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Video and Transcript Segment 4

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TITLE:  Spiritual Guide: Heaven is a Place on Earth, Mystical Realms Interview

In an unrehearsed interview with Shaman Charles Crooks, he comments on, “Being spiritual beings versus just being physical beings,” and “Humanity as a race unto its own” and “What realms do we access when using creativity?” and “When someone dies, where does he go?” and “Heaven is a place on earth.”

We learn that this particular shaman is working to uplift humanity and respects all. He works in many dimensions and has visited the spirit world and the mystical realms. Listen below to learn more. You can also read the transcription below the video.

Please click here for the Transcript 4 Video

Note: All questions and responses in the above interview were unrehearsed.

Cindy:  I'm back with Charles Crooks this afternoon and he's teaching us a little bit about what a shaman is. Charles is the man who has helped facilitate my healing. Because of him, I wrote this book called, Awakening the Spirit: The Open Wide Like a Floozy Chronicles. Charles himself is an author. Can you tell us a little bit about your book? 

Shaman Charles:  Yes. I have book #1 coming…that's out. And that [book] is called, The Shamanic Process. It is a book designed for the purpose of contemplation. Various articles, along with photographs, are within. And as you start reading the book, you'll find it gets more complicated as we get along. The real purpose of the book is to get you to re-tune in to the different aspects that are brought forth in that work. The second book is going to be a spiritual guide to the intellect. And this is going to go in quite a bit of detail regarding on how the intellect functions, how the spirit deals with that and why we collect various information. More information on that book later.  

Cindy:  Alright. Well, since you've gotten into that a little bit, I want to touch on that. People are not just physical beings. Is that correct? They're spiritual beings. That's what you are about. Is that correct?

Shaman Charles:  Yes. Humanity is a race unto its own and we have different aspects of it. So, it doesn't matter what somebody's…what their genetic stature is, or wherever they come from on this earth. The fact is [that] humanity is a race…is unto its own and has certain characteristics. Our natural capabilities to ascend are within each and every one of us as seen and as evidenced by the great work of various people throughout history—worth considering.    

Cindy:  And who are some of those people? Can you name some of them? 

Shaman Charles:  Oh geez—everybody from the great philosophers, everybody from Plato to Jesus to Buddha, even to Mohammed…he did some great work. Great, great, great people. Then, you look at the artwork of Michelangelo; you look at the beauty throughout the world trying to bring to humanity's consciousness the beauty that actually exists…and the love. This is ongoing throughout the world. It's just a matter of allowing these things to come forward. So, yeah…humanity has some great potential. It's just a matter of allowing it to happen.   

Cindy:  So we had talked earlier about some of the realms that are out there: the abyss, the earthly, [and] the astral. And then the mental and the celestial—those are the higher realms…the mental and celestial. Correct?

Shaman Charles:  Yeah.

Cindy:  And so when people are tuning into their creativity, is it their mental realm that they're accessing? Or the celestial realm? How is that? What is that?

Shaman Charles:  It depends. It really depends on what they're trying to do. So, in other words, if somebody's trying to put some…or use their creativity to create some really demonic artwork somewhere, then they're going to tune into the astral or the abyss and that type of realm. So, it really depends on what their goal is. If they're doing architecture or they're coming up with new concepts and ideas—philosophy…poetry. You'll see a lot of that in the astral realm and also in the mental realm. Again, it really depends on where the person is 'lighting up to' or 'tuning into,' which will determine where they will get the information and how they will function.

Cindy:  Okay. When somebody…now that we are talking about realms and the spirit world…when somebody dies, where do they go?  

Shaman Charles:  Not here. 

Cindy:  Not here. But we assume that they are going to heaven. But, heaven is here on earth. Is that correct? 

Shaman Charles:  That's what Jesus said. He did say, "Heaven is here on earth. Can you not see it?" Okay. Yeah. So. The whole idea…remember, during a lot of the time that stuff was going on [in Jesus' time], people couldn't concept the idea…had no concept of the idea of different realms, let alone different channels and things of that sort. So, as a result, they had to put things in a way that the average guy could understand with an education devoted to how to raise the crops. So they are not going to have the point of reference. So that was a little bit of a problem here. Now, as far as where people go, generally what'll happen is, is they'll hang around for a little bit to finish up business, and then they'll head on into the other worlds, so to speak. And I'll just leave it at that. And I will say that they will continue their training in many cases and also decide what they're going to be doing on the next trip back.    

Cindy:  Cool. Well we're going to get into that a little bit later about reincarnation because I believe in that. And I think you [Charles] believe in it. But for today, we'll just finish up. I want to thank again, Charles, for being with us. And…if we want to find out more information about you, where can we find out more stuff about you?     

Shaman Charles:  I do have a website. It's  

Cindy:  Thank you again, Charles. We look forward to speaking with you soon.   

Shaman Charles:  Thank you. 

Copyright Statement: This video and/or article/transcription was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the video and/or article/transcription and you use the exact same HTML code to ensure a clickable link back to the author’s site. Further videos and articles/transcriptions are also available. Contact the author for more information. Copyright 2014 Cindy L. Herb, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.