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Video and Transcript Segment 7

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Reincarnation, Past Lives, Suffering and the Bible – A Shaman's Views

How does a shaman view reincarnation, past lives, suffering and the Bible? In an unrehearsed interview with Shaman Charles Crooks, he answers, “Does he (as a shaman) believe in reincarnation?” “What is the purpose of suffering?” and “Do you (as a shaman) believe in the tenets of the Bible?” Listen below to learn more. You can also read the transcription below the video.

Please click here for the Transcript 7 Video 

Note: All questions and responses in the above interview were unrehearsed.

Cindy:  Hi, I'm back with Charles Crooks. He is the shaman who has helped me these past few years become a very happy person. Charles, thank you for being here and welcome!

Shaman Charles:  Thank you very much.

Cindy:  We were talking about healing in our last segment and now I'd like to talk a little bit about reincarnation. [This is] because I know that in my own life I have had blockages that were not from this lifetime but were from past lifetimes that you have healed me from. So, do you believe in reincarnation? I would say yes, but I want to hear it…I want our viewers to hear it direct from you.

Shaman Charles:  Okay. I will not use the term 'I believe in reincarnation.' Okay? I will use the term, 'I know for myself that it exists.' I have past life memories that defy explanation and I knew of these things when I was five years old. I knew of places that did not exist at the time when I was born, but I knew where they existed beforehand. But let's go and step away from me for a second. The famous General George S. Patton also was a strong believer in reincarnation. There are many other stories from [Paramahansa] Yogananda, [and] stories that have been validated by the Catholic Church over a lady that lived in Chicago who she went to Scotland and described everything, including finding her three sons, who at the time were 90 years old at the time this documentary was done. There was only one name that she called each one of them that was only known to her when she was the mother of these [sons]. And so, this was confirmed by the Catholic Church that this was one of those true reincarnation events. So in my personal, firsthand experience; I know it to be true…not because I believe in it, but because I have direct experience.

Cindy:  Thank you for clarifying that [thought]. Do you know that people have blockages that come to you that are blockages from a past life? Can that actually happen?

Shaman Charles:  Yes. There is one example. There was going be a battle in France right around the 1400's. And, there was a group of local young guys that were going to go into battle. They were a little spooked. The local priest said, "If you pray and be pious all night than the angels will protect you tomorrow and you will not be harmed in battle."  Well, as luck would have it, the individual I am referring to, yes was harmed and they were hit in the back of the head. And I watched this whole thing go down. On the way down [reincarnated into this life], they came to the conclusion that they were rejected by God and therefore, the angels had rejected them. When they came to get some work done here, they thought they had to make up for all that stuff or whatever. I went ahead and released it and that took care of their problem.   

Cindy:  So you just….you are so intuitive, Charles that you have just picked up my next question that I have for you. And it's like, I have been told, for me, that I have had lots of suffering in my life…that is, people have said to me, "You are suffering because you're not right with God."

Shaman Charles:  What?!

Cindy:  Yes. I've heard that. So you were talking about the angels and people not being right…so that's what my question to you is: Is that a valid statement that people suffer because they are not right with God?

Shaman Charles:  No. No. No.

Cindy:  And where would that belief for other people come from?

Shaman Charles:  Judgment.

Cindy:  Judgment.

Shaman Charles:  And insecurity.

Cindy:  And insecurity. Okay. So people do suffer in this life. There's no guarantee that we are not going to suffer. But do you think those…the challenges are they there for us to grow and learn? Why do we have suffering?

Shaman Charles:  Partly, that's a physical condition learned and to balance things out. But it also allows us to tone our personalities…to grow, develop, to experience.

Cindy:  How can you explain the suffering of little children…like those who are born with birth defects? What is that? Is that because they came in to learn something?  

Shaman Charles:  That is a question…to make a blanket statement like that…I think would be inappropriate because each case has its own merits. So, I couldn't answer that one directly.

Cindy:  You don't think that people are punished for bad behavior. What about bad behavior?

Shaman Charles:  I don't think you have somebody sitting on some chair, basically throwing bolts of lightning down and hitting somebody who has irritated the Big Cheese in the Sky, as the expression goes.

Cindy:  So is God about judgment or is He about love?

Shaman Charles:  Consider every breath you take. Is that not the breath of God that you are breathing that gives you life? It gives you the ability to choose what you want to do—to work a path of light or darkness. Is that not absolute love in itself?   

Cindy:  But what would you say to somebody who says, "Well, the Bible tells me that God is going to judge me one day." What would you say to those people?

Shaman Charles:  Well, I don't really support that aspect of it. And, the reason is because, number one, since the light exists within ourselves, I think we are going to be very good at deciding what we're successful and not successful at and determining what we need to do next to bring that into balance. To think God is some jealous, insecure individual that basically looks like the local father of a local clan who is jealous and insecure, as the expression goes…pardon me for repeating those terms…I think is a little bit silly and also narrow minded. But again, look at the breath of life.

Cindy:  Do you believe in the tenets of the Bible? Do you believe in the Bible?

Shaman Charles:  I found the Bible to carry spiritual truths.  Yes.  

Cindy:  Yes. But [do you think] not all of them? Do you think the Bible was conceived or written by God? Do you think the Bible was written by God?

Shaman Charles:  Every word that you say or I say is. How can it be outside of God?  

Cindy:  Okay. I think I'll leave everybody with that [statement]. I appreciate you being with us today, Charles. Thank you so much. And if you want to reach Charles, how can we reach you Charles?

Shaman Charles:  At my website:

Cindy:  Thank you again.

Shaman Charles:  Thank you.

Copyright Statement: This video and/or article/transcription was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the video and/or article/transcription and you use the exact same HTML code to ensure a clickable link back to the author’s site. Further videos and articles/transcriptions are also available. Contact the author for more information. Copyright 2014 Cindy L. Herb, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.