Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
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Questions for the Shaman

September 29, 2016

I would like to welcome the new subscribers to this list and hope you find these letters useful.

Also, while I’m thinking about it, I would like to remind those who have not called me with a follow-up to please do so. The purpose for the follow-up call is really to make sure that we got everything, and also to answer any questions.

I would also like to request when you can, write up a paragraph or so regarding your experience. I do like to put these on the website where I will be hiding identifiable information. This is helpful for other people looking for the type of work that I do. One of the biggest issues people run into is the many establish systems out there for the most part can take many years to accomplish what we can do in a couple of hours or so.

Our next class is the commonly examine subject having to do with the chakras and their maintenance. Of course you’ve probably heard of the term chakra cleaning and so forth. Now at first glance when you hear the term chakra cleaning, sometimes we might be desirous of asking the question how would I determine chakras are dirty and need a trip to the cleaners? So let us take a moment to examine the nature of a chakra and their characteristics swing it a good idea of what to expect in this next class.

As we all pretty will know there are seven chakras associated with seven characteristics of the individual and each chakra is a reflection of the individual reality.  There’s another thing to consider when examining the chakra characteristics is the nature of harmonics where a rate of vibration by a tone for example can have a direct effect upon the chakra, a chemical, and also the light representing the harmonic relationship to that particular tone.

In my recent book which is available on examines the nature of the subconscious prayer which is a reflection our reality granting permission to all that is benevolent the right to be generous or not. Going further, it’s also has an effect on other people around us as is the guideline the permission projected out to people around us so as to allow us to have our reality, and/or belief.

So let us take a moment and consider a situation where an individual has not been successful in relationships and has decided to lock down their heart center in order to protect themselves from further possible failures. Now the way the intellect is designed it is a perfectly natural thing to do. After all, the prime directive of the intellect is to protect the body at all cost against all perceived and/or realized threats.

As result of this will have a tendency to stop the vital life force which would naturally enhance the chakra.  As a result, the chakra will not be as bright as usual and will also affecting the organs around it.

So let us say that the chakra in question that is being blocked happen to be the heart chakra. Well okay, it would seem then that the organs surrounding the chartra area are likely to be to manage in their functioning primarily because the vital life force is restricted in that area. Now the intellect is righteous in doing so because again it believes it is protecting the body, so we can have no complaint here. Furthermore, the reason the organs around the area are being affected by this condition is because they are harmonically related to the heart center, and as result are seen as a threat by the intellect and therefore must be subjugated. 

Again this is not a fault but a natural condition.

In the next class work and examine these conditions and run test validating their validity and provide you with tools to know the nature of each of your chakras, and if necessary revitalize them. 

Additionally, you will learn the techniques be able recognize another person’s chakra, there conditions and nature, and if given permission assist in bringing things back into balance.






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