Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
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Weekly Letter


Shaman, Healer of Hearts and Minds

(214) 923-5848

Sunday, October 15, 2017

11:09 PM


I would like to welcome the new subscribers to this list and hope you find these letters useful.

I would like to make a couple of announcements regarding the upcoming classes and things I am working on. First, I am changing the cost structure to the classes from the standard twenty dollars per person to a variable donation based upon your ability to pay for the class without putting your own finances in trouble. The suggestion donation is twenty dollars, but as you have all known I have never turned anybody away because of financial difficulties or other burdens someone is facing. This is why I am changing the process and doing so in such a way as no one else in the class will ever know how much you paid for the class.


I am also requesting that if you are attending the class please choose the book now option. This makes it much easier for me to plan for the number of members that will be in that particular class. Also during the booking process you will see a standard rate of twenty dollars for that particular class, so if you are running tight financially do not be concerned with it.


I have made some changes to the website to make a little bit easier to move around and I have added a Survey Page. I have a little pop-up survey therein I hope you will take a moment to take a look for the purpose of choosing some the subject matter that you would be interested in. For most, the survey will take less than forty-five seconds. I would really appreciate your input so as they can plan the next series of classes that will be coming up shortly.


If you will please let me know what you think about the survey and/or any other suggestions you may have. Shortly, I will also be sending out a survey with a different subject matter to get a better idea of what everybody out there is thinking and also provide me the information I need to provide better service to you and those in need.


Now let us move on to the class subject for this Wednesday. The title the class is Unexpected Musical Experiment. The purpose of this class is to examine various pieces of music throughout the years having a quality associated with Spiritual Enlightenment and Awakening not readily realized by many people.


What is interesting about this work is certain songs are specifically designed to wake up the Chakras and you will learn how to exercise those various qualities associated with a tuning the Chakras to the musical qualities brought forward this work. Rest assured by the time you are through with this particular class your Chakras will be lit up like a Christmas Tree.


Music Program Oct 18, 2017


The Sky and the Dawn and the Sun                       Celtic Woman

After the Rain                                                            Ellen Bennett

Astrae                                                                        Vas                

Solsbury Hill                                                              Peter Gabriel

Neverlands                                                                Dan Folgelberg

River of Dreams                                                       Billy Joel

The Wall                                                                    Kansas

Incomudro – Hymn to the Atman                            Kansas         

Unknown Meditation                                               Unknown


To get you to relax we will use the first two songs to the list. The next three songs are chosen for the purpose of getting you attune where you can truly exercise the qualities expressed in Incomudro—Hymn to the Atman by Kansas. Afterwards, the unknown meditation will keep you in a very pleasant state of mind.


In addition, please if you well please be sure to click on the book now button so I know how many are coming. Oh, I forgot to mention I only have twelve seats available.


In the bonds of the work I am,


All original material is © Copyright 2002-2015 Charles Crooks All Rights Reserved