Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
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Shaman, Healer of Hearts and Minds

(214) 923-5848

Nov 04, 2018


A New Class

I would like to welcome the new subscribers to this list and hope you find these letters useful.


There are a couple of changes I would like to bring to your attention I hope you find interesting. First, I am allocating Thursday nights for Open Subject Skype sessions. These sessions will start around 7:30 PM and go to around 9 PM so we can make sure you get enough sleep in case you are working the next day. For these Skype sessions, I am changing the way funds are handled. While I would like you to book a session as usual, I am requesting that you send any monies that you choose to donate to the Red Cross, or any other organization associated with the hurricane relief efforts still active on the East Coast.  I do not need to and/or know how much and/or what organization you will be donating to, that is a private matter.


The next change will be the Thursday afternoon Skype class which will be changing to Friday afternoon 1 PM my time which should be 8 PM European time. I have figured out a way arrange for individuals in this group to be able to access the Mental Realm in the same manner as I have done so many times in classes before.


So this next Friday, November 9th 1 PM central standard time we will be working the process of accessing the Mental Realm. You will travel to a particular place and location, upon arriving you will go up the marble steps, grab a torch, and you will go to a door that you choose where you will begin your journey without any restrictions or limitations of any manner or sort.  Be sure and let me know if you will be attending. This particular class is really quite profound as many of reported amazing personal developments and journeys once a gone through their door. My primary responsibility regarding this process has to do with making sure everything goes as expected.

The next item on my list is re-engaging with Facebook. I think with all the commotion that has been going on around Facebook and the security issues alone with a few other miscellaneous items that is now time for me to reengage. I am allocating Tuesday evenings to be online to answer questions you may have.  Eventually I will be doing video presentations, which will be available on either YouTube or Facebook regarding some the sessions and/or other items that might come across my desk.


Every once in a while we come across on those really hard weeks of which I experienced last week where the astrology stunk and everything was breaking and/or becoming extremely difficult to accomplish causing everything to require 2 to 3 times the effort to accomplish something. And, of course I happened to be doing a class on Thursday afternoon just as things were falling apart.  The other item affecting things was the time change in Europe was a few days earlier than it is here in the states which effected the normal time off as others were not able to attend because of work schedules. I am very appreciative of those who were able to attend and I hope you understand that no matter who you are including me regardless of how many resources one may have available there are to be days that just plain stink. Things will be better towards the end of this week.


For a moment, let us consider the nature of things that we are experiencing.  In addition, to how we are reacting to those things presented to us. Now probably the most difficult thing for someone to recognize, and/or even to accept, has to do with the idea or concept, “by the nature being part of the Whole whereas no thing is outside of this, then as we are part of this quality, then all things are within us and cannot be separate either”.


This also applies to all qualities and conditions regardless of source and/or manifestation. While one particular thing may present itself in such a manner that only one in meditation will be able to perceive it, nonetheless it still exist and therefore is part of the same Whole of which we are members are also.


This creates a conundrum for it also dismisses any justification we have for holding anger against others. As you can see, what is being brought forth here is very difficult for the intellectual mind to deal with for it truly believes it is separate from the whole, and all things surrounding it are a threat. This is okay. The reason for this is the intellect does not have access to all the other qualities and/or levels available within the Whole whereas the Whole embodies the quality of perfection of which those things formed are unable to attain this attribute. So while the intellect, thinking individual, is trapped in the physical, the physical by its nature is subject to change, therefore all things within the thinking individual are subject to change also, bringing forth the impossibility of the recognition of perfection. Therefore, to recognize the perfection, the nature of Whole must be recognized whereas we do not consider any part of ourselves separate. Now it is normal for the intellect to consider these activities dangerous for it cannot control the perfection of the Whole. In addition, as I have stated before, since the intellect sees all things greater than itself to be dangerous, the magnanimity of the Whole by its nature is also considered dangerous; yet the Whole itself consists of all the love possible for humanity.  For without the Whole we would not have the breath.


For each breath consists of so much Love Understanding and Compassion that were given the opportunity to work a Path of Light or Path of Darkness. Just a reminder, we have twenty-four thousand breaths per day on average. Gee, that is a heck of a lot of gifts. I guess our cup does truly runneth over.


If you would like to attend either one of these classes, please use the booking app so I know you will be attending.



In the bonds of the work I am,




All original material is © Copyright 2003-2018 Charles R Crooks All Rights Reserved

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