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The Cycles of Life, Ebb and Flow

Oct 14, 2015

 I have two businesses, my information technology business required me to get involved in a major project regarding databases associated with electronic health records and the new ICD 10 codes. Needless to say, it was a major project requiring some nights of work finishing up around three or four a.m. The success of the major part of the project for the most part was demonstrated during the first week of October where the necessary deadlines were met and I still have all my hair.  Because of the project that I was involved in, I did not have the time for my usual communications, and/or mini lessons.


Now let’s move on to something a little bit more in line to regarding the reason that you are receiving these emails. In my previous letters I have spoken of the various qualities regarding the constructive attributes of humanity. It is important to realize that there is no way on earth where anyone of us can maintain a peace as demonstrated by the qualities of the constructive attributes. This has nothing to do with desire and/or qualities of an individual, but rather the natural cycles and/or rhythms of the physical world we live in. To demonstrate this let us examine the natural flow of the waves as they approach the shore on a calm afternoon.


In order to get our perspective properly defined we will draw our attention to Joe the crab. (By the way, this is not the same Joe who owns Joe’s crab shack)  While Joe was scampering along the beach to find goodies that are washed up by the water, joy and jubilation is realized as the water moves in bringing all kinds of tasty little morsels for Joe the crab to partake of. However, sadness and despair may be prevalent when the feast is over, the water receding along with its tasty morsels.  Since Joe is concentrating on the sadness and despair caused by the water receding he is not aware the water will return shortly bringing its bounty. He is consumed in despair completely convinced that all is lost and there is no hope. A few minutes later, much to Joe’s surprise, the water returns with the myriad of tasty morsels that Joe can enjoy.


We find these examples of cycles, our reactions to them, caused by our desire to hold onto that very moment when the particular event we are involved in is at its zenith. Throughout history mankind has had this particular problem to the point where they decided to come up with religions and belief associated with the Sun God showing up for the day and the Moon God showing up at night with the belief that they will continue in the cycle thereby bringing stability to the individual psyche.


Again, all things are cyclic. In the physical realm, since we are bound by the laws associated with physical manifestation, Light, Space, and Matter, are defined by the essence of time whereas the things previously mentioned are cyclic in their nature, being the frequency in relation to the speed of Light itself determines our ability to perceive their qualities and/or natures.


It is because of the cyclic nature of Light, that we are able to perceive color. In the physical realm the difference between a sound and a pressure wave to that of a color is nothing more than frequency whereby the pressure wave has a harmonic relationship to the color of the light depending on the frequency of the initial wave.


This will also explain the value of certain bowel sounds used in tonal mantras. If everything is harmonically connected, which is of the nature so spoken of, calming and peaceful we will have in harmonic relationships permeating all the way up the scale to the point of affecting our state of mind, chakras, and our aura.


So, here’s the deal. If you decide to have an occasional temper tantrum every so often, which may help you blow off some steam, it is also important have to be cognizant of where we decide to blow some of the steam off. You might want consider a private place where you can’t do any damage to yourself or anything else for that matter.  With caution, you may wish you may do this in Walmart or other public place; people will just ignore you, respond to you in a manner you may not enjoy, or if you’re lucky throw ice cream at you. 


Just remember, allow yourself the freedom to blow off some steam periodically so it is not a powder keg possibly wiping out whole neighborhood. And, after doing so, bring forth humor associated with the most recent events, while you are also cutting yourself slack in these matters. There is no means available to anyone in the world to have all the answers. It is not possible because the intellect has only the process of assumption available to it. You will also find it easier to let those perceived to be without wisdom off the hook also.


While we have had a little fun with this subject, I cannot stress the importance of remaining cognizant and/or aware of our cyclic world where the ebb and flow is the nature order of nature, being all things known whereas the remembrance of the constructive attributes are always within us and will never be lost.



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