Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds®


Video and Transcript Segment 12

Return to Interviews done by Cindy Herb


TITLE:  Hands on Healing, Faith Healers & Words of Affirmation Best Practices

Shaman Charles Crooks continues his discussion about using faith healers and hands on healing—a spiritual approach to healing. Charles does not support someone's 'belief' in him. However, he does not denounce the work of 'faith' healers, giving further explanation about such practices. He also chats about the use of words of affirmations, especially with regard to healing under the law of manifestation or attraction. Additionally, he further elaborates upon the phrase 'ask and you shall receive' in this interview. He provides understanding that the universe responds to that which we seek using direct language. Listen below to learn more. You can also read the transcription below the video.


The videos from Segment 8 to Segment 20 have a technical problem where the  Video Light used was too low. This caused Red Eye.

Red Eye is the reflection of the Retina back to the camera when the soruce of the light is too close to the camera lens. 

It is not an evil redness coming from my eyes.  We didn't realize the problem till later. A fix is on its' way.

Please click here for the Transcript 12 Video

Note: All questions and responses in the above interview were unrehearsed.

Cindy:  Hi, this is Cindy Herb, The Joyful Survivor. I'm here with a good friend of mine, Charles Crooks, who is a shaman here in the Dallas Fort Worth area. He has been helping me for several years dissolve blockages that I've had in my past. I want to talk to him again about his hands on healing techniques as opposed to other healing techniques. For instance, a lot of people use prayer and they use faith healers. Can you give me…I want to know, do you use faith in healing, Charles?

Shaman Charles:  No.

Cindy:  And what do you think about faith healers?

Shaman Charles:  Well, I'll put it this way…I think this is a fair way to look at it. I'm not interested so much in the method somebody uses to get something fixed. And I don't care what it is. Okay. So, if they can get it fixed and it's permanent, you can't go wrong with that. I don't support a lot of the stuff that some of the faith healers have done or whatever. However, I have seen situations where good work has occurred and it might be that person may be the key to allow somebody to release something very deep. So, even though I may not really support that wholeheartedly, I have found that there are many situations where that person, the faith healer, will be the key for somebody to have a realization or something along that line. So, I can't denounce the whole deal.

Cindy:  Yeah…because there are people out there who have gone to faith healers…?

Shaman Charles:  Yeah.

Cindy:  And they say they've been healed completely. So it works on some level.

Shaman Charles:  Yeah. And where it really works is, basically, their reality is set in such a way that this is the only person that can get it done. This is the only means to get it done. And when they finally get there, they've already released it themselves. So the faith healer was more of a catalyst than the actual implement.

Cindy: So you say you don't…you're not a faith healer. Can you tell me why you don't consider yourself a faith healer?

Shaman Charles:  Yeah, because if it works…great, I did my work. If it doesn't, then I missed. Simple as that. 

Cindy:  But is it because of the term 'faith?' What do you consider 'faith?'

Shaman Charles:  Well for one thing, I don’t support 'belief' in my work. It either works or it doesn't. And it's as simple as that. Let's keep it on the table…factual, scientific, it works or it doesn't. So, I can go in there and pull out the cause…you know, resolve the cause or whatever the case is and if the person is doing better, then it works. If I'm unable either I missed or I don't have authority.

Cindy: So what you're kind of saying, I think, is that faith is based on a belief that is not necessarily your own. You test everything, is that correct?

Shaman Charles: That is correct, yes.

Cindy:  So that's why you don't support that term for yourself…faith.

Shaman Charles:  That is correct, yes.

Cindy:  Okay.

Shaman Charles:  Plus, I would not want anybody believing in me at all because that's not the deal here. You know if somebody comes over and we get some work done and we can fix the problem or whatever the case is…we fix it. At the same time, there's a lot of instruction that goes along with defining one's reality [and] how these things get started because I also describe how the intellect gets going [and] how it collects stuff. So, it's not just basically somebody walks in; I pull the stuff out or whatever. It's an actual…that's why the sessions are recorded and the individual has a CD because there's a lot of training that goes along in these sessions.

Cindy:  Oh wow. How long does a session last?

Shaman Charles:  Average…an hour and a half. There been actually creeping up to about two hours.

Cindy:  Does that take a lot out of you?

Shaman Charles:  Well, let's put it this way…it's not so much…it's more of a calorie issue. So, for example, I had six people to do in Fort Worth one time and if it wasn't for some pizza and a few other goodies, I think I would have been wiped out.

Cindy:  [Laughter] Okay, one last question. Let's talk about affirmations because there are a lot of people who use words of affirmation. And can you elaborate on why or why not that affirmations may work for some people?

Shaman Charles: Alright. First of all, let me tell you why they would not work for a lot of people. That is because they truly believe they don't have what they are affirming. And that's the reason they need to make the affirmation.    

Cindy: So it's kind of like…that is kind of like the 'ask and you shall receive' maybe?

Shaman Charles:  Kinda. But, for example, let’s say somebody has an issue with temper. Okay. So if they say, "I've got patience, I've got patience, I've got patience"…translated it means they don't have patience at all and that affirmation is not going to do them a bit of good. However, if you ask for patience—and this is really funny…never do so—but if you ask for patience, you'll end up hitting every red light on the street, I guarantee you. Done that.

Cindy:  What do you mean?

Shaman Charles:  Well, in other words, if you ask for patience that means basically that you want to…what is it…learn about patience…that means that you get used to the idea of dealing with delays.

Cindy:  So people that just…because they say that if you say stuff over and over and over, eventually it's like…it becomes second nature and it's like a thought process that you're putting out there. So that's why people use affirmations. But, you're saying that it may not work for people because they're living as if they don't have it?

Shaman Charles:  Yeah.

Cindy:  And so you really…it's more than just doing the affirmations. It's actually feeling…

Shaman Charles: Feeling it. Again, I want to use the term 'cop an attitude.'

Cindy:  Okay.

Shaman Charles:  Simple as that. 'I'm a carrier of light and I don't care.'

Cindy:  You're a carrier of light and everyone's a carrier of light. Is that right?

Shaman Charles:  Yeah, it's just a matter of whether they want to bring it forward.

Cindy:  Okay.

Shaman Charles:  And maintain their standards and that's the key on that.

Cindy:  Good. Thank you again, Charles, for being with us. If any of you want to reach him, you can reach him at http://healerofheartsandminds.com or what's your other website?

Shaman Charles:  http://shamanic-enterprises.com

Cindy: Thanks again Charles. You have a wonderful day.

Shaman Charles: Thank you. 

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This video and/or article/transcription was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the video and/or article/transcription and you use the exact same HTML code to ensure a clickable link back to the author’s site. Further videos and articles/transcriptions are also available. Contact the author for more information. Copyright 2014 Cindy L. Herb, http://cindysnumerology.com

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