Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds®


Video and Transcript Segment 19

Return to Interviews done by Cindy Herb


TITLE:  Shaman Defines Mantras – Meditation & Examples: Om Mani Padme Hum

Shaman Charles Crooks defines mantras for us in this video. He gives mantra examples, such as Om Mani Padme Hum. He also discusses mantra meditation, telling us how they are used for meditation.  He further expands on some different types of mantras. He also explains the difference between mantras and affirmations. This particular shaman does not think affirmations work and are necessary. Listen below to learn more. You can also read the transcription below the video.


The videos from Segment 8 to Segment 20 have a technical problem where the  Video Light used was too low. This caused Red Eye.

Red Eye is the reflection of the Retina back to the camera when the soruce of the light is too close to the camera lens. 

It is not an evil redness coming from my eyes.  We didn't realize the problem till later. A fix is on its' way.

Please click here for the Transcript 19 Video

Note: All questions and responses in the above interview were unrehearsed.

Cindy:  Hi, this is Cindy Herb. I'm here with Charles Crooks who is a shaman in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Thank you Charles for talking to us today.

Shaman Charles: You're quite welcome.

Cindy:  Let's talk about mantras. We kind of talked about mantra meditation a little bit [earlier]. But, I want to know…can you define what a mantra is?

Shaman Charles:  It's a series of vowels and/or consonants repeated over and over again.

Cindy:  So like, people that do, "Ohmmm"…is that a…excuse my…

Shaman Charles:  That's just a tone.

Cindy:  That's a tone.

Shaman Charles:  That's just a tone. But a mantra is a series of tones such as that that are preceded with one after the other. You know, "Om mani padme hum" is a mantra.

Cindy:  So like, Tibetan monks…it's something that they have used—mantras.

Shaman Charles:  Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Cindy:  So, what's the purpose of them? What's their use?

Shaman Charles:  It's a form of meditation. But it also, by repeating them over and over again, quiets the mind completely and puts you…sets you off into a different frame of mind.

Cindy: Oh. That's pretty good. Are there different types of mantras?

Shaman Charles: Yeah. Yeah.

Cindy:  It can be unlimited because you could make it up yourself. Right?

Shaman Charles:  That's correct. Yeah.

Cindy:  Just whatever. If somebody's walking along, happy and humming. Is that a mantra?

Shaman Charles:  No.

Cindy:  Because why is that? Because it's the purpose of quieting the mind…

Shaman Charles:  Yeah. The purpose. There's no purpose. They're just humming along. You know, it could be something from a song from Warner Bros. or who knows what. So, the idea is the purpose. Again, it is using certain vowel sounds or, in other words, certain tones and words or whatever, in a form of repetition for the purpose of establishing or enhancing.

Cindy:  So, it's the intent of…

Shaman Charles:  Yeah. It's the intent, yeah.

Cindy:  …the purpose and intent of quieting the mind. Correct?

Shaman Charles:  Yes.

Cindy:  And do you use mantras?

Shaman Charles:  When necessary.

Cindy:  When necessary. Can you give us some examples?

Shaman Charles:  Yeah, in class mostly.

Cindy:  Well, give me one right now! Can you give…or don't want to sing for me? [Laughter] No?

Shaman Charles:  Well, let's see, I'll tell you what—there are sometimes that we'll do a tone in class that's designed to have an effect on things. For example, on the next class that we have coming up, as you well know, we are going to do the water experiment. Now, we are able to use certain tones to affect the flavor of the water. And that worked out pretty good. Some tones cause the water to be very bitter. Some caused it to be sweet. We even were pretty lucky at basically making some really cheap wine. And so, I'm going to try for a better quality this next time around. So, you can do that with tones and thoughts.

Cindy:  I want to let everybody who's listening to us know what he's talking about. Charles does classes here in the Dallas Fort Worth area periodically. He has those listed on his website because they change. And the times and the dates are all available there. So, if you live in the Dallas Fort Worth area or if you just want to remote view… [Laughter]…you can come in and check out Charles's classes. Correct?

Shaman Charles:  Yes, you can.

Cindy:  I have one last question. What's the difference between a mantra and an affirmation?

Shaman Charles:  An affirmation is basically stating something you don't have.

Cindy:  Okay.

Shaman Charles:  And that you want to bring forward.

Cindy:  Okay.

Shaman Charles:  Now, some affirmations are a little different than that. But generally, most people say that…again, as I stated earlier, because they believe they don't have it.

Cindy:  Yeah.

Shaman Charles: So they need the affirmation. For example, I hear people say, "I'm light. I am light. I am light." Really? Why do you need to say it? It already is.

Cindy:  Ahh.

Shaman Charles:  So be the light rather than by saying or using an affirmation to bring it [to you]. What you want to do is be the light.

Cindy: Oh. So visualize that you're the light.  

Shaman Charles:  No. Be it.

Cindy: Be it. 

Shaman Charles:  Yeah. Big difference.

Cindy: Now, what's the difference?

Shaman Charles:  The fact is you are.

Cindy:  Oh. All of us are, right?

Shaman Charles:  Yeah. It depends on whether we allow it to come forward or not.

Cindy: Yeah, because the light of God is within all of us, correct?

Shaman Charles:  By virtue of the breath that is correct.

Cindy: Wow. I love it. Well again, thank you Charles for being with us today. If we want to find out anything about you…find out about these classes, where can we find that out?

Shaman Charles:  http://healerofheartsandminds.com and http://shamanic-enterprises.com.

Cindy: Thanks again. It's been great talking to you!

Shaman Charles:  A lot of fun.

Copyright Statement: This video and/or article/transcription was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the video and/or article/transcription and you use the exact same HTML code to ensure a clickable link back to the author’s site. Further videos and articles/transcriptions are also available. Contact the author for more information. Copyright 2014 Cindy L. Herb, http://cindysnumerology.com. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 

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