Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
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The Attributes of Fault

April 29, 2015


I would also like to apologize for my delay in getting many of the requests processed in a timely manner.

Currently I’m rather behind on a few projects which has caused me to put on the sidelines a couple of other items I was working with. So anyway, let us consider this week’s message.

First, I would like to make a request that you send in your reports or contact me if you have not done so regarding the status of the work we have done. There really are benefits to this process.

One has to do with making sure that everything that was attempted was completed, and all factors are “Cooking properly”. If there’s something that I’ve missed in our work, I am more than glad to take care of it over the phone. Generally, these follow-up sessions last no more than 10 or 15 minutes and it is my pleasure to execute them.

Two has to do with your testimony assisting other people who may be considering relieving some burdens no longer needed. Since the only outreach and/or advertising I do has to do with these letters and the website, it is always been my feeling regarding the work that the greatest benefit comes directly from your testimony assisting others.

So for moment let us consider the subject of fault. Now as many of you heard me say in the past, at least in the sessions, faults are in California let them keep them. Well there’s little bit of humor in my approach on this matter there is more to the establishment of such a statement than many may overtly realize.

Generally, if you examine a straight line and follow that line to the point for the light becomes crooked you could say that the fault lies in the crooked part of the line. That would be quite true as there is no debate on this particular matter.

Now let’s apply this to an individual in attempting a particular process. Let us say that the individual has decided to take on a task requiring four pieces of information to successfully complete this particular task. Now remember, the four pieces of information are not yet fully understood and/or known. And, we also must remember that in order for failure to occur, success must be possible. Therefore, success requires the particular four pieces of information that I’m referring to in this example.

So you embark upon this particular task, and/or journey, with a definite goal in mind, yet not knowing how truly to get there. We might have a basic idea, but we still do not have the four particular pieces of information needed to complete this task. Now to some, it might be said that because they are without these particular pieces of information, it is a fault of that particular individual for they currently do not have the tools necessary to complete the task.

One could say such a statement was not only arrogant, but definitely a judgment. What is interesting here also, such a statement implies the exclusive use of the process of assumption which never will ever be able to create the constant needed to bring about a clear determination eliminating the need for arrogance and/or judgment.

Yet somehow we have a propensity to use that very same process to do greater damage to ourselves in a matter causing us to feel or believe that we are at fault, have many faults, forgetting that the faults belong in California.

You see, when we embark upon a path and gain the tools necessary to accomplish the task we have chosen for ourselves, the tools themselves requiring an execution by our actions brings about a completion of the task. As we execute the task necessary bringing the tools forward, we embark on a process of discovery and validation of the tools themselves bringing about the success completing the task.

Yes, we can say that we may have had these tools in mind, and at first glance probably did not exercise these tools as proficiently as we would like to, claiming we are at fault.

But there’s another factor we must consider, and that is as we gain the tools necessary to complete the task, where was it said that we would have the full knowledge and understanding of these particular tools to exercise him in the most proficient manner?

Again, we have the process of assumption creeping in here bringing about judgment, personal arrogance, and degradation of our true capabilities.

So, while we examine the intellect, the calculator within ourselves, we find that the process used is very exact, equivalent to Boolean algebra. Everything is compared to that which is been collected.

Since that which is been collected is more than likely to be in error then all determinations based upon the information collected will be subject to not only interpretation, but also completely erroneous without any validation whatsoever.

Therefore we cannot be responsible for those things that we do not have a clear and concise understanding of. Using the example above regarding the task requiring four pieces of information, until we have a full understanding of the information as aforementioned, we then cannot be held responsible for that which we do not understand, and/or have full knowledge.

So if you think that you might be at fault in something, slow down, more than likely the issue has nothing to do with fault, but rather a lack of understanding of that which is before you.

Think not that you are at fault, but rather think well that’s your learning and becoming more proficient of that which you perceive.

As the Light exist in each and every one of us, we are completely bathed in this Light and Love, it is our necessity to exist in a world where limitations exist given us the opportunity to learn and hone our inner capabilities through the processes of defining our tasks.

When we no longer have need of defining our particular tasks, we will go elsewhere and embark upon other tasks.



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