Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
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Shaman, Healer of Hearts and Minds

(214) 923-5848


The Importance of Attitude


I am sure many of you have been aware of the last couple months have been little rough.  Finally things are beginning to calm down a bit and as we look back some of us are kind of wondering, “How the heck did that happen?”.


A fair question mind you and worth some investigation when you have some more time to allocate to resolving the supposed mystery.


So the real question is what was the motivating factor within you that was brought forward to deal with some of the adversity many of us were dealing with? It is fair to state while I may be making an assumption here that you survived any adversities presented to you based again upon the assumption that you are currently reading this letter.


Well as many of you seen in my previous writings, I do not speak highly of assumption. After all assumption is an equation without a constant. Therefore, nothing more than a best guess. However, in some situations an assumption may be appropriate as long as the weight of the conclusion brought on by the assumption may carry no more weight than that of a feather from a very small bird.


Well as you can probably determine again as I stated before, “Since all things born out of the process of assumption are nothing more than a series of best guesses, then almost everything realized is subject to doubt as the initial premise is without validation and again nothing more than a best guess”.


It is a known fact the Intellect is an outstanding deductive reasoning calculator. Where the problem is here though, is the quality of information presented for calculation.  For example, if we draw a square with exactly equal length lines, we can claim that we have drawn a perfect square. However, the problem is the paper, the ink and/or pencil we are using, are relying on molecules and atoms electrons being in constant motion. Therefore, perfection cannot be if all things are in constant motion.


Let us take this a step further. Since physical Light’s wavelength, which is depended upon the time, determines the color or portion of Light we perceive. We can also deduce whereas all things in the physical being influenced by the attribute of time presents an interesting problem.  Because of time’s effect on something will change the nature of that particular item whether be gas, liquid and/or solid depending on the frequency of which that particular object is currently active in.


A good example of this is water. Set the rate of vibration is very slow at will become ice, warming up and will become liquid, and raising the rate of vibration through heat will eventually cause the water to become a gas.


So why is it do you think we are currently dealing with the subject of assumption, and the rate of vibration upon all things in the physical realm? Do you suppose, the basic motivation behind this work is to present to you just cause for re-defining your world.


So let us start by remembering a wonderful song by Louis Armstrong. “It is a Wonderful World”. When you examine such a work, you will find that the motivation carries a certain attitude of which we can all benefit by.


So when we asked that all-important question as stated above, “How the heck did that happen?” We find that the question is no longer that important. We survive the event and while it may have been unpleasant, so we survived. What do you think would be the best way of not becoming entrapped by such said events whereas we can develop a new approach carrying the attitude expressed by the song so famously sung by Louis Armstrong?


I would have to submit to you an attitude adjustment, which may be beneficial. When we talk about our losses in our life’s problem, we are currently defining our reality. So if somebody stole from us then we are at a loss therefore our prayer is I am not complete make it so thank you. After all, it is can be stated in many religious texts worldwide all prayers are answered. Do you suppose the language used by our friends upstairs has more to do with one’s reality versus one’s words?


So why not change our approach a little bit. If we consider unpleasant events in our life to be a gift, then we are the giver of gifts. Can be said our cup does runneth over? After all, we have been able to give so many gifts and yet we can still carry on. Pretty neat when you think about it.  You see, when you change your attitude in such a manner, you no longer are rejecting the potential blessings of the universe with such statements that you are at a loss. Rather your reality expressed by defining all things in your past as gifts does not put you loss, but rather puts you in a position of not only being generous but also being able to accept the generosity that which is available to all.


So while we consider the attributes of Love Understanding Compassion and Honesty Honor and Humility, then it stands to reason while we exercise these qualities we are giving others permission to do the same.


It must also be stated that not everybody will be willing to participate in the benevolence and this is where the issue of Honesty Honor and Humility are important. The Light is not an act of pacifism. The nature of the human condition, the Spiritual Light, the Physical Light, is exothermic in nature and therefore they are not dark and/or vacuous.


In the spiritual sense, Humility is a personal act of only your knowing. Some will do an action to remind them of the many gifts they have received.   Humility is not an act where you put on a show so that everybody can see. 




All original material is © Copyright 2003-2018 Charles R Crooks All Rights Reserved

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