Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
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Shaman, Healer of Hearts and Minds

(214) 923-5848


Squirrel Mystery


As many of you are probably aware for the last 6 to 8 weeks things been little crazy. Well not going to go a lot of detail of which is an area you can research yourself which is quite easy to do, suffices to say Mercury is still retrograde, and Mars is also retrograde for another few weeks. So if you notice your overall energies are little lower than usual, we can blame that on Mars. In addition, if you have noticed that, there are many mistakes that are being made by yourself and others; we can blame that on Mercury. 


So, you can probably imagine my response to a phone call I received recently regarding an incident occurred in one of my trees on the front lawn. After some investigation, turns out there appeared to be a dispute among some squirrels whereby dangerous weapons were probably used. It was reported from unidentified sources where one of the squirrels was using a Samurai Sword made in India. So, as the aggressor herein attempted to dispatch the other squirrel, with said Samurai Sword which was made in India had no more effect other than bopping the other squirrel with a bamboo stick.  Judging by the effect the so-called Samurai Sword had on the opponent leads me to believe that they paid no more than $5.95 for it. The way I look at it here probably half a pound of pecans was used to cover the cost of the said Samurai Sword. The reason I am thinking was that cheap is because it is a much smaller version that you or I would have to use. One would think there be an extra expense because is probably an unusual item as most squirrels are content with dealing with their nuts and not necessarily imitation Samurai Swords.


So you are probably wondering right now what was the instigator which caused my next-door neighbor to call me. Well as it turned out, and I have to tell you the truth on this one, is that one of my trees has been in a 45° lean for quite some time and the root ball was beginning to fail. Furthermore, the bark on that particular oak tree was down to less than 20% of the circumference of the base of the tree. After consulting with an arborist, it was decided that the tree would have to be removed shortly. So I went ahead and put some caution tape over the top of the tree hanging down to the street so hopefully no one would park the car underneath the tree as it could fall at any moment.


However, as you can imagine the questions are brought up in those who drove by the house and also my neighbors. You see, the first phone call had to do with my neighbor thinking that I had dispatched one of the squirrels, which initiated a crime scene being established by the local police. So, in all fairness I must attest that I did not shoot any squirrels and I cannot validate the use of Samurai Swords originally made in India.


For those of you who do not know anything about Samurai Sword, they are probably the strongest and most versatile sword the world. If you drop a sheet of paper over the edge the paper will be cut in half.  By the way, they are made in Japan by specially trained master artisans.


There has been a lot of tension in the world this month and is very important to remember the conditions existing, which are just as exasperating as the discord brought about by the misunderstandings of both Mercury and Mars in retrograde not to mention some of the eclipses and a few other things going on.


One of the gifts that we have should we choose to exercise such a quality is the ability to participate in events or not. The key is to recognize that when you are being pushed into a situation which may not be constructive, we do have the ability regardless of how tempting the event may be, to change directions and no longer participate.


Many people have a question having to do a Self-Mastery. Simply stated Self-Mastery is where you spend enough time listening to your inner-self, which has all knowledge within and acting upon knowledge known.  When you take the time to draw your attention towards the element of truth exercised by the inner-self, insecurity and fear will not be part of the equation. Furthermore, if we rely just totally on the Intellect, the Intellect by its very nature does not have the ability to understand the qualities expressed by the inner-self, where, as those qualities and conditions are not available to the Intellect directly.


This is not a fault mind you but a direct result of being involved in the physical realm. As we all know since all things are changeable in the physical realm including anything known or realized through the physical means such as the Intellect realization of a word, voice or otherwise, then perfection does not exist or is not possible as all things are subject to change. The Intellect by its nature being subject to change relies on the perfection of the universe to exist, but it itself does not have the ability to exercise perfection. It is a great calculator based upon information provided of which in many cases may be subject to change the next second after the item realized.


Under these conditions, it is best to examine everything you perceive. This would include anything presented to you buy another individual.  It is important to test the quality and validity of the information presented. The minute you start following the information presented by individual without test or validation, you become their slave. You have now put that person superior position.  You are now subjugated by their presence and therefore must follow what they bring forward.  In order to bring peace to yourself because you are violating a very important aspect of your Spirit, then you must also pass on the same information to others inadvertently subjugating them also.


The proof of this is when you decide to challenge the information an individual  is presenting said individual will then use force and intimidation and/or rejection, which are not the pathway of Light but of pathway of Darkness. Furthermore, if you find you are presenting something to another individual and they do not go along with what you say and/or present and you react in such a way which is judgmental, aggressive, forceful, any form of rejection and/or degrading you are also on the pathway to Darkness. 


When information is being presented without validation easily through emotional manipulation, it is not of a “Spiritual” nature. There is great degree of insecurity in the mere fact that a person is presenting something whereas your acceptance of that item is a reflection on their whole identity.  That being the case, if you present a position and/or information contrary to what they are presenting, they will use all forms of intimidation, name-calling, rejection, and any other dastardly action against you in order to suppress the ideas and/or concept you are bringing forward. It now becomes an assault whether physical or verbal the only difference is the intensity of said assault.


That which is valid welcomes challenge and brings peace, love and understanding. When an idea is, being presented with those qualities the individual will more than welcome additional information, which may completely invalidate the idea being presented. What is interesting here though is, the information is welcomed. Then through test and validation, both agree to a new way of accomplishing a particular task or such realization.  This is the “Spiritual” pathway.


Granted the tension levels dropped considerably, yet the level of absentmindedness on the highways is pretty high. So, be safe out there.

In the bonds of the work I am,




All original material is © Copyright 2003-2018 Charles R Crooks All Rights Reserved

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