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The Nature of Fate

Charles Crooks

The Healer of Hearts and Minds®

(214) 923-5848

Tuesday, November 11, 2015

9:23 AM

Welcome to the List


I would like to take a moment to speak of the nature of fate. Now to keep things clear here, I’m not referring to the character known as Fate in the movie Dune.  I am referring to a conclusion many people draw an attempt to define various challenges one faces in one’s lifetime. Where this gets interesting, has more to do with our uncanny ability to bring ourselves into difficult situations knowing full well that was not our original intention.


We’ve all heard the statement, “I’ll never be like my parents”, or “I will never marry someone like that”. And, sure enough that’s exactly what happens. Somehow by our resistance to that which we fear we will find that the universe through some mysteriously is now currently rubbing our nose in it.


So, what’s the deal?  Well, let’s look at a couple possibilities here and see where this goes. I have stated many times in my previous works where all things are part of the Whole, a similitude for the quality of God, being as many religious texts as stated, and I paraphrase, where the nature of God permeates all things and no thing is outside of this, therefore no thing can be outside of the essence and/or influence of the nature of God, this being the case, we being part of the Whole draws one to the determination, by being part of the Whole of which is of the Whole and all things part of being life, of the Whole is also within ourselves.


As you can see, we have a little bit of a problem here. Our problem exists as result of conclusions drawn by the process of assumption. So let us consider the probabilities whereas a process of assumption is defined bringing about the first judgment of separation.


Let us consider an idea for moment where we are about ready to come into the body and we are currently with a bunch of our angel buddies of the heavenly worlds putting final touches on things that we have chosen to take care of. Everything is set, timing location, etc. So when the time comes we head down the “chute” and in the process forgetting what we originally chose to do, we start developing a little bit of concern primarily because we forgot why are on our way down the chute to enter into the body.


While the body is still relying on the vital life force of the mother, once a cord is cut, the body is without the life force and/or sentience required for it to live. This is true for every air breathing life form on this planet. Without that first breath the body dies away.


Upon that first breath we are now in the body. The first thing that we realize is the brain is empty. The second thing we also remember is that we forgot the reason why we came in in the first place. Now “Upstairs” has provided a means by which we can access the original information at another time. This system I referred to I will discuss in another letter. So, let us get back to the dilemma facing the individual. Now, we are now in the body where the brain is empty and of course we have forgotten why we are here. Do you understand why babies cry?


Now all is not lost here for there are a couple of basic programs that are embedded so to speak. The first one has to do with the caveman days when we would be walking down the path on a nice and sunny day, upon hearing a noise, not knowing what the source of the noise is, we will consider the noise a threat taking flight.


The second program being developed upon entry into the body has to do with assuring that the body will survive while we are in the body. So as we look around ourselves finding that the brain is empty, nothing works, we can’t even get lunch, we then look upon the universe taking note all things in the universe are acting according to their nature, concluding that the source associated with this action carried perfection which brings about definition and safety.


Since the two programs are running, sensing the universe is separate from itself, and being the fact is that it is larger, in fact all things are larger and/or greater than the little bitty body we are in, we then go back to the caveman days program for that which is unknown is a threat and must be protected against and/or made subservient to our qualities.


In order to accomplish this task, the intellect, the section of the individual which does most the calculations and is responsible for protecting the body must devise a way by which we gain such things that it may become equal to and/or superior than what is perceived. Only then will the intellect consider the body safe. What is really interesting here is the intellect being in the first action carrying the first command to protect the body at all cost has primary authority to keep all information, realizations, realities, regardless of not whether they assist the body and it’s functioning.  Since the intellect has its’ information based on assumption, it does not understand many of the realizations held are actually harmful to the body.


Now let us go back to the earlier statement for moment regarding the nature of the Whole. If the statement is valid, then there is no thing outside of this including ourselves. Therefore everything we perceive is within ourselves to begin with. So, if we try to convince ourselves that is something is outside of ourselves, we will find a perceived separation of the nature the Whole by placing the information in a cave separate from the Light existing within each and every one of us.


This is not a fault. The intellect is exercising its ability to calculate in a logical form all things perceived determining whether the particular thing presented is a threat were not. We must also consider the earlier process of assumption whereas if you look at the nature of assumption, it is really a best guess. Assumption is an equation without a constant. For example, X plus Y equals four. As you can see we have a perceived answer without any means and/or possibilities to validate the conclusion brought forward. Therefore, all assumptions are nothing more than a best guess.  At the same time we must also consider the first judgment. The first judgment is based upon the assumption whereby the essence of the Whole being unknown to that which is formed which is unable to perceive the perfection existing therein, yet as all things are permeated by this perfection the fact all things are formed are unable to access this perfection directly, making the process of assumption the only options that we have. Therefore all judgments are based upon assumption; all judgments are nothing more than a best guess.


Here’s one of my favorite statements I like to present my clients, and it’s really kind of fun. I’m referring to many things we’ve all said in one form or another so here we go. “I’m so guilty for being so stupid; I should have known that person was a dodo head”. Let us take a moment to examine this statement to understand the various attributes being brought forward here. First of all, guilt requires malice. Therefore you don’t qualify for guilt. Being without wisdom is not a crime. Secondary, should implies judgment, since judgment is based upon assumption which is best guess there is no validity in the statement at all.


However when you rephrase a statement, you’ll find something a little different coming out of this. “If I had known the person was a dodo head, I never would’ve gone anywhere near them”. You see the first example has to do with judgment, bringing subservience to ourselves, to other individuals and/or our relationship with all things around us.  The second statement is being truthful.


There’s another aspect of this that the needs to be considered. It has to do with the issue of responsibility. In order for failure to occur success must be possible. Therefore if you don’t have the tools and/or information to make an auspicious decision, then the decision is not possible, being there is no possibility of success, failure does not exist here.


The process of Spiritual Ascension has more to do with recognizing your own personal connection by virtue of your realization of all possibilities within and without, for they are truly within. Sometimes we have some thinking patterns which have been found to not do as well for a particular time. However, when these thinking patterns are no longer beneficial to our growth, a  means will be provided to bring about their dissolution.


In closing, I would like to suggest that if you resolve to do anything, be kind and loving to yourself knowing full well the essence of perfection while it swims through you and every cell is not readily available to the intellectual calculations, forcing the intellect to use the process of assumption to determine the nature of things around it. Not a fault mind you just a minor inconvenience for we do have the ability to work around that one.

In the bonds of the Light I am,




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