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Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds® |
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Return to Interviews done by Cindy Herb
TITLE: Hands on Healing
with Chakras – Reiki Massage, Symbols & Healing Music
Shaman Charles Crooks explains various processes of hands on
healing, raising the chakras through music, reiki massage, reiki
symbols and reiki healing music. He explains that 'hands on healing'
does not require the healer actually touch the person to be healed.
In fact, Shaman Charles does not actually physically touch his
subjects. This healer also discusses his own personal style of
healing that does not use 'heal points' that are employed by some
other healers. In addition, he finds that although he has studied
Reiki in a limited capacity, he does not use it in his healing and
goes into his reasoning. However, he does find value in such
practices. You will also learn in this video about the value of
music in healing. Finally, chakras are discussed, including how to
tell if they are blocked. Listen below to learn more. You can also
read the transcription below the video.
The videos from Segment 8 to Segment 20 have a technical problem where the Video Light used was too low. This caused Red Eye.
Red Eye is the reflection of the Retina back to the camera when the soruce of the light is too close to the camera lens.
It is not an evil redness coming from my eyes. We didn't realize the problem till later. A fix is on its' way.
Please click here for the Transcript 13 Video
Note: All questions and
responses in the above interview were unrehearsed.
Hello everyone. This is Cindy Herb,
The Joyful Survivor. One
of the reasons I'm joyful is because I met a shaman here in the
Dallas Fort Worth area [TX] who has worked with me to help me
dissolve some blockages from my past. Charles, I know that you're a
Reiki or Reki master. Can you explain what Reiki or Reki is? How do
you pronounce it?
Shaman Charles: Reiki. No, I'm not…there's a
minor mistake there. I'm at the second level Reiki and I took that
quite a few years ago. Reiki basically utilizes a series of designs
that you implement and put over somebody. And it does do a good job.
Is it like Reiki Symbols or…
Shaman Charles:
Yeah, Reiki symbols…that type of thing.
So is Reiki kind of hands on healing?
Shaman Charles:
I would put it two or three inches above the individual. But
I don't think there's any reason to put your hands on somebody. Some
may do that but I don't think that's necessary.
are you looking for healing points or heal points?
Shaman Charles:
You actually do kind of a scan. You feel the energy on the
body. And when you do that you can get a pretty good idea what area
needs some additional work. Although, I will tell you this, I
haven't used Reiki in probably seven years.
But you do find value in it. Is that correct?
Shaman Charles:
For a lot of people…yeah, there's value in it.
Because there are a lot of Reiki practitioners around. And
some of them even use Reiki massage. But you yourself say you don't
put hands on people, but…
Shaman Charles:
No. There's no need to in my understanding.
But there are people that do that. And to me, massage is like
a wonderful thing. But Reiki massage…is that like raising the
vibration? Or what is that?
Shaman Charles: I don't know. I haven't looked
at Reiki massage. I haven't even considered it.
Oh. Okay. How about when you used to do Reiki, did you ever
use reiki music in there?
Shaman Charles:
A little bit. But, I probably did very little Reiki. It's
just too slow.
Too slow, huh?
Shaman Charles:
Yeah. I can get things done much faster [without using
Alright. So let's go off on something different then—music.
Do you find value in music?
Shaman Charles:
Oh yeah.
And do you ever, when you’re healing people, do you use music
when you're doing this stuff?
Shaman Charles:
Nawww. There's too much [other] stuff going on.
But I know you've encouraged me to listen to music. And
what's the value of music? Can you tell us?
Shaman Charles:
Yeah. Certain pieces that are composed actually activate the
energy centers in the chakras. And it depends on the frequency and
the harmonics. But yeah, they do have a direct affect on the chakras
in the body.
And what are chakras? Because there are a lot of people who
don't know what chakras are.
Shaman Charles:
Well, they're not chocolate. Sorry, I've been waiting to do
that for a long time. [Laughter] And uh…but the chakras are
basically the seven energy centers, also known as the Seven Cities.
And the primary one and of greatest importance is the Heart Center
[chakra]. If you keep the heart happy, everything else goes on
autopilot and everything spins well. You've got 1) the Crown, which
is your God connection; 2) your Third Eye, which is your view; 3)
the Throat, which regulates communication between the inner and
outer self and also deals with sexual energies; 4)
the Heart…again, I love
the world; 5) Solar Plexus, your defense; 6) Spinal Chakra, your
connection to the ground
along with; 7) the Sexual Chakra, which is also your connection to
the ground depending on what you're doing. And so, yeah, they are
very important.
And the chakras are within you [i.e., within each
individual], correct?
Shaman Charles:
Yeah, yeah…basic areas that I just described.
It's like color wheels. To me, I always think of the rainbow
within somebody. Is that correct?
Shaman Charles:
That's a good way to put it. Yeah.
And how can somebody determine if their chakra…could they
determine for themselves if their chakra is…
Shaman Charles:
Clogged, yeah.
Shaman Charles:
Yeah! It's real easy. Visualize the seven colors from white
to red. And the ones that are easy [to visualize] and very bright
tells you that particular chakra is nice and bright [and strong].
The ones that are dull…maybe let's say you have a lot of jealousy in
your life…okay…well, the green [of the Heart Chakra] is going to be
very dark. And so, it depends on how easy it is to visualize the
colors and whether the colors, as you see them in your mind's eye,
are bright or dull or almost nonexistent.
Yeah, because I've had that where it was almost nonexistent.
Shaman Charles:
Yeah. But that just tells you that you have a blockage there.
Because number one, as you did the visualization, you are connecting
to that particular energy…that particular harmonic associated with
the chakra. And if you're doing it for the purpose of checking out
to see if everything's working…then yeah, it's going to be very
So, music can be a healing force. Correct, like in the world?
Can it be a healing force?
Shaman Charles:
Oh yeah, of course.
But I can tell you that I've heard lots of parents [say],
"I don't like the way my
teenagers are listening to all this destructive music." They may
think that music is evil. You know, back when rock n' roll started,
music was…rock n' roll was [often] considered evil. So do you think
that music can be used destructively also?
Shaman Charles:
All music can be used destructively. It goes throughout time.
So how can I determine, if I'm listening to a piece of music,
whether it's destructive or constructive?
Shaman Charles:
Alright. If it makes your heart happy or not.
Shaman Charles:
Does it make you happy? Does it make you joyous? Or does it
bring you into raw…kill, kill, kill…that type of stuff?
Oh. And could it be that you don't even know that it's making
you want to do all these things?
Shaman Charles:
No. No. You know it.
You know it.
Shaman Charles:
Yeah. For example, you hear some of the songs…the ones that
are basically, 'kill this or
do this or whatever'…especially some of the rap songs. Some of
them are really, really quite good and I must be fair on that. But
there's also a lot of them that talk about, you know, degrading of
Shaman Charles:
…that's your dark stuff. That's the stuff that is degrading
and that's the stuff that is very destructive.
Yes. Yes. I agree with that. Okay. Well, thanks again,
Charles, for being with us today and clearing some of this stuff up.
If we want to reach you, where can we find you?
Shaman Charles: The website,
http://healerofheartsandminds.com and the mirror website, http://shamanic-enterprises.com.
Thanks again. We'll talk to you soon.
Shaman Charles:
Thank you.
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