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Direct Language

March 9, 2016


There are two subjects I would like to consider today. The first one has to do with streamlining these emails so to allow you to click on a link to let me know your opinion, or whether or not you might be interested in a particular service I’m offering. I have found it convenient when I’ve been on other websites allowing one to sign up or request more information on a particular service to be quite useful while the particular subject is at the forefront of your mind.  I do plan to implement this once I’m able to allocate time to do the programming.


I’m still planning on doing some classes and/or workshops more than likely towards the end of March, and/or beginning in April. Please if you can, let me know if you have any preferences as to the type of workshop and/or class that you’d be interested in attending.


In my sessions I have spoken of direct language. It is the subject of greater importance than many people realize. Reason is as it taught in many the religions throughout the world including by those of the Bible, where everything including heaven on earth is right in front of you. So, the question is: why is it that we have so many difficulties facing us on regular basis?


In all fairness in order to get a better understanding of this particular subject, we have to examine the limitations of the intellect. To do this we also must examine the nature of all that there is, or we can use the term the nature of God. This examination had nothing to do with any particular religious ideals other than a basic concept that almost everybody can agree to.


To my understanding it is understood where no thing or quality, and or realization is outside of the essence and/or nature of God. Apparently this is been adopted by many different religions and societies throughout history.


So let us consider this nature from a different perspective than what is being commonly taught today. The nature of God being perfect brings forth an excellence where all things formed by the word of God have a means or firmament by which they can act according to the nature of the word, bringing them into existence to begin with.


Therefore, Time, Space, Matter, and Light, are brought forth by the word wherein these qualities ride upon the perfection existing, yet they themselves are not perfect for they are always in motion and subject to change.


It is because of the perfection allowing the qualities of those things formed to exist by their nature of their formation, one can determine by understanding the nature of which is formed the qualities and characteristics having an effect on other things including the perception of stars millions of light-years away.


I will be going into this material in much greater detail that can be provided in this letter and e-book which should be published shortly.


Since all things formed by the nature of their formation being without perfection, yet riding on the essence of perfection unknowing of the perfection existing within, will find dissatisfaction, disassociation, and/or separation from all things.


This is a dilemma of the intellect. When one enters into the body, upon the first breath sentience begins. Upon the last breath sentience ends. As the individual takes a first breath there are several things that become notable. One, the brain is empty. Two, the connection to the spiritual world that was once understood and realized has become a dim memory. Now while the intellect has a couple of base programs predetermined to assist in the survival of the physical body, there are limitations.


The first program is designed to protect the body at all cost. The reason for this is the individual entering into the body may not know very well how to function in the physical world. The second more basic program goes back to the caveman days. Whereas if one is walking down the path on a nice and sunny day, and hear’s a noise, not knowing what the noise is, immediately removes itself from the area where the noise is because the noise could be dangerous. After all, it could be an Oversize Squirrel or a Sabretooth Tiger.


With these two basic programs in operation, an individual develops another conclusion which is based upon the assumption. It is important to understand the process of assumption is the only option the intellect has. The reason for this is since the intellect does not have available to its realization the quality of perfection, being everything is subject to change, then the only option the intellect has is the exercise of the equation X plus Y equals four. All the intellect can do is collect information and make comparisons to determine if something is safe or not.


This assumption has some interesting determinations and I’ll explain since the intellect does not realize while it rides upon the essence of God and/or perfection, being formed it does not have direct access to this and determines through the deductive reasoning all things perceived are dangerous.


The reason all things are perceived to be dangerous is as we stated earlier the mind is empty and nothing works. Since the individual only has the five senses to work with while still being cognizant of the universe through its previous interactions with such, and now it’s observation through the limitations of the five senses concludes all things perceived being greater than itself and the only path of security is to collect all things it may become equal to or greater than those things perceived.


So the first assumption is judgment. So, all judgments are wrong, primarily because they are based upon the process of assumption where perfection is not available to those things which are formed. Even if you go into your math classes, they will speak of a square, calling it a perfect square only in theory because all things are in constant motion. The chair I’m sitting on today as I speak of these things could be charcoal tomorrow.


