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The Water Experiment

January 29, 2015

Over the last several years, I have received a few requests regarding the rather interesting Water Experiment which I have planned to do this next Thursday.

As many of you know by now, or at least have picked up some ancillary information regarding the nature of thoughts and Water, we are going to do an experiment in such a way as to demonstrate and prove what is understood by many regarding the nature water and our thoughts.

When we do these experiments, I like to keep the method as pure as possible avoiding any statement such as “you should feel this”, or “you should see the light”. The problem with this is as nothing to do with actual validation of what is being presented, but rather a manifestation of the results in attempt to not be left out, or not be seen as one who doesn’t get it.

The way we do our experiments is when if possible define a baseline by which all things can be compared. And then on each action, no one will be told what to expect, and/or any effect to be anticipated.

And of course by now some of you might be wondering why we are doing a water experiment. Well, not only is a lot of fun, but will demonstrate the connection between ourselves and things around us.

So, let us talk about this connection for minute. As many of you heard me say “There is no thing outside of the Whole, as all things are part of the Whole and therefore no thing can be outside of this Whole and still be part of”. Now for purposes of definitions in my previous letters I wrote that the nature of the Whole is a generic representation of that which binds all things together of which many people may call by the many different names from Krishna, Buddha, Allah, God and so forth. Now while we are on the subject for minute we have to take a moment to give Elvis Presley some credit. Years ago he is been interviewed and he was asked why he had the religious symbols of all the major religions that were known to him. If I remember correctly, he stated and I quote “I don’t want to get kicked out of Heaven on a technicality”. So when you hear me talking about the Whole just remember that this necessity may be in the back of my mind as I’m saying the very word.

Anyway, let’s move on in the past I have spoken of the connectedness of all things and I’ve also talked a little bit about the nature of harmony of which most musicians be quite familiar with this in relation to the musical scales.

Harmony has been studied and examined by people from thousands of years from Plato to Musicians, and is further in-depth study is not our purpose here in this letter. However if you really want to get into the details of harmony, do a Google search on harmony and you will find Wikipedia articles really quite good.

I’m going to make a couple of statements which you can verify in your own time which I think you will find quite interesting.

If everything is part of the whole and no thing separate, then there is no way for you to be outside of the whole. Since all things occur behind the eyes in between the ears, the whole of all things exist within. The belief that we are separate may be considered the first great error. For when you examine the previous statement, you will find validity and validation and its claim that all things are truly within. All things are connected, interacting with each other according to the binding factor allowing Matter and Light to exist.

For our experiment, we will start with a baseline and note the taste and quality of water. Then we will do experiments associated with various ideals thoughts and/or conditions, including attitudes good and bad. To maintain the integrity the experiment, you will not be told what to expect. You’ll receive a small cup of water which will be cycled after each repetition of the experiment is completed.

In all fairness I can make the statement, that the experiment is designed in such a way that you will be surprised at some of the results.





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