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Dreams Accessing 2016

July 11, 2016



In this work there are two major types of dreams and of the several subtypes which are of significance regarding one spiritual progression.

Of these two major types of dreams we will be examining the first which is a common dream was several subcategories. And, if time permits we will also examine the waking dream.

The subject of dreams is a very well researched and there are many books written on such matters some in great detail others not. It would not be appropriate in this morning’s letter to bring about an endorsement and/or rejection of any the material out there. Our purpose of this work and in this particular class will be to study the means and techniques which have been proven to bring about a deeper understanding and actual access to the dream itself.

Let us now turn our attention to the subcategories I mentioned at the beginning of this letter. The subcategories are, reflective, warning, inspiration, vacation, and prophetic.

Examining the qualities of the reflective dream we have to approach the way we see our world a little differently. So let us begin by recognizing the fact that everything occurs within us: all of the Nature of the Universe and the essence of God is within. This is validated by the mere fact that the only place that you have consciousness, and/or sentience, occurs behind the eyes and between the ears.

While we are in the habit, and rightfully so, of observing the world from what appears to be outside of ourselves, which is predicated by the fact the body has limitations being the only physical and/or intellectual observation can be through the five senses, it is understandable why we automatically assume everything is outside of ourselves.

However, all observations and realizations are processed within the brain. So in actuality all things are within. There are two conditions worth examining in this work. One is Reality, and the other is Actuality.

Reality is a process of realizing something to be based upon a determination and/or belief whereas the intellect has determined based upon its abilities finding some sort of validation to the item presented for observation.

For example, it was originally believed by the Church that the world was a center of the universe and the stars and planets including the sun rotated around the earth. However, when Galileo proved otherwise, the Church was rather displeased and put him under house arrest. This is example of reality being based upon something concluded whereby the nature and/or source were unknown.

Another commonly held belief was tomatoes were poisonous. If my memory serves me, I believe is around 1800 individuals prove that tomatoes were not poisonous and now we have Italian food including pizza which many men have discovered this may be the “Food for the gods”.

Throughout Europe prior to the invention of the microscope, water was believed to be poisonous and can only be consumed in the form of beer. What people didn’t realize is a process of brewing beer, the harmful bacteria and other microbes were destroyed in the brewing process.

Again we have an example of Reality versus Actuality. I think we have discussed the issue of Actuality and Reality sufficiently to get a pretty good idea of the dilemma that we have to deal with regarding the physical world.

So, in our reality we see things as everything being outside of ourselves. Okay, yah that works pretty well, since we are bound to a physical body with various limitations. No complaint here.

However, there is another component of us in the sometimes ignored. And that is the spiritual side of ourselves. For simplicity, let us consider the five senses which do function very well on the intellectual level to be on a “frequency” similar to channel 11. So the reality of the physical world is on channel 11. Our spiritual side would have its characteristic being an octave above the physical qualities could be considered to be on a “frequency” similar to channel 13.

We need to remember being in the physical world most of our time and attention is given to those things at the physical level. This being the case reality prevails in most matters, where the actuality of the nature of matter is not understood except through the spiritual side, which functions the next octave up on channel 13.

So while you are sitting at the desk and looking at the material the desk is composed of, which may appear to be wood, metal, and/or glass. However upon further examination we find that these realities are really a bunch of molecules bouncing around according to their nature and will change its condition depending upon what is pressed upon them. In the 1800s, this is not known however, everyone knows that when you apply sufficient heat to an object that which was solid becomes either carbon and/or melted.

Because of the nature of our Actuality and Reality, dreams take on various characteristics as a direct result of our needs.

While there are five subcategories in the standard dream, and many of the same in a waking dream, to go into these in great detail would require several chapters in a book.

In our class this Wednesday, we will be examining the five subcategories of dreams and also we will learn how to access the dream’s directly. Many times when you access the dream directly you can get a much clearer picture than one who uses the standard dream interpretation books out there. The reason is with direct access, nuances and travel operate at a much higher efficiency than recollection of the intellectual mind.






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