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Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds® |
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Return to Interviews done by Cindy Herb
What is a Shaman and Shamanism – A Medicine Man or Healer?
Just what is a shaman and
shamanism? In this impromptu and introductory interview with Shaman
Charles Crooks, he answers several questions concerning being a
He explains the role of
traditional shamans as medicine men, priests, counselors, wisdom
keepers and healers. In addition, he discusses whether shamanism
goes against the teachings of other religions, such as Christianity,
Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. We learn that this particular
shaman is working to uplift humanity and respects all others. He is
promoting unity, not separation. Listen below to learn more. You can
also read the transcription below the video.
Click here for the Transcript 1 Video
Note: All questions and
responses in the above interview were unrehearsed.
Hi! I'm here today with Charles Crooks. He's a shaman that
I've been working with for several years now and I wanted to sit
down with him so he could answer some questions for our viewing
audience and let them know exactly what a shaman is and what a
shaman does. So first off, thank you very much Charles for agreeing
to be interviewed today. I appreciate it.
Shaman Charles: And thank you very much. I
appreciate the opportunity.
Surely. I've heard that shamans, in the traditional sense,
are different types of people, such as a medicine man. Can you
comment on that?
Shaman Charles:
Well, the traditional shaman as we know it is generally the
American Indian. In other words, from the American Indian is a
medicine man who deals with herbs and healing and things of that
sort. Also in the Chinese tradition, it also existed. Throughout the
world, we have local individuals who are known as the tribal
healers, or the local healers, and who are shamanistic in their
training. The idea is to bring about betterment for mankind.
And how about a priest? I've heard they are priests. Do you
consider yourself a priest?
Shaman Charles:
Yes and no. Yes, because of the code of conduct that we live
by and also because of the importance of the work. Because the
primary purpose of the work is to bring about upliftment of
Ohhhh...We are going to get into that little bit more. So,
you are a type of counselor then to individuals.
Shaman Charles: Yes. And one of the means that
this occurs is through the lack of judgment. I'll make observations
and many things have been shown to me. But the key here is finding
an environment where the individual can feel safe, [giving]
solutions to the problems that they happen to be having, and also
removing the causes of the problems, bringing about a stronger and
healthier individual.
Wow. So this is the other thing that I know:
that there is ancient knowledge that has been handed down
from eons to eons. Are you keepers of the wisdom or wisdom keepers
or is there ancient knowledge? Can you expand on that a little bit?
Shaman Charles:
Well, I can put in a couple ways. Something that was valid
10,000 years ago is going to be valid today. Everybody has access to
ancient knowledge. It is just a matter of finding where they got it
stored in their closets, so to speak. If you'll go throughout
history, you'll find were organizations and orders were completely
wiped off the face of the earth. Yet within the next 25 or 50 years,
they pop up again…and nobody had a continuation. They went ahead and
re-accessed the collective consciousness that existed that carried
this ancient knowledge and the tradition still continued. Everyone
is a carrier of ancient knowledge. It's just a matter of whether
they decide to bring it forward or not.
Very good. Well the other thing that I know: that when I
think of the shaman, and in which you've helped me with, is healing.
So, shamans are types of healers…and I'm going to get into that a
little bit more. But, you will comment that you are a healer?
Shaman Charles:
That is a fair… yes that is fair. The primary purpose of the
work that I do is to bring about a condition where the person is
relieved of burdens that no longer support them. As a result of
relieving the burdens, then healing can occur.
Okay. So now I want to get into an aspect that a lot of
people, when I mention that I have seen a shaman or that I am
working with a shaman, I get the response,
"Oh my gosh! That goes against
the teachings of Jesus and the Bible!"
So, I want you to comment on that statement. Does shamanism
go against those teachings?
Shaman Charles:
Not at all. In fact, when you really listen to what Jesus
talked about, he was not only a healer, but he also cast out demons.
That's what some shamans do. They cast out demons. They remove
judgment. They bring about peace and love to all people. So, I
cannot find any point in the work that I do that is contrary to what
Jesus taught. I mean, I thought he was a class act. There' no two
ways about it.
