Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds®
Eternal Flame Charles R Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
Poor Knights

Video and Transcripts Segment 2

Return to Interviews done by Cindy Herb

TITLE:  Observing Judgmental Attitude in 'Should' – Testing Versus Belief

Having a judgmental attitude with the use of the word 'should'—a higher consciousness. In this unrehearsed interview with Shaman Charles Crooks, he answers several questions from a shamanic viewpoint, including, “Why take ‘should’ out of your vocabulary?” and “Does he consider himself (being a shaman) at a higher consciousness than others?" and “Why is testing information presented beneficial?” We learn that this particular shaman is working to lift up humanity and respects all others. He promotes acceptance, not judgment. Listen below to learn more. You can also read the transcription below the video.

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Note: All questions and responses in the above interview were unrehearsed.

Cindy:  I'm back with Charles Crooks, who's the shaman I've been working with for the last several years. Thanks again, Charles, for being with us this afternoon.    

Shaman Charles:  You're quite welcome.  

Cindy:  Continuing on our discussion, when I first met you, you said to me, "Take 'should' out of your vocabulary." Can you tell me why you wanted me to do that?

Shaman Charles:  'Should' is one of my favorite…if I was going to remove…if I had complete and ultimate power, I'd remove 'should' from the English language. The primary reason is 'should' implies that you're a failure. When you say, "I should have done something," that basically translates to "I'm an idiot…I didn't do it right…I failed."  And as a result, that is the reality of our tone and our attitude when we say, "I should have done something." And as a result, all it does is generate a reality that is non-productive. However, I would like to replace it with something different. For example, if I use the term "I should have," [then], I'm doing judgment. However, if I use the term "if I'd done that differently, it might have worked out better"—and again now we are not beating up on ourselves. Now we are planning. Now we are working on the better way of doing things. This is called learning and also, what you might call, the constructive process.

Cindy:  So, you talked about judgment. So what you're saying…you keep saying, "We are all part of the whole and not separate." You had once told me, again about the 'should,' that 'should' assumes I know more than the other person, which that's a state of judgment.     

Shaman Charles:  Yes.

Cindy:  So you're about accepting everybody as part of that whole…and so not acting like we're above or below anybody…or above or below even ourselves? Is that what you're saying?

Shaman Charles:  Pretty much so. I would put it this way. When you use a process of judgment, it is a point of separation. The reason is, is because you're separating yourself [from] another and two things are going on: you are either superior or inferior to the person you see. But, when you really look at the whole of things, you'll find that you're not separate, but that you're part of the whole. However, our intellect finds it easier to separate things because it can only deal with things at that level. So, when you look at judgment—the problem is, is you're basically saying, "I'm superior to that, therefore that person should do what I tell them to do." And that's only going to irritate the beans out of that person because they know you're completely off base. However, if we turn that around and say… Okay, rather than what that person should do or rather than using judgment, let's look at observation. Now the beauty of observation is…I know a particular pie to be a pecan pie and I know that the pecans are good and that's my observation. But somebody's that allergic to pecan pie that would be a complete disaster. And so, again, you have two different observations, but neither one is superior to the other. So the idea is to remove superiority out of the equation completely and recognize the fact is—that everything that you perceive around you is actually happening within. So your realization of another person is the best and possibly the brightest that is inside yourself and also probably the most wicked that is inside yourself. 

Cindy:  Wow. That's pretty good. So now, you're trying to…you told us in the last segment we did that you’re trying to uplift mankind. So do you consider yourself at a higher consciousness than somebody else? Or do you consider yourself 'higher' because I know you don't believe in this judgment thing. So how do you address that?    

Shaman Charles:  Alright…uh…hmmm. Number one, I do not consider myself at a higher consciousness than anybody. The difference is…between myself and say, somebody laying bricks in the front lawn or whatever the case is, is [that] they're interested in laying bricks and they're interested in doing that type of work—masonry. That is something that I am not interested in. Does it make me better than that person? No! All that does is that they're doing something different. The comment I made about bringing humanity into a more spiritual level…along those lines…is that throughout history humanity has been devolving too heavily into the physical world…and the emotion and the astral and the judgment…and things of that sort. And as result, there is a little bit of a problem here. And the idea is to bring humanity back into their own home area, which is much more…I'm going to use the term gently…'spiritual' in nature or less of a judgmental and/or, not necessarily competitive, but less a judgmental and/or suppressive and/or subversive way of doing things. The whole idea is that everybody is blessed with the light of God; it's just a matter of allowing that to come forward and giving permissions for that to come forward.  

Cindy:  Okay. And so you're talking about what you're trying to teach people, but your form of teaching is a little bit different than others because you don't…from what I understand from what you've taught me, is that you don't go in and say, "Do this because I say to do it." It's like you want everybody to test everything on their own. Can you comment on that? Why would you want somebody to test everything on their own?   

Shaman Charles:  I transfer the power to the individual. Simple as that. The power and knowledge becomes yours. If you validate what is brought forward, then you no longer believe in me, per se, and you are no longer dependent upon me, but you know it first-hand. Therefore, when you are asked a question, "Have you validated this? Do you know this to be true?"— You can say, "I know this to be true because I have tested it... I have experienced it first-hand." It's no longer your insecurity based upon somebody saying, "Well somebody said that's true, so therefore, I'm going to believe them." That doesn't work.

Cindy: And you don't think that you should believe…well, I don't like to say the word 'should'…but

Shaman Charles:  That's alright. 

Cindy:  It's not beneficial to use…for somebody to believe something just because they've read it somewhere. You think they need to test it. Is that correct?     

Shaman Charles:  If somebody wishes to explore further…yes, I would prefer that they'd go ahead and test the principles out. For example, Jesus said, "Love one another…be kind and compassionate." Well, okay, why don't you test these principles out? That's really nice. One of my favorite exercises and favorite stories is I'd go into a mall with a bad attitude and as a result of my bad attitude, I'd get lousy service. Everybody out there has probably done that. And then, a couple of weeks later, I'll go into the same mall and there's three people to my left and they [store management] walk across those three people and give me a chocolate chip cookie with nuts [because of my good attitude]. I mean, how good can [that] get…you know, that's a real good example of not only validating and testing the principles…and testing what it is like to be kind and compassionate, but you'll find that your life will change as you do these things. Very simple.

Cindy:  Very good. Well, again, I thank Charles for being with us. This has been another little segment [with him.] And he's taught us so much about accepting everybody and learning to test things ourselves. Charles, if we want to know more about you, where can we find you? 

Shaman Charles:  Okay, the website is:  http://shamanic-enterprises.com. Other contact information is on the website plus numerous articles.   

Cindy:  Great! Thank you so much! I hope you have a great day. 

Shaman Charles:  Thank you.   

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This video and/or article/transcription was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the video and/or article/transcription and you use the exact same HTML code to ensure a clickable link back to the author’s site. Further videos and articles/transcriptions are also available. Contact the author for more information. Copyright 2014 Cindy L. Herb, http://cindysnumerology.com. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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