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Illusion of Isolation

Shaman, Healer of Hearts and Minds

(214) 923-5848

Monday, October 02, 2017

11:37 PM


I would like to welcome the new subscribers to this list and hope you find these letters useful.


The references towards religions and/or religious idols and/or icons and/or the nature of beings existing therein are from the purely non-religious approach whereas invalidated belief is not the source of the statements made.


One of the greatest illusions we can have as human beings is the illusion of isolation. The process of isolation has to do with stepping away from what you know intuitively to be correct relying totally on intellectual deductive reasoning exercising and/or repeating ideas or concepts having no validity at all.


In order to establish the validity of the previous paragraph we must first examine the Nature of things. I have stated this before and repeat, “For nearly four or five thousand years almost every major religion has adopted a policy whereas the nature of God is everywhere”, “before Light came only God existed”. Furthermore, “also within this basic belief and/or condition, we are within and upon the body of God”.


As you can see, right away this basic concept causes many problems with many of the belief systems exercised today, and those in the past. All one has to do is quiet the mind and look within to find the beauty and Love of God.


So, if the statements are true then we as members of the Whole are bound by the rules and laws established by the Whole, whereas being members we can also define the Whole therefore establishing our right to build our realities anyway we choose.


After all, if each breath we take provides this complete Love Understanding Compassion whereas we are given the opportunity to take a Path of Light or Path of Darkness, therefore, the only conclusion we can come to is, this complete Love and Understanding is without Judgment!  After all, here is your proof that God is a loving God.


Therefore, the idea that God is some person with the beard and an attitude whereas if you make him angry he will strike you down with lightning and/or destroy a country and/or a group of people is somewhat silly. I mean after all let us take lightning for example. There are approximately three or four million strikes of lighting on the earth per day. Now in the United States, alone we have enough people outdoors and because of this we can be considered a target rich environment. To my understanding on average less than one or two golfers, get nailed with lightning per year. After all the millions of lightning strikes that hit the earth this is not what you call a real high success ratio.


So, either the idea that God has an attitude problem and will strike one down if irritated is completely invalidated and/or he and/or she has very bad aim.


As you can see, the above generally makes it impossible for one to develop a path of isolation while being honest with themselves. The reason is, as stated “Everything being part of the Whole”, being the fact is that you are cognizant of everything in the universe and/or world around you proves the very fact that you cannot be isolated. You can feign isolation. That is your right. If you want to. You can go in some cave somewhere away from anybody and everybody. Yet you are still cognizant of all the qualities and facets of the world with millions of other souls similar to yourself. Again, feigned is isolation in this manner.


The second problem with isolation is the act of judgment for judgments are based upon assumption brings about a deep insecurity where one must be either superior or inferior to those things around them. Therefore, all things around them and cannot be controlled must be subjugated in order for the individual to feel safe and secure.


Bringing the process of belief into the picture here, the core and/or strength of the belief is determined by the method by which such belief is brought forward. For example if somebody tells you something and you follow it because you think that they know what they’re talking about, there is great insecurity in such a belief because it is not been validated.


Whereas there is great insecurity with an individual, in order to substantiate the actions they have taken and make them feel better about themselves, they will attempt to get others to go along with what they have done. The more that are agreeing to go along with this particular program the happier the individual becomes. However, if an individual challenges them to what their proposing, they will find threat in such a challenge. While they have determined to be superior through the isolation yet will find the challenge to be threatening.  They will use any and all means to subjugate the challenger including their actual destruction. We all know about the Inquisition and the tortures from around nine hundred A.D. to around seventeen hundred. However unfortunately we are still seeing the same type of attitudes today in different societies around the world. Unfortunately, many people suffer because of this perceived superiority through the process of isolation.


When an individual uses a process of validation to establish the validity of a belief then the belief becomes strong and is valid, for as if it is true it will be valid today, and in ten thousand years into the future, as it was five or six thousand years previous.


When an individual has develop a belief based upon the process of validation, there is no isolation and/or insecurity involved. As they are not subjugating themselves to another individual but rather exercising an interesting quality, we all have.


Therefore, the Nature of the Whole demonstrates something rather interesting. If everything is within, then everything is also within reach, including the Love of God.


In these troubling times we sometimes will ask the question, “What is that I can do to help?” Meaning after all there’s so much work that needs to be done how can one little bitty person have an effect on this large mass of humanity?


If everything is part of the Whole and no thing separate and while we are bound by, the laws of the Whole, then we being members of this Whole can define the nature of the Whole and what is brought forward. So does it matter if you take a path of light? Yes.


The process is really quite simple. As you go throughout your day every so often, think about the twenty-four thousand gifts of love you received from God. You know, every breath you take is a prayer. While you are contemplating these gifts, visualize a ball of Love and Light in the center of your being allowing it  to expand for about a minute. Then expand it to anywhere you wish it to go. As you define your world being a member of the Whole, you will make it easier for others to do the same.


In the bonds of the Good Work, 





Just Released the Transcription by Cindy Herb of the video presentation at Satori completed May 2015 titled "Emotional Trauma Removal"

And, don't forget to check out the more than 22 Videos, Click here for more information.

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