So, shamanism doesn't really go against the tenets of any
religion…like Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam or even traditional
Shaman Charles:
The brand of shamanism that I practice or I work in, that is
quite true. I cannot speak to all people or all branches or forms of
shamanism that exist.
So, to make a blanket statement I think would be counterproductive
here. But I do not find discord with the inner teachings or the
constructive teachings of each of those traditions.
Alright. Now, I think of a shaman as somebody who can cure a
person or protect them from harm. They're not sorcerers, as some
other people may believe.
However, do you have the power to cure and to kill?
Shaman Charles:
As any medical doctor has the power with his drugs and his
talent to heal or kill, so too can anybody choose that path. It's a
matter of what you choose to do. There's not one thing that I will
take on or action that I'll take on without specific authority from
the individual. And since my goal is to work a constructive path to
bring about the upliftment of humanity, the rest of that stuff
really doesn't apply.
So, there's no reason for me to fear you? Because even though
you have the ability to go out and kill, you would never, from what
I'm hearing, you would never use that. You're not interested in
that. Is that correct?
Shaman Charles:
No. No, it bores the heck out of me. I mean when you really
think about it…I mean, gee whiz, why bother? Number one: when
everything is part of the whole and not separate, what would I
accomplish by taking such an action? So the whole idea is to bring
about, again, the upliftment of humanity, where more and more people
are working a spiritual process that is constructive in nature, that
is compassionate in nature, and that has all the tenets of not only
what Jesus taught, but also the other great masters throughout
Very good. Well, I think you've gone into [this] a little—an
aspect that I'm thinking about. That is, shamanism is about unity.
It's not about separation. As you've said,
"We are all part of the whole
and not separate."
So what you're saying is that it's about unity and about acceptance.
Is that correct?
Shaman Charles:
Yes, it is about unity. It's about bringing back…bringing
about the constructive attributes of individuals. And separateness
is kind of silly. Because when you think about it, if everything is
part of the whole and nothing is separate, then how can you be
separate from anything that exists? And the second question we have
to look at in regard to that is: Where does your realization occur?
Does your realization occur between your ears, so to speak, or does
it occur in your big foot? It occurs between your ears. And as a
result, all the goodness of all the angels and everything in the
universe exists within. It's just a matter of allowing them to come
forward. So, separateness is not a part of this work.
We spoke about different religions. But how would you
consider addressing somebody that is agnostic or calls themselves an
atheist? What would you have to say to those individuals as far as
shamanism is concerned?
Shaman Charles:
Well, I would like to…this is kind of interesting because
there's several factors. One, there's a lot of people that are
agnostic or atheists primarily because of being treated badly by
religions and things of that sort. I don't support the process of
belief, per se. I would rather bring on, 'Okay, let's validate what
we're doing.' Let's put forth a system and or method that can be
repeated over and over again. I support the scientific approach.
However, there are many people who do benefit from the various
religions and religious activities. It is also necessary to
recognize that whether you are religious or not, it is still a
respect—to stand for a moment, especially when you're in a holy site
or a site that has been made holy by someone who's doing the work,
regardless of their tradition or not, and also pay a note of respect
and care. If someone wishes to believe there is no God, well, I
would have an argument with them because, number one, if everything
is part of a whole and nothing is separate, how can you come to that
conclusion? So that is the point where separation is a problem. If
someone basically says, "Well
prove God to me," then [the answer is to] look at the beauty and
the light and the conditions of this planet. And then step back
further and look at the solar system and the laws that allow light
to transport across 'empty
space.' We find that we are not an empty world that is devoid of
God, but rather, when we really examine it from a scientific
standpoint; we've really become closer to the God that is within us
Very good. If somebody wanted to reach you, where could they
reach you? Can they call you on the telephone or do you have a
website? How can they contact you?
Shaman Charles: The website is:
http://shamanic-enterprises.com. Further contact information is on the website.Copyright Statement:
This video and/or article/transcription was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the video and/or article/transcription and you use the exact same HTML code to ensure a clickable link back to the author’s site. Further videos and articles/transcriptions are also available. Contact the author for more information. Copyright 2014 Cindy L. Herb, http://cindysnumerology.com. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
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