Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
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Video and Transcript Segment 16

Return to Interviews done by Cindy Herb


TITLE:  Principles of Life, Shamanism Definition, & Initiation with a Shaman

Shaman Charles Crooks discusses shamanism—how someone can learn about  it, giving his own personal story and relating how others may get shaman training.  He elaborates about one's motive for pursuing shamanic training, to exclude wanting power and including having a constructive character and wanting to raise humanity to a higher spiritual level of consciousness. He also talks about initiating others and some initiation processes, including the dedication of an initiate to the higher principles of life and his character. He also goes into the meaning of the 'Good Work' to which he refers on his website. Finally, he tells us some things he does to help others clear issues with the Father or Mother side of them. Listen below to learn more. You can also read the transcription below the video.

Note: All questions and responses in the above interview were unrehearsed.


The videos from Segment 8 to Segment 20 have a technical problem where the  Video Light used was too low. This caused Red Eye.

Red Eye is the reflection of the Retina back to the camera when the soruce of the light is too close to the camera lens. 

It is not an evil redness coming from my eyes.  We didn't realize the problem till later. A fix is on its' way.

Please click here for the Transcript 16 Video

Cindy:  Hi, this is Cindy Herb, The Joyful Survivor. I'm back with Charles Crooks, who is a shaman here in the Dallas Fort Worth area. Thank you, Charles, for being with us today.

Shaman Charles:  Thank you very much.

Cindy:  Now, let's talk a little bit about the shamanism definition since you are a shaman. Where can somebody learn about shamanism? Where do you suggest they go if they want to learn about it? How did you learn about it?

Shaman Charles:  Mine was a little bit different. I performed an act that caught the attention of an individual. That individual and another individual at different locations ran configuration checks to figure out who I was. Then after that, they matched up and they tested me for a year before I even knew anything was up. And the next thing you know, I'm on a camping trip out in the desert. And I ended up taking my journey there and it took me about three years to fully recuperate from that one.

Cindy:  But could…

Shaman Charles:  So, that was one of those unusual situations and because of the type of tradition that I'm particularly involved in. Now, to answer the question, 'where would somebody go for shaman training,' I'm sure there are a lot of people in the various traditions that do offer classes. But I have not kept up on that side of things.

Cindy:  So could anybody become a shaman?

Shaman Charles:  Yeah.

Cindy:  If they so desired.

Shaman Charles:  Well, it has to do with what they've done in the past, what their nature is, what their goals are…in other words, what they want to do. Do they want to become a shaman because they want the power and all that? Well, those people will fail.

Cindy:  Oh. It's not about power.

Shaman Charles:  No, it isn't.

Cindy:  What's it about…helping others?

Shaman Charles: Enhancing humanity.

Cindy:  Enhancing humanity.

Shaman Charles:  Yeah. Basically, raising humanity from the low-level that it's become into a higher spiritual level.

Cindy:  The higher spiritual levels of like the Celestial Realm that you were talking about [earlier].

Shaman Charles:  In other words, because humanity has devolved into a very low state. And so the goal is to kind of bump it up a little bit.

Cindy:  Oh. And I know…because Charles offers classes here in the Dallas Fort Worth area guys…and sometimes he does something called 'initiation.' What is initiation Charles?

Shaman Charles: There are two types of initiation processes…actually three. The only two we're concerned of here is the System Initiation and the Rare Initiation. The System Initiation is designed that you go through steps and various things. And that causes…the idea is to bring about what is called a Rare Initiation. A Rare Initiation is where the light fills your system and you let go of a whole bunch of stuff that you no longer need.

Cindy:  So how do you know…you don't initiate everybody but at some point…like I know you did some stuff with me once…I don't know if it was an initiation. But, you do that periodically. How do you know? You don't initiate everybody.

Shaman Charles:  Of course not. That would be silly.

Cindy:  How do you know when?

Shaman Charles:  You look.

Cindy:  Okay. [Laughter] I guess that was a dumb question.

Shaman Charles:  No, it was a good question…it's a fair question. Yeah.

Cindy:  One of the things I…another thing I want…I'm looking at your website….

Shaman Charles:  Okay. Now let me go back and let me add to that because I look…that is true, I do look. But, however, it is the dedication of the individual to the higher principles of life. That's one of the green flags we see.

Cindy:  So the character that is within them?

Shaman Charles:  The character of the individual and how they've developed and what they plan to do with it. So that's really one of the factors that's very, very important.

