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Chakra Tuning and Awakening

Jan 25, 2015

For years mankind has recognize the importance of harmony as it relates to the functioning of the human body. Through experiments by countless others before us, the myriad of functions associated with the harmonic excitation of certain chakras became known and well documented.

One of the problems we are faced with is the desire to take shortcuts as to accessing and/or speeding up the spiritual process and/or awakening through given attention only to the chakras themselves.

Many of you are familiar with the Kundalini exercises whose sole purpose is raising the Kundalini in the body for various reasons including those not of a spiritual nature.

There are many pitfalls associated with some of these practices. So let us examine for moment the nature of some of these pitfalls and the damage that can be done by forcing the rise of energy and/or light in a particular chakra where the chakra area itself is not clear.

First of all, without going into too much detail let us examine the chakras themselves. It can be said that the basic chakra is equivalent to a mini universe positioned at various points in the body rotating in such a direction as to facilitate the energy flow of the human condition. Each particular chakra has a specific harmonic relationship with all things around it including the cells in the body.

So let’s examine the Crown Chakra is associated with the pituitary gland. This chakra is quite interesting because it is known as our Spiritual Gateway. It is the area where our spiritual realizations and communication occur on regular basis. The next chakra down from that is the pineal gland which is also known as the Third Eye Chakra. As you can imagine, this is where our inner sight is realized.  Our next chakra of interest is the Throat Chakra also located in the Thyroid Gland.  It is here that the regulation of communication between the spiritual and intellect occurs. It is also tied directly to the Sexual Chakra, and when out of harmony can cause all kinds of problems. Our next chakra of interest, and probably the most important, is the Heart Chakra. This chakra is the center of the seven chakras. It is the meeting point where all the energies of the spiritual and all the energies of the physical intertwined. When this chakra is operating appropriately, without restrictions all the other chakras will also automatically attune to the harmony exhibited by the heart center. This chakra is also known as “I love the world chakra”. When one is in loving attitude, the heart shines, Peace is in the body. Our next chakra of interest is the Solar Plexus Chakra. This is also known as our son chakra and also our defense area. It becomes highly activated when there are threats to the body and is known for the excitation of adrenaline in the body when needed. The next chakra of interest is a Spinal Chakra. Its purpose is to facilitate the functioning of the mid-body area to the legs and feet and also an interconnection to the Sexual Chakra. In certain conditions this chakra can be used as the primary power, however, it is only under certain conditions at this can be accomplished. The next chