Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
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Shaman, Healer of Hearts and Minds

(214) 923-5848

June 24


The Shaman's Path

Generally, I try to get these letters out by Sunday evening, however by tonight the evidence points out that I am running little late.  So, I will give you an inside look of what the Shaman/Healer does on their weekend. This particular weekend I received a complaint regarding a new garage door that was installed regarding the color. Now I am generally pretty good at choosing colors for garage doors when it comes to satisfying the other half. Sometimes the best possibilities available just do not get the job done.


When the request came to my attention to change the color of the garage door I had no choice but to resolve the issue and rather pay somebody else to paint the garage door I ended up doing it. Now top of that we had some cats to deal with in a few other little odds and ends, needless to say this weekend was a project for both of us being the cause of the tardiness of these biweekly letters.


I now would like to take a moment to discuss the issue of negative thoughts and emotions that we are exposed to on a regular basis. Not to mention, many have probably noticed that the emotions and tempers of been on the increase recently. They should start loosening up within the next week or two when some of the astrological aspects that everybody has been under start to dissipate. Had I thought about it earlier, to validate possibilities of these crazy astrological aspects, an experiment would be needed.  So, for any possibility of a scientific observation probably the best place would be would be Wal-Mart. I mean granted the freeways and traffic we experience every day also reflect some the craziness out there however, as you driving along it is almost impossible to count the number of incidents that you will experience per hour.


However, if you were willing to spend some time in Wal-Mart, you could test the theory of the crazy astrological aspects by the number of three-year-old temper tantrums per hour and carry that data for the week or two and have some pretty good trend lines.


From a Spiritual standpoint, we find all things existing are already within ourselves. Now this is quite disconcerting primarily because that there some pretty nasty things in the world and by the mere fact that we are part of this world and/or Whole, brings the quality and condition of some of those nasty things to our ability to perceive them.  Realization of something shows the thing that we realize is already within ourselves and is a part of us.


Now, does this make you bad? No. For it also must be stated and quite correctly, all things that are lovely peaceful and Holy are also within us. This is confirmed by the fact that we are cognizant of these things, therefore, those qualities and attributes are within ourselves.


So, now what do we do? Well it is really quite simple; we decide what we wish to give our attention to, whereas this attention will define our reality as to the nature of things, we are attracted to. For example if you want to give attention to those things unpleasant and negative, then by the generosity of all our Angel friends those possibilities will be made possible for us. Furthermore, if we wish to give attention to those things that are lovely and Holy,  peaceful and joyous then by the generosity of all our Angel friends those possibilities will also be made for us.


You see, unlike what many the religions may like to bring forward whereas you are outside of the Light and need to ask permission to get it or to be infused with it.  I would like to suggest something different. This is going based upon the statement, “God answers all prayers”. The thing to remember here is our friends upstairs do not understand language, they understand reality. So while it was correct whereas it was stated if someone believes, then they would have success in whatever they do.  However, the methods and techniques to successfully believe were not necessarily made known.


See the issue was a populace who only 3% could read at the third grade reading level whereas the idea of actuality and reality were well beyond anything they can deal with. So some of the things I am bringing forward today are well beyond those educational levels. The mere fact that you can understand the concept of your reality defining your world can only be achieved by having other points of reference to associate to such an idea or concept.


So, here is a simple little experiment you can do. Before I give you the experiment, I tested this very experiment in a mall not too long back and here are the results. I walked in the Plano mall one afternoon around 2 PM and had kind of a “neutral funk”. I noticed it seemed that people did not even see me. So about twenty minutes later, I developed an attitude of Love of all things. So as I am walking down the same mall, the person handing out free chocolate chip cookies steps past three people to my left to give me a cookie. I would like to also note the cookie was a chocolate chip cookie with walnuts. 


The previous paragraph pretty well describe the experiment I am about to show you. Take a moment to observe how people respond to you when you are in a funk. Then a few minutes later change your attitude and take note on how people respond to you then. When you are carrying that attribute of Love, you are giving other people permission to be generous. You may notice even more smiles and people opening doors for you or putting themselves in positions that you can be of assistance of them also. 


In this time of turmoil, this is important to remember our primary goal in the spiritual life is to be an example and exhibitor of the Light and Love that we hold in each and every one of us. As we continue to express our Light and Love we give other people the permission to do the same therefore bringing about a greater Light to the troubled times that we are living in. After all, if you want to save the world and the populace the most powerful tool you can have is your generosity and your Love.


This Wednesday, August 8th  in Fort Worth, I will be holding the open subject from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.   The fun thing about the open subject classes as we can cover everything from healing our pets to other people, working with fibers and how to improve their efficiency within the body.


I have made some changes as to the notification if you want a spot on the class. You can use the booking app if you like, or just send me an email or text and I will put you on the list.


This class is listed as an on-demand whereas if I get enough interest in a particular class, it will be held on that date listed. So please be sure to book ahead of time so I know you are coming. If I do not get enough interest in a particular class, I will send an email out on Tuesday evening letting everybody know that the class is canceled. I will then use the time to go out in the boonies and do some camping.


In the bonds of the work I am,




All original material is © Copyright 2003-2018 Charles R Crooks All Rights Reserved

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