Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds®


Video and Transcript Segment11

Return to Interviews done by Cindy Herb

TITLE:  Ask and You Shall Receive –Scripture & Prayers for Healing

Shaman Charles Crooks talks about using scripture and prayers for healing—the spiritual component to healing. The phrase 'ask and you shall receive' is explained. The use of direct language is beneficial to achieve healing and the law of attraction or manifestation. The idea of being part of the whole is further expanded—all are carriers of light.  Other things discussed are the method for reciting Bible verses and interpreting Bible scriptures, especially with regards to healing. Listen below to learn more. You can also read the transcription below the video.


The videos from Segment 8 to Segment 20 have a technical problem where the  Video Light used was too low. This caused Red Eye.

Red Eye is the reflection of the Retina back to the camera when the soruce of the light is too close to the camera lens. 

It is not an evil redness coming from my eyes.  We didn't realize the problem till later. A fix is on its' way.

Please click here for the Transcript 11 Video

Note: All questions and responses in the above interview were unrehearsed.

Cindy:  Hi. I'm back again with Charles Crooks who is a shaman in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Thank you Charles for coming and talking to me today.

Shaman Charles:  Thank you very much.

Cindy:  I want to ask you a little bit about prayer.

Shaman Charles:  Okay.

Cindy:  A lot of people use prayers for healing. Does that work?

Shaman Charles:  The method they use doesn't and I'll explain why. There's a thing called direct language. And so, if you basically put forth 'I wish' or 'please send me this' and in your reality you're saying, 'I do not have this, make it so.' So let’s say somebody says, "Please send me healing" or "Please send me light" translated means 'I don't have light.' Far too often, I've heard of these individuals who put light around themselves sometimes…'I need to put a shield of light around myself.' Okay. Translated that means 'I don't have light around myself or enough strength to do so, therefore, I need to put a shield around myself.' And as a result of that, you basically say…okay, you’re making yourself weak by doing that because you're not strengthening yourself. The idea here is to turn it around and use direct language. And start thinking or almost copping an attitude. For example, I use the term, "I'm a carrier of light and I don't care who knows." Period. There's no doubt. And that's just the way it is. And there's no excuse, no nothing. For example, let's say somebody prays for this or prays for that. Well, if you look at again direct language, they're working completely against what they want to bring about. Now, let's look at it from a different…from a 'let's turn this around.' And so you want healing. Okay. Basically, you can even start off with the statement or an attitude "I'm a carrier of light and I need to apply this in this particular area because I've been out of balance. Anybody around give me a hand… surely be appreciated."  And what you just did, you basically just said, "I am that carrier." And that is determined by the breath. Okay. So 'I am that carrier of light.'  And the second thing you [can do is] say, "Okay, I understand I have an item here I'd like to work on"…translated means, 'I have the capability to work on this. Anybody around give me a hand.' Basically, you are opening yourself up to additional information and saying 'thank you very much.' Another way to do a prayer is, "Thank you for the gifts I have received. I'm currently working on a project right now and any help surely would be appreciated." Again, we are looking at 1) I'm used to receiving gifts from the universe...okay; 2) I anticipate success because I would not do a project unless I actually had success in mind…so that was my visualization…that's my knowledge…that's my reality. And therefore, you are opening it up, 'anybody wants to come join me and have some fun.' And then, 'thank you very much.' So, that's one of the reasons most prayers don't work is because they're doing just the opposite by utilizing the method that 'wait a minute, everything's outside of myself versus everything's already within'…because not one thing occurs in your realization that is outside of your head…outside of your brain. Your big toe may tell you when you hit a telephone pole. Okay. But there's no consciousness that exists in the big toe. It all occurs within.

Cindy:  You know, a lot of people use scripture for healing and there are scriptures that say, "Ask and you shall receive." If people are praying and they're asking for healing, is that a part of 'ask and you shall receive?'

Shaman Charles:  In a way, but here's the key on that. Okay. See if you 'ask and you shall receive'…let's turn it around where basically 'I already have it and how can I bring it forward?'

Cindy:  Oh, Okay.

Shaman Charles:  That's a little different approach. But again, let's look at that 'ask and you shall receive.' How many people have asked for stuff and received it? Now the second thing is we also have to look at what is the reality of the individual. Most people will ask and they don't receive so they don't bother [to ask] anymore. Others will ask and say, "Okay, I know by this because this is a law that I'm exercising. This is what I'd like to bring forward. I'm asking for it and I anticipate and I see it coming towards me." See there's your key right there. I see it coming towards me. I see it manifesting. I see it. That is the Law of Manifestation and therefore, your reality says this is also part of me too.

Cindy:  So, I know that you think Jesus was a great guy and you don't do anything outside of what Jesus taught. He himself said, "Ask and you shall receive." But could it be that [we] are misinterpreting that verse? What is that? Can you explain that…can you elaborate on that, as to why it's in there…in the Bible like that?

Shaman Charles:  Well, two things: 1) everything that's written in the Bible is twenty-five years after the fact and seventy-five years after the fact—so 2) there's going to be some modifications. Simple as that. And so, the key is, again, ask and you shall receive…therefore, allow this to come forward into your life. And that if you allow yourself to be quiet and allow it and know that it is possible and realistic, yes, it'll work. 

Cindy:  So do you think that reciting Bible verses can have an effect on healing? If people go in and they read their Bible…like I myself read Bible verses. One of them I say a lot is Psalm 23 and I want to talk about that [verse and your interpretation] completely in a separate video. I don't want you to talk about it here yet.

Shaman Charles: Okay.

Cindy:  But is it beneficial to recite Bible verses?

Shaman Charles: That's really up to the individual. I would like to suggest that if anything makes your heart happy…that you basically get that glow and warmth in your heart—you can't lose.

Cindy:  Okay. Okay. I think that will be it for now. Again, I want to thank Charles for being with us today. If we want to reach you Charles, where do we reach you?

Shaman Charles:  The website http://healerofheartsandminds.com and the mirror website http://shamanic-enterprises.com.

Cindy:  Thank you so much. Have a great day!

Shaman Charles:  Thank you.

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This video and/or article/transcription was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the video and/or article/transcription and you use the exact same HTML code to ensure a clickable link back to the author’s site. Further videos and articles/transcriptions are also available. Contact the author for more information. Copyright 2014 Cindy L. Herb, http://cindysnumerology.com

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