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The Intellect and its' Limitations

May 7th Letter  2017


I would like to welcome the new subscribers to this list and hope you find these letters useful.

Before I make the official announcement regarding my upcoming presentation, I would like to chat a little bit about the nature of the work and the anticipated resistances brought on by the intellect, which is acting in its own best interest.


If you remember in some of my writings previously stated regarding the nature of the intellect, which has its primary duty to protect the body at all cost. Now that is a fine prospect when you really think about it. The intellect is a very good job from the standpoint of deductive reasoning. Now deductive reasoning is interesting because it is the most common method of reasoning that is used throughout most our lives.


The issue is deductive reasoning deals with only things, which have been collected, which are used as the baseline whereas the logical equation exercised by the intellect for comparing those things currently being presented. Now if the intellect had the capability of perfection from the first breath then we would not have any errors or mistakes in the calculation the intellect does utilizing deductive reasoning process.


As I stated many times before whereas the intellect being without the access to perfection also known as the constant of perfection all things are basically a best guess where the equation is X plus Y equals four. Since there is no constant, there is no solution. However, we must recognize not all is lost here for the intellect does to a very good job at the process of deductive reasoning. Therefore, as you can see we cannot find criticism of the intellect.


We can further deduce since the intellect does not have access to perfection, therefore everything is a best guess whereas bringing up the very important aspect stating we can only be held responsible for we understand at a particular time.


If you go back to the many religious texts out there throughout the ages, it can be pretty will concluded were most will agree before all things are brought forth by the light only God existed. It was when God decided to bring forth things such as Light Time Space Matter; by his act of pure love defining a universe whereas perfection existing within the building of the universe and all things therein. Therefore, all things being formed being subject to manipulation by elements and/or conditions around them do not have direct access to the perfection of God. While they may exist upon the body of God, being formed limits their ability to perceive the perfection of God.


To get a better understanding of how this works we will use a similitude.  I have used this example before and I think it is quite apropos. All things formed function on channel 11. Our five senses are only able to perceive things on channel 11 the physical and/or formed qualities.  Channel 13 on the other hand is the next octave up so to speak whereas all things regarding the perfection of God, the spiritual and of the higher attributes, which are not bound to the things formed, and of these unbound characteristics perfection can be realized.


Regarding your everyday lives what does all this mean? Well, consider for moment the feeling that you will get when you realize never once in your life either now or in the future will you ever be separate from the love of God, for it is that love that allows existence of the universe this earth and us. However, we must also address the issue of are difficult times we may have. Well, God has a hands-off policy. For example how can humanity learn to adapt if somebody’s always stepping into interfere and give answers to the questions at hand?


In the Christian tradition, Jesus has been reported to have stated that all your prayers will be answered, and God is a loving God. Similar ideas and concepts can be found in other traditions throughout the world over the last several thousand years.


The key is to understand the nature of our reality as being the force behind our direct prayer, which are always granted.  The problem is the lack of understanding having to do with the difference between actuality and reality and their direct association with our prayers.





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