Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
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Shaman, Healer of Hearts and Minds

(214) 923-5848

July 17,


The Nature of Energies


Have many of you notice the unusually high level of agitation affecting many of us? It is important to be aware of these things so when we recognize the intensity of our own emotions. Whereas we might decide to follow, the tenants of the Queen of hearts in Alice in Wonderland where her solution to things that displeased her and for what she is still well known for this statement and I paraphrase “Off with their heads!”


Now as a shaman and healer, I would strongly recommend against such actions. First, it is not polite, second, who is going to clean up the mess?


Now as you can see by the beginnings of this letter it is time to consider the nature of the energies around us. Too often, we will have a propensity to go off on and emotional tangent where after further examination the information initiating the initiator for the emotional tangent will be proven invalid.


It is also important to take note regarding a person’s determination of the validity of information they are holding onto whether or not will stand against all forms of challenge. So, if the information is valid, then the individual professing said information will be more than welcome to entertain challenges. See the idea in these types of discourses is to further establish the validity of the information being presented, and whether or not the information will stand on its own based upon its quality, character, and/or merit.


We run into a problem here though is when somebody has only partial information that they have gleaned from someone who they themselves may be emotionally imbalanced thereby presenting this information and going forward without complete vetting of the information whereas the information received was via a process of intimidation subjugation, guilt and/or ostraciziation.


The minute you challenge someone who is attempting to do this you will feel the wrath of their anger and if they cannot get you to go along with what they are presenting complete ostraciziation, separation, subjugation, name calling, and in some rare cases physical violence.


Therefore, it is very important to take note of those who use the emotional approach to override and subjugate others. Recognizing this tactic only confirms that what they are presenting is likely to be false. For if the information was valid they would not find it necessary to use subjugation and emotional manipulation to bring forth the information they wish to present. There is a difference between passion and emotional manipulation. Passion does not carry the fear of challenge, whereas emotional manipulation is wrought with the fear of challenge for it stands not on anything other than selfishness.


As I stated many times before we are all members of the Whole thereby all breathing the same breath or the Vital Life Force from the Love of God. Now what is interesting about this is the fact is that we are defined in a similar attitude to the source we are talking about, and therefore everything within the universe is within us. For if that were not so, then you would not be cognizant of things outside of your field of view.


Therefore, I present to you of this of which I see. In each person, there is a source of Love without concern as to whether this Love is accepted or not. Each individual being part of this Whole, being bound by the Whole whereas the Whole also binds the individual to the Laws and Principles defined by the Nature of Love unconditionally thereof. This being the case, each and every one of us can work a path of Light working towards the benefit of others or a path of darkness seeking the subjugation of those around us.


Imagine if you well you are six years old and you and your sibling are sitting in the backseat of the car. Your sibling violates your space by touching you of which you complain to parent who is driving merrily down the street. Now naturally the parent will roll her eyes and tell your sibling not to touch you however your sibling will claim that they did nothing wrong. So the natural propensity is to become angry with the sibling for they have spoken incorrectly. We have two possibilities here to resolve the situation. One, which will likely not have a good outcome, is to continue the anger and to attempt to get some sort of satisfaction, which of course is much more costly than the satisfaction itself. (Spanking from the parent?). The second possibility is turning on the cell phone camera acquiring the evidence. You can now present the evidence to the parent who will again roll her eyes, and wondered why they had kids to begin with. However, you have been vindicated because you have proof at your sibling touched you. Being vindicated allows you to let the anger go where it becomes not all that important. After all, you could always nail them with a handful of Jell-O later on in the afternoon. Is that not fun or what?  In addition, while all this is going on the parent is still rolling their eyes, but also laughing to themselves and glad they did have kids to begin with.


On a more personal note, I have been little bit behind in my schedule. This was really made known to me the other day when I was walking over to Costco. I noticed that the back pockets of my pants were in front of me so I determine I was apparently a little bit behind.  Anyway I am catching up on things now and appreciate your patience and your participation in some the work that we have done.


I would like to also announce that I think I have got the booking situation resolved. I reworked the booking page to prevent unnecessary information from being presented, and made some corrections on the booking application itself. 


If you have any questions or comments please send me a note I will be glad to answer him as soon as possible.


In the bonds of the work I am,




All original material is © Copyright 2003-2018 Charles R Crooks All Rights Reserved

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