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Eclipse and Hurricane Harvey

Charles R. Crooks

Shaman, Healer of Hearts and Minds

(214) 923-5848

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

8:11 AM


I would like to welcome the new subscribers to this list and hope you find these letters useful.


Now that we have survived the Eclipse and for many of you Hurricane Harvey it has been a rather challenging couple of weeks. So let us look at the nature of things so that we may get a better idea as to why we periodically are required to face difficulties, which seem to be insurmountable.


Before going further, I would like to put a plug-in for donations to the Red Cross and/or any other organization you find supporting the folks burdened by Hurricane Harvey in South East Texas and now in Louisiana. 

Using this link will open a new window.

Right from the beginning, we need to address a couple of very important items regarding our difficulties. In the event of natural disasters or things occurring beyond your control including Mercury retrograde, you are not to take it personally. Everybody goes through these various situations in their life, and some more so than others.  You see when you are examining the natural flow of energy from the earth and the stars we find the constant movement affecting our environment according to the natural flow of energy and/or force.


I am using the term energy and/or force in a very wide sense inasmuch as while we may not all respond to a particular quality and/or condition, nevertheless said condition still exist. Each of our reactions to such influence may be different based upon prior experiences with such influences and/or others, which may be completely unrelated.


An example, being raised on the Pacific Ocean and learning to swim in the 3 to 6 foot surf at Huntington Beach, not to mention the many hours crossing the Catalina channel in 15 to 20 foot waves brings about a familiarity to such conditions where I have no emotional and/or fearful response.  Now it is important that I keep my wits about me regarding exercising normal precautions to keep from flipping the boat or while on a surfboard riding a wave directly into the pilings supporting the peer.  While I have been lucky enough to avoid such a catastrophe, in my mind it is reasonable to consider the possibility of failure to be quite painful.


However, for those who have not had the same experiences and or familiarity with surf and boating, the possibilities described above can be quite frightening to many. Now I need to remind everybody that this is not a fault and I will explain.


In my earlier writings, I have spoken of the Intellect, which has its prime directive to protect the body at all cost. Now without going into too much detail here, what this means is, anything unknown to the Intellect is dangerous. If we look at every living thing on earth, we will discover anything unknown is dangerous. A good example of this is the 800-pound Tiger where one would think that nothing would cause them to be fearful. Yet, if we take a string and attach yellow ribbons to it at his space 15 to 30 feet, and then create bunch of racket to attempt to move the Tiger from point A to point B, when the Tiger approaches this string with these yellow ribbons because it is unknown to them they will not cross it. Even though they could easily jump over the string, but they do not. So again, this is not a fault, it is the same method the Intellect uses for all living things.


The capacities of the intellect are dependent upon the nature of the life form it inhabits. For some life forms, the intellect is just a basic calculator dealing with the issues of food sleep procreation and safety. In forms that are more complex the intellect is much more complicated and has a responsibility of dealing with many items not readily known to life forms not necessarily so developed.


Considering the complexities of the intellect, it now becomes clear why so many people have so many different fears. One that may not be familiar with the particular fear someone is going through will have a lack of understanding as to the cause of said particular fear.  In many cases since this understanding will be lacking, there is a propensity for judgment for as with they do not understand also brings about a fear within themselves.


Remember the Intellect has the prime directive to protect the body at all cost. Therefore, anything perceived to be either unknown and/or fearful must be subjugated and/or separated from oneself. This is the reason why we have so much judgment in our society today primarily has to do with the lack of understanding and this lack of understanding itself is considered dangerous and fearful to the success of the body of which the Intellect is primarily responsible for protecting.


Furthermore, in subjugating and separating other individuals we place ourselves in the position of aggressor whereas the other individuals will see us as the aggressor and therefore determined what we are bringing forth to be dangerous. Again, I remind you this is not a fault but a natural condition the Intellect and each of us brings forward. Once an individual has determined another to be in aggressor they will automatically invalidate any information coming from the aggressor as anything associated with the aggressor is dangerous and must be subjugated and separated from.


How often have we heard the term so-and-so should do this or that? Then they wonder why the individually are referring to does not listen to what they have to say.  The reason is, should is a judgment call making the statement where the initiator of such statement considers themselves to be superior to the receiver of such a statement.


Now mind you, there is nothing wrong in assisting another. However, in order to be successful in such matters, procedures you initiate must be without the attitude of should and/or any form of judgment and/or aggression.  If such aggression and/or judgment exist in your approach, the receiving individual will consider you to be an enemy and a threat invalidating everything that you just put forward. Do not take this personally, as it has nothing to do with the information you are presenting. The method and approach described above will  bring responses of rejection and separation.


So, if you replace the statement “You should do this.” and replace it with “I have found this to be a little more efficient, would you like to give it a try?” approach, you are giving the individual the honor and respect to reject the information presented.


There is another item to consider here have to do with belief. There are two basic methods humanity has access to as far as the nature of information and whether or not something will stand through the test of time. The most common method is the process of Intellectual deduction based upon information presented whereas perfection is unknown. If you will refer to my book The Secret of Successful Prayer, you will find more details on this particular subject. Continuing is a process of knowing whereas all things are realized within outside of the influences the Intellect. It is here knowledge and processes that were valid 10,000 years ago will be found to be valid today and 10,000 years in the future.


Because of this quality, there is no insecurity and/or judgment. Therefore, the propensity to subjugate and separate others who do not buy into what you are promoting is nonexistent.


So the next time you find yourself getting irritated when someone is not buying into what you’re suggesting, take a moment to examine the method you are using promoting your information, and also take a moment to examine the information itself. If the information you are promoting is based upon intellectual belief only, then insecurity will be the characteristic and nature of what you are presenting therefore bringing discomfort to those who have the displeasure of listening to what you have to say.


Now, in matters such as education math, science and law, which also are rooted in the deductive, reasoning qualities of the Intellect, belief is not considered and therefore do not carry the pitfalls of judgment and/or separation.


Have you noticed there is a common thread here? Everywhere there is judgment there is fear and separation. Why is that? Do you suppose that where fear and separation exists, inaccuracies and misinformation prevail?


If we adopt a policy, which has no fear or judgment whereas such policy basically states “We can only be held responsible for what we understand at that particular time.” Then how can we be responsible for of things we do not know or understand?  You will find that judgment regarding your past actions is not possible. When you use the term judgment, along with the word should, you declare war upon yourself, and are in the processes of generating misinformation and arrogance of which themselves are invalid.


However, there is nothing wrong in looking at our past and finding regrets. We must also be fair and honest to say and be thankful. For it is without these challenges and difficulties we would not be where we are today. The mere fact that you are considering such proves that you pass your tests!


I would also like to insert a little reminder here for those of you have had private sessions with me to feel free to contact me with any questions you might have along with the possibility that we might have missed something. On average, less than 3% of my clients half called me with the free follow-up call to make sure we got everything.


Just Released the Transcription by Cindy Herb of the video presentation at Satori completed May 2015 titled "Emotional Trauma Removal"

And, don't forget to check out the more than 22 Videos, Click here for more information.


In the bonds of the work I am,

