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The New Year and Already Mercury is Retrograde

Jan 15, 2016

What is one of the most interesting items to consider is the month of January. Each New Year and in many cases celebrate the ending of the previous year opens a new doorway for the New Year to come. It is also another item of interest is when many of us look back the previous year let alone the previous many years, we might ask ourselves how in the heck did we make it this far. I can’t believe it is 2016 already.

And wouldn’t you know it, right at the very beginning of the new year our favorite planet Mercury decide to go retrograde! To save time and space here, if you’d like to learn about Mercury retrograde please go to Google or any good search engine and type the phrase “Mercury retrograde”. There are some really good articles on this phenomenon regardless of whether or not one regards the study and/or examination of astrology, there are too many anecdotal references to such a phenomenon from individuals making many mistakes too many very reliable computers for some reason start acting up and doing weird things.

While I have other things to discuss in this letter, I would like to share with you a short story regarding a Mercury retrograde incident.  A friend of mine who work for large technical company was informed by me regarding Mercury retrograde coming up and the need to keep a closer eye on their servers. Well as luck would have it they basically pooh-poohed the idea and that was the end of that. I get a note about a week later that on the very day Mercury went retrograde; their instant messaging servers were given them fits for three days. Needless to say, I received a request to let them know the next time Mercury decides to go retrograde.

There are some other factors associated with Mercury retrograde also, and that has to do with going back and reviewing things, modifications and planning is a really good time to exercise when this planet is retrograde. Many times also the unexpected communications from past individuals that we may have not of heard of for several years and out of the blue a communication is established.  For the most part, if a reestablishment of communication with an individual commercial Mercury retrograde, it is likely that the communicational when Mercury goes direct.

There’s another aspect that occurs when this planet is going retrograde, and that is the digging up of old dirt, and I’m using the term old dirt in a humorous manner but in all seriousness if something is been hidden or suppressed, it is outstanding time to bring into the surface and get them cleared up. 

The final item to consider associate with Mercury retrograde has to do with misunderstanding. The reason for this is Mercury has to do with communications. So while it is running its normal path everything is fine. However when it does reverse its course, and depending upon what particular house in your chart is been affected by this, there is an increase likelihood of misunderstanding. We also might notice a higher propensity for being scatterbrained.

So by now you’re probably asking why we are looking into this at this particular time. While the focus of my work is not necessarily from an astrological standpoint, I find it useful to use the best of everything out there regardless of source and/or cause as long as the constructive benefits for humanity are the primary defining qualities in the work and/or exercise brought forward.

Oftentimes while we are in a period of review there is a propensity to make judgments based upon the information we have today regarding an event that occurred in the past. Now I will tell you straight up at this is doomed to failure and I’ll explain. In order to understand this we need to take a moment to look at the nature of the intellect how it is wired.

I’ve stated before and I would like to bring to your attention again, the intellect’s primary mission is to protect the body at all costs in order to make it possible for the body to survive the physical world. One of the problems with this process is the initial information provided to the intellect was accurate only to the degree expressed by the equation X  plus Y equals four. Since a constant was not available, a solution which would extrapolate the essence of perfection would not be possible.

Since the intellect has no choice but to do a process of comparison of information collected based upon best guess. In short, every determination by the intellect is based upon the first assumption, which is direct result of the equation aforementioned whereby the definition of judgment is based upon the assumption itself, meaning all judgments are incorrect.

Therefore they are without basis and are nothing more than a best guess. In all fairness I would be remiss if I did not make this statement following the issue of judgment. I have the right to make the determination and/or judgment associated regarding lima beans. I don’t like him, and when I was 14 years old the family poodle didn’t like them either. In this particular case the judgment was determined by comparison of that which is unpleasant to me based upon other information. So really what we are doing here is making an observation based upon stimuli of the lima beans.

As far as our own behavior is concerned, we need to remember that we can only be held responsible for what we understand. So if we were to look back at an event or behavior from the past with the knowledge that we have today we would find failure. The reason is because the set of information that we have today, if we had it then the outcome would’ve been completely different.

The only option that you have when you examine things of the past is to utilize the level of understanding you had at that particular time, and then make a determination. As much as we would like to be able to go back and change things, exercise better behavior and/or judgment, this cannot be possible primarily because as if we are to go back to that particular time we would only have the understanding we had then. Being the case, we would make the same decisions and determinations if we had everything to do over again with the information that we had then not now.

As you examine things of the past if you do so, do so without judgment. Rather your best option would be to exercise these examinations with the attitude of learning how to do it differently. When you take this particular approach, you will come into an understanding of how not to do something, or if the item seems to be repeating themselves this time around we can determine there are some programs running regenerating the same less than desirable behaviors

it is here where criticism of oneself serves no purpose however if we find that we have some items that we would like to take care of, there are processes and means to get these things accomplished.

We must also remember where the essence of the Light, Love and Compassion exists in such Light is with this 24 hour a day. And, the proof is in the breath. Each breath has a much love compassion and understanding, that were given the opportunity to work a path of constructive loving qualities, or the path of the lesser light associated with destructive activities. We have complete freedom to take any path we want allowing the universe to be a place of peace and joy or torment.

In all fairness though, we also must have experiences associated with difficulties and resistance. These are not necessarily a matter of making bad choices, but more the process of growth where we are learning how to do things differently. But fret not when you have a lousy day, it’s going to happen. Like the cycle of night and day, soon the in the sun will shine.

In the bonds of the Light I am,


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