So, let us get to the subject of direct language. As you can see the idea of separation is really quite easy to adopt. It is not a fault, and/or defect in the operations of the intellect. If you remember the intellect is similar to a calculator utilizing the process of logical comparison to determine whether or not something is safe, for the purposes to protect the body at all costs.


So, while this may be the case, we still have to figure out a way to make our statements and/or define our world where we are no longer out of harmony with what we desire in our lives. As stated earlier which is pretty will understood by many worldwide where everything is already within and no thing is separate.


It seems that the methods were we develop a belief and/or reality where all things are separate from ourselves and we are separate from those things is a cause of many of our problems as to why when we make petition our petitions are never answered and in fact many times by our acts of our petitions things get worse.


As you can see, it is very easy for the intellect to make the deduction based upon the process of assumption where everything is separate from itself, being outside of itself, greater than itself and therefore being a threat. Yet while the threat is perceived there is still a desire to make petitions in order to relieve the possibility of any danger and/or threat to the individual, including the granting of favors.


So when one makes a petition with the statement “send me strength”, “please send me love”. As you can see the nature of these two requests, the individual’s reality concludes they are separate the very things which are already within them to begin with.  If you go back and look at the perfection of God, whereas is pretty well adapted by all the major religions worldwide, then the idea that something is separate from you becomes a misunderstanding.


Recognizing that God is a loving God, as stated by almost all major religions, and evidenced by the observation where all things are possible and no restriction is placed upon you outside of your own activities, meaning you have complete freedom of choice to take a path of light or darkness.


Every breath you take consist within it so much Love and Compassion where you’re completely free to as I stated before take the path of Love Understanding Compassion, or not.


As you can see, some of my comments have put a wrinkle in the accepted way of things. Therefore let us embark on a new means of petition where our petition is in harmony with all which is benevolent and loving in the universe.


As we stated before, the previous way of petition separates the goodness from ourselves and cause us to become weak and isolated. I will give you an example of a petition you can modify to meet the protocols of the tradition of which you’re currently involved in.


Recognizing where every breath is a gift, and in such gift is complete Love Understanding and Compassion allowing us to take the path of light and/or darkness the previous claim validates itself by its nature.


Therefore start your petition with this or similar statement. “Thank you for the gifts I received”. The reason that you want to start off in this matter is a set the condition for the normalcy of accepting gifts and benevolence. The second part of this is really a statement of condition and/or request both brought into something similar to this. “I’m currently working on a project right now, and if anybody’s around who would like to assist me, it surely would be appreciated”. The reason I am using the term project has to do with I anticipated success in the endeavor. It is important because if we think something is outside ourselves then success is not ours but belonging to someone else. The third, and most important, is the expression of gratitude for the benevolence of God, and all the really great individuals assistanting humanity in their endeavor towards enlightenment.


So let us try this with an actual request. “To all that is holy and righteous I express my benevolence and appreciation for the gifts that you’ve given me on every breath truly I am grateful”. “I’m currently working on a project with the ultimate goal of understanding how the Angels function in the Higher Realms, if anybody is around whom can assist me in this endeavor your assistance would surely be appreciated”. “In all that is holy and righteous I am in this endeavor truly grateful for your assistance, amen”.


As you can see, this basic model can be applied to every major religious tradition throughout the world. The idea here is to recognize we are not separate from all the benevolence of God, but our participants with limitations requiring us to ascend and to that which is truly the quality of humanity itself.


In summation, adapting the qualities of Love, Understanding, and Compassion, we find judgment to be the direct result of an assumption, whereas all things realized occur within ourselves and no thing including the qualities of the universe, and those of all people, who also are within ourselves. As I’ve also stated before, “The difference between myself and a bank robber is nothing more than the simple statement, the idea of robbing banks bores the heck out of me”.  “I am not superior to the bank robber just choosing to do something different. After all, someday when that bank robber gets tired robbing banks, he may choose to be a good person working the path of Love Understanding and Compassion. It is an option every one of us has.


In the bonds of the Light I am,




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