Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds®


Video and Transcript Segment 15

Return to Interviews done by Cindy Herb


TITLE:  Psychic Fairs –Finding Real Psychics Using Intuition & Mystical Realms

Shaman Charles Crooks talks about attending psychic fairs. This discussion includes how to tell a 'real psychic' and protecting yourself from dark forces at such events  He explains how valuable using your intuition can be to providing guidance at psychic fairs. He also discusses the five realms and determining whether a psychic reader is pulling from the higher realms versus the lower ones. Listen below to learn more. You can also read the transcription below the video.


The videos from Segment 8 to Segment 20 have a technical problem where the  Video Light used was too low. This caused Red Eye.

Red Eye is the reflection of the Retina back to the camera when the soruce of the light is too close to the camera lens. 

It is not an evil redness coming from my eyes.  We didn't realize the problem till later. A fix is on its' way.

Please click here for the Transcript 15 Video

Note: All questions and responses in the above interview were unrehearsed.

Cindy:  Hello everybody! I'm here today with…here, introduce yourself. Who are you?

Shaman Charles:  My name is Charles Crooks. I'm a shaman in the DFW area.

Cindy:  Thanks again for talking to us Charles. I want to ask you about psychics and psychic fairs, intuition…things of that sort.

Shaman Charles:  Okay.

Cindy:  If somebody goes…I've heard people say, "You know, going to a psychic fair you have to be careful because people are doing destructive things and they're bringing forth dark energy at a psychic fair." Is that true?

Shaman Charles:  In some cases, yeah. If the person who runs the fair doesn't filter out those that are of a destructive path, yeah that's going to happen.

Cindy:  So how, if I went into a psychic fair…you know, there's like tons of readers at a psychic fair doing different modalities. How would I be able to determine whether that person [that I wanted to visit] was pulling in destructive forces?

Shaman Charles:  First of all, your intuition [will guide you].

Cindy:  Oh…intuition again.

Shaman Charles:  Yup. That's one way to tell. Okay. You do not go by all the accoutrements on the table. You go by your intuition. And you sometimes will go by and kind of listen in or get the feeling when somebody's doing their work and feel the energy around that individual and see if you feel comfortable with it.

Cindy:  Because there are different…I know there are different realms. And explain those mystical realms to us.

Shaman Charles:  Alright. You have five realms available to humanity. You've got the Abyss, Earth, Astral, Mental and Celestial. Now, we've all heard about the Abyss…Dante talked about it a lot and stuff like that. That exists and it's accessible. And of course, Earth…we've figured that one out—we're here. [Laughter] The area of the Astral is…I couldn't pass that one up. The area of the Astral is from about the surface of the earth to the rotation of the moon. And that is of mankind's making. And what is happening there is an almost direct reflection of what's going on [here] on Earth. So you can actually go up into the Astral Realm and see whole Indian villages and all kinds of stuff.  Then from the moon, from the orbit of the moon out, two times that of the distance from the moon to earth would be the Mental Realm, which you'd start looking at philosophy, architecture…those types of things. And then, beyond that, is the Celestial Realm—and within that exists the Tree of Many Branches that has gateways to other worlds. And the Celestial Realm is where humanity's natural home is.

Cindy:  So again, back to the psychic thing, do people pull from…do they pull…

Shaman Charles: Most pull from the Astral.

Cindy:  Most pull from the Astral and so that's…

Shaman Charles:  That's their problem.

Cindy: …so the predictions they can give you can be correct. But, what's the difference between like pulling from the Astral versus pulling from the Celestial or Mental Realms.

Shaman Charles:  The nature of the information presented.

Cindy:  So what you’re saying is 'use your intuition,' because you don't want to go to somebody who's pulling from Astral. Is that correct?

Shaman Charles:  Or from the lower levels. Yeah, because…you know, keep in mind, the Astral has some pretty nasty characters in it.

Cindy:  And that's why it's dangerous for people to go…?

Shaman Charles:  If you get somebody who is a reader that is not of constructive means and is basically working a dark path…then, yeah, that could be a real problem because there are a lot of low-level entities that hang around those people.

Cindy:  So how can I protect myself from a low-level entity if I go into a psychic fair? People will say, "Wait, I'm not going." To me, that's justification for not going to a psychic fair. So what response do you have for them?

Shaman Charles:  Remember earlier we talked about 'cop an attitude—I'm a carrier of light.'

Cindy:  Yes.

Shaman Charles:  Okay. Expand that light from the inside out and use your intuition to figure out who the good guys are.

Cindy:  And the thing is—it's not just…because I know I've heard blanket statements about, "don't go to psychic fairs—they're destructive." But really…to me, it's like there are people that are pulling from the Celestial Realm, such as you.

Shaman Charles:  Yeah.

Cindy:  I know you do that and so; you can be missing an opportunity, possibly, to get some constructive feedback. Is that correct?

Shaman Charles:  Ohhh. There are good people that are working a lot of the fairs. And so, yeah, I would think it be best to go ahead and check out the individuals there. Check out, see what your feeling is, and if you get the heebee jeebees, walk away.

Cindy:  Okay. That sounds good.

Shaman Charles:  That's the best way to put it.

Cindy:  So my last question: Do you find value in psychic fairs, Charles?

Shaman Charles:  No.

Cindy:  No?! You don't?

Shaman Charles:  Not for me.

Cindy:  But the thing is, you have been at psychic fairs and offered your services at a psychic fair.

Shaman Charles: Yeah, I know. In other words…as far as when you ask the question, "Do I find value in it"…Alright. Now, let me rephrase the question. Do I find value for someone who is in need of finding somebody that's halfway decent or whatever thing of that sort—in other words, of getting a different perspective. Yes, that's valuable in that regards.

Cindy: Oh, Okay.

Shaman Charles:  But for myself, I do not need to go to a psychic fair to get the information I need.

Cindy: Good. I'm glad you clarified that for us.

Shaman Charles:  Yeah.

Cindy: Again, I want to thank you, Charles, for being with us today and talking to us. If anybody out there would like to see Charles, you can reach him at either of his websites, which are…

Shaman Charles: http://healerofheartsandminds.com and http://shamanic-enterprises.com.

Cindy: Thanks again Charles. You have a wonderful day.

Shaman Charles:  Thank you very much.

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This video and/or article/transcription was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the video and/or article/transcription and you use the exact same HTML code to ensure a clickable link back to the author’s site. Further videos and articles/transcriptions are also available. Contact the author for more information. Copyright 2014 Cindy L. Herb, http://cindysnumerology.com. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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