Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
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Shaman, Healer of Hearts and Minds

(214) 923-5848

Nov 19, 2018


The Ladder

In many, my letters I have spoken of the two opposing factors associated with “The Means justifies the Ends”, and the other “The Ends justifies the Means”. Some of you are probably wondering why I am going into these areas.  


One of the problems prevalent in the spiritual/metaphysical community has to do with the lack of understanding how the dark side works. Many are not aware of the individuals in the astral realms and elsewhere whose primary purpose is to seek the subjugation of the human race.


It is important to note these individuals do not have any standards and/or scruples. Therefore, they can use any means, lies or impersonations, to entrap unsuspecting individuals into believing that they are dealing with some type of high spiritual entity.


Furthermore, we are seeing this reflected in the physical realm, as is also in the additional realms humanity has access to, there are several quality standards and/or codes of conduct that must be understood in order to recognize the source of many people’s behavior.


When we are in communication with unknown individuals, it is our responsibility to determine the nature of what they represent. For example throughout history individuals proclaiming to be something other than what they truly are and/or what they are truly representing have attempted to manipulate people into believing certain things which cannot be validated  for the purpose of eliciting an emotional reaction from the individual. The goal is when such action is taken, the individual own emotional reaction influences others causing a tsunami of emotionally based diatribes of self-righteous indignation spreading like a virus at the beginning of the cold season.


Many people as stated that if they have a certain kind of protection, that they will not fall victims to the deceit befalling upon them, yet the purpose of protection actually set the condition where protection does not exist. The reason for this is when you are reality concludes that protection is needed your individual’s reality has determined that you do not have protection to begin with. The real key here is, finding where your reality being exothermic by your nature, whereas the Light within expanding by its nature is your strength.  Protection is not needed here.


Furthermore, the validation process is really quite simple. Something that is valid will carry with it a sense of competence and strength of which is easy to recognize.  Continuing, the individual proposing the ideal or condition will be more than willing to be open for examination and test.


The first test to determine if somebody is being deceitful and/or promoting lies and mistruths have to do with their unwillingness to have the information tested independently.  At the same time, they will try to divert any challenge to their story by degrading the individuals making the challenge. 


When you are presented with information based upon deceit and/or lies, you will find such characteristics as emotional indignation presented to you in such a way that you automatically respond emotionally with the same.  If this is repeated enough times, by now many people, then those further on down the line will consider to be valid truth for the primary reason many of the people are repeating the same thing based upon emotional indignation.


You see if the Holy Humanity ever ascends, those individuals living in areas defined by humanity’s activities will cease to exist, for the area making possible their existence will no longer be. So, you can understand why they are doing everything they can to keep humanity trapped in the emotional response completely separate from their spiritual qualities.


Our natural response when we are confronted with these types of behaviors is that of an emotional one caused by the intellect determining that were being deceived. While at the same time our resistance to such a thing becomes part of the problem also even though we are not supporting the diatribe being brought forward, our activity against it being emotionally based draws us away from our natural spiritual connection into the heavier emotional activities.


So, what is the best plan of action when these types of things are presented while maintaining our spiritual qualities? First, let not the emotions be your motivator. Second, if within your purview, set up conditions were others will become aware of the deceit and lies being presented. Third, do it in such a way that no one sees what you are doing.   Fourth, consider if you will all things being part of the whole, therefore all actions are also within otherwise we would not be aware of them. It is very important to keep this in mind and not place judgment upon anybody carrying on action is contrary to what we find honorable and decent. After all, the only reason we are not acting in such bad mentor ourselves is because we have no interest in it. As I stated before when I refer to a bank robber, “The bank robber and myself are not separate but part of the whole. The fact that I am aware of the bank robber only confirms we are both part of the whole as also the bank robber may be also aware of me”. “The only reason that I do not rob banks is because I find that activity boring”.  And who knows, one day that bank robber may become a healer.


This next Friday at 1 PM, Central Standard Time via Skype will be doing a class entitled Internal Traveling via the Latter Process. That is only going to say about that particular class as it is relatively advanced


In the bonds of the work I am,





All original material is © Copyright 2003-2018 Charles R Crooks All Rights Reserved

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