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Defining Your Journey

January 18, 2015

It is probably safe to say, a vast majority of learned individuals, religious organizations, mystical organizations, and others whom their primary objective could be tied to the betterment of humanity would promote the idea or concept of how our thoughts define our world. Now right from the get-go there will be some dissent associated with one’s ability to find their world.

The reason for this is many are taught that it is someone else is responsible for their lot in life. Now while it is not the purpose in a short letter to go into the detail debate regarding such, it is the subject worth considering and/or validating from your own experiences.

So let us take a moment and examine the expected results of one’s anger. To go further in this examination we must also consider this particular anger to be not for the protection of someone, but rather a reaction to another apparently does not see eye to eye to you.

Have you ever noticed, when you’re angry, your ability to function in a constructive manner is inhibited as many mistakes and or conclusions incorrectly devised causing more disharmony and frustration as a direct result of this anger?

So what does this have to do with defining our world? Well, it has a lot to do with defining our world. If were purporting certain beliefs, and those beliefs were not validated, then in our world a degree of insecurity would prevail, in addition a dependency upon someone else. Now where this gets interesting is, if we can cause other people to follow in our line of thinking, then we will feel comfortable about buying into the belief is as it was presented. The more the goes along with our belief, the more secure we become.

However, because we have not taken the time to validate the propositions brought forward by the belief we’ve adopted, we are insecure.  Anytime we feel insecure as far something we are bringing forward, then anyone who does not buy into our belief system becomes a threat.

Throughout history this is evidenced by the many religions wars which are seated in the concept of belief, thereby insecure in its nature, expansionist is in its actions, and very judgmental to those who do not buy into with the proposed.

As you can see by this example, nothing but pain and suffering will be the result of such an undertaking.

Let us take an individual who may have found a system of belief of interest and therefore found the time to validate that particular system of belief. Therefore, there is a Gnosis and or confidence in one’s understanding and in doing so the desire is to bring other people to the same understanding is based upon the desire to enhance the qualities of individuals around them, that others may find the same qualities realized.

In this example we find that no force and or intimidation to subjugate an individual for the purpose of one’s own personal insecurity is needed. Additionally, the individual will also be more harmonious with themselves and they will have no longer the need to exercise anger in order to bring about an adjustment and/or change others related to what was understood and also presented.

Now let’s move on to the idea of defining our world through the process of meditation, and ritual. First of all let me describe the term meditation. Simply put meditation is a process of drawing your attention to some ideal and/or condition, and giving only attention to that ideal and/or condition.

From Wikipedia “The English meditation is derived from the Latin meditatio, from a verb meditari, meaning "to think, contemplate, devise, ponder".[12]

The process of ritual is a repeated activity for the purpose of quieting the intellect to assist in bringing about different qualities of the thinking where a process of spiritual understanding may be obtained.

As was stated earlier, when one is in angry condition, mistakes and errors occur, no matter how hard they try to prevent them.  The reason for this, is the intellect is so busy recently to and replaying the anger program, the other processes in the brain are inhibited and therefore do not function as well.

The really interesting part of this has to do when you look at a normal computer, and you have a program that is not running right taken up all the power of the computer preventing other applications from running in a normal condition. It continues this way and until the errant program is disabled.

Let us look at a couple of other examples and how our thoughts affect our future and our world.

One of the most beautiful places on the West Coast is Carmel by the Sea. During spring and summer and even autumn, the place is gorgeous. Okay, it is also gorgeous in winter too.

During the month of June, you have the morning clouds coming in from the ocean and therefore blocking the sun probably till around one or two o’clock.

So, let us examine two different individuals walking down Main Street at 11 AM and let us examine with their thinking is and how their day goes according.

First, we will examine individual who sees the clouds as a gift.  The reason is, that these morning clouds make possible the beautiful Redwoods which would not be able to survive in the area without these beneficial clouds. So that individual sees the clouds as nature’s benevolent watering system. In making this observation, the individual is thankful and their attitude will also be set. Now while this individual is walking down the street with this attitude of love and appreciation something else very interesting happens. This individual which is in the state of mind not only sees this in their reality, but also gives other people the right respond likewise. Because that which is within your reality, defines the means by which other people may approach you.

The second individual will perceive the clouds as blight upon the sun that shines only part of the day during this time of the year. They will be resentful of the clouds, and as such carry this anger. If we apply the same principles to the above example, then the individual’s reality which is bringing forth anger and disharmony becomes a beacon by which other people can respond to as they will only have the permission to respond in disdain when they come in contact with individual number two.

Because of the limited space I have in these letters, I cannot go into further detail regarding the subject. To addresses subject completely, we would be looking at several hundred pages of text. So I hope you find the preceding to be of assistance in your journey towards defining your world.

Our purpose of this next class is to provide you with practical and useful means to define your world not only presently but also in the future.

I would also like to announce that next Thursday the 29th will be having a special class for the purpose of validating the nature of our thoughts and tones upon water. This particular class was requested by a couple coming out of New Jersey and returning from Sedona. I will send out another letter prior to the Thursday night class on the 29th, but I would like to take a few seconds to describe what we are going to be doing at that particular class. In order to be fair about the experiments as many of you know, I do everything I can to maintain an environment where an individual can validate the results of the exercises presented and if necessary repeat the exercises and experiments in their own home or elsewhere.

In the water experiment, we will start with a baseline. Once a baseline established than another poor of the water will occur, and then we will do tones and or thoughts. After that particular told and/or attitude directed towards the water we will then taste of water and give our reports. I will not tell you what to expect. To do so is manipulation and invalidates the quality of information perceived. I can tell you at this time that many of you will be completely surprised as to the many different qualities will take note in the experiments.




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