Cindy:  Alright. So, you know, your website…there's something on your website that says, 'Doing Good Work.' Can you explain what is the Good Work that you're speaking of on your website? I want to know what that is.

Shaman Charles:  Knowing the sense of humor that you have and all that, I'm very tempted to basically say, and "Walking the old ladies across the boardwalk…across, you know using Boy Scouts." [Laughter] However, the Good Work has to do with any action that is devoted for the task and purpose of enhancing the constructive attributes of humanity's existence. 

Cindy:  Wow. That's pretty powerful. So, it's like they already have to have a certain measure of moral character to do the Good Work?

Shaman Charles:  Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Cindy:  Anybody can do it.

Shaman Charles:  I would not use the term 'moral character.' I would use the term 'constructive' because moral character is a little strange. I mean, you can get some place where it is considered moral to kill somebody in their faith. It's a moral thing to do or whatever the thing is. So I would not use the term moral. However, I would probably prefer to use the term 'constructive' and also 'benevolent.'

Cindy:  Okay. I like that.

Shaman Charles:  Yeah.

Cindy:  I like that a lot. You have certain practices that you teach—exercises. So tell us about the system that you developed for clearing issues with Mother and Father. And you've talked about people having issues with Mother and Father in previous videos. So explain to us, you know, some of the systems that you've developed.

Shaman Charles: Not so much a system, but let's look at how it works. Okay. When somebody takes that first breath, the first thing that happens is they look around and see the universe in perfect balance. And the intellect is formed at that very point in time. When the intellect is formed—its primary job is to protect the body at all costs. The intellect, looking around the universe and seeing everything in perfect balance, basically, makes a statement, "Everything I see is in perfect balance. In order to protect the body, I must become equal to or greater than that which I perceive." So, the intellect starts collecting information. It doesn't have the ability for one thing, because it wants to be perfect…it gets everything. Well, it discovers its five senses don't work, it discovers its parents aren't balanced, it discovers religion doesn't work…nothing works. Nothing…they can't get perfection. And the funny thing is, the Big Cheese is the Sky, as the expression goes, leapt forth a little thing called Pi to let us know it can't be done in the physical realm. 

Cindy:  You're talking about…

Shaman Charles: Perfection.

Cindy:  Perfection. Pi like...

Shaman Charles: Yeah.

Cindy: …3.14 blah blah blah blah blah.

Shaman Charles: Yeah. Correct. We can see it, but we can't calculate it. So anyway…so as the intellect is collecting information, it has no filter. So it doesn't know the difference between constructive and destructive. It doesn't know how things function. But, it also makes a lot of conclusions based upon this information because…For example, a five-year old only has so much information and [their] father coming back on one Saturday, being in a bad mood, the five-year old doesn't know that Father just blew up the car. And so he rebuffs the child and the child says, "I must have done something wrong because Father is angry, so I need to be punished." And that's that reality that sets in [as a child] and that individual actually ended up attracting…and this was in '97 I ran into this person…who actually ended up attracting several abusive husbands. I went ahead and pulled that belief and she never has been touched [by abuse] since.

Cindy:  And just for everybody's clarification: when Charles is talking about blowing up the car, he's not talking about getting a stick of dynamite. [Laughter]

Shaman Charles: Well, I don't know how the father blew up the car, but he was in a bad mood, let's put it that way. [Laughter] He might have used some dynamite. I don't know. I don't know where the story started. Maybe it was East Texas… dynamite could be possible.

Cindy:  Oh my gosh. [Laughter]

Shaman Charles: Okay. Well then…you know, it's a farming area. [Laughter]

Cindy: Well, it has been a fun time talking to Charles today. As you can tell, he has an excellent sense of humor. Charles, I want to thank you for talking to us today.

Shaman Charles: You're welcome.

Cindy: If we wanted to find you, I know we can find you at and…

Shaman Charles:

Cindy:  Thanks again. Have a great day!

Shaman Charles: Thank you.

Copyright Statement: This video and/or article/transcription was written by Cindy L. Herb and may be reproduced on any related website provided the text is not changed in any form and this copyright statement is displayed unedited in its entirety at the foot of the video and/or article/transcription and you use the exact same HTML code to ensure a clickable link back to the author’s site. Further videos and articles/transcriptions are also available. Contact the author for more information. Copyright 2014 Cindy L. Herb, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.