?
Shaman Charles:
Oh no. You need to do 50/50. You need to use the best of
western medicine, eastern medicine and the shamanic healing
principles. You can't reject something. That's kind of silly when
you think about it because it's like basically saying,
"My finger hurts, so I'm going
to have a shaman bless it." Well, it's going to continue to hurt
until you fix the problem.
Okay. Now, there are people
who have come to see you. I myself sought out western medicine, but
it wasn't enough for me. Then I sought you out. But…do you think a
shaman…how can a shaman benefit a person versus any other way? What
makes you unique is what I want to know?
Shaman Charles:
Ouch! I can't answer that question like that. That's kind of a
difficult question because, again, my primary job…the primary
responsibility is to bring out what you already know. And I use the
shamanic principles and the spiritual principles and things of that
sort to basically show you where you've got it 'in your closet' and
also to help you release the things that no longer serve you. It is
only when you release the things that no longer serve you that
you'll be free to allow yourself to heal and benefit. Now, there are
some situations that are beyond our help, of course. And there are
some past lives were people that have basically come in for the
purpose of going through some sort of disease or something like that
and have a short life…yes. But again, it's you know…I have a real
problem with 'being unique.' However, I think I would be…in my work,
I am a complimentary or compliment to western and eastern medicine.
So, it would be a shame to throw one out just to keep one or the
what I think I'm hearing is that you don't want to be considered
unique because as you've stated [before],
"We are all part of the whole
and not separate," and that [being unique] would be kind of
putting yourself above everybody. And you don't want to be
[considered] that way. Is that right?
Shaman Charles:
Well, it doesn't…it's not correct anyway. Gee whiz, you know.
Why? Doesn't make sense to me.
But if western medicine wasn't helping somebody, could you
help them?
Shaman Charles:
Up to a point.
Up to a point.
Shaman Charles:
But remember, there are certain things that they… [that] can help
that there's no amount of energy that will help. Yeah, you can
probably…in an ideal, perfect world. Yes, you could put your finger
on somebody and heal a liver that's been…or kidney that been
destroyed…and then paint the perfect world. But when you really look
at it, you're going to need some extra help. For instance, Lasik eye
surgery…there's a lot of things you can fix, but when it gets to a
certain point, you have to utilize both systems. You cannot reject
one or the other. But basically, you can use the best that both…all
of them have to offer.
I appreciate that about you. One of the first things that you said
to me when I came to see you, Charles, was…I have…and people don't
know this, but I have some different health issues than most people.
And you sat down and I asked you if you could help me and you said,
"Honestly Cindy, I don't know.
We can try. I've never handled this [type of situation] before but
we will try." You also said that sometimes that people come into
this world with certain challenges.
Shaman Charles:
Can you explain that to our viewers?
Shaman Charles:
Yes. For example, let's say somebody wishes to come in and
they say, "Okay, I need to
do…I would like to do so many things." And they say,
"Yet, you know what, I have
need to learn what this is like. I have need to go through this
So, they will actually
set it up. And you can actually have a good astrologer or [someone]
good at numerology look at their numbers or their charts or
whatever…and [you can] actually see all this stuff laid out. And
that's the neat thing about it. You can actually validate this
stuff. So, yes, it is not arbitrary.
Now speaking again about numerology and astrology, we all
have choice, though. So people may say,
"I went to an astrologer. None of the stuff that they said happened to
me." Is it because we do have choice?
Shaman Charles:
Yes, it is. For example,
let's say in your chart you have to learn about some sort of
emotional thing. Well, if you figure it out, then that becomes
moot…no longer in effect. You've risen above that aspect of your
Alright. So now, when you heal...because you do heal. Is that
Shaman Charles:
do heal.
Shaman Charles:
I call it fixing things.
Fixing things. Do you restore balance to the body? Is that
what…could that be one of the things that happens with people is
that they need balance in their bodies? They got things out of
balance…because that's what people say to me that I need more
Shaman Charles:
Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say that. When I remove an old
blockage; then things flow more in harmony with the individual.
Under those conditions, a person will feel lighter. I would have
trouble using the term 'balance.' And the reason is because it's
almost judgmental. It bothers me to use that term because today
somebody might be balanced and tomorrow they may have too much wine
and may be imbalanced. So, I would kind of shy away from using that
Alright. I want to talk again about reincarnation, but I
going to save that for our next segment. I appreciate you being with
us this afternoon, Charles. Thank you so much.
If we want to get in contact with you and maybe use your
services, how can we do that?
Shaman Charles:
The website is:
Thank you so much!
Shaman Charles:
And thank you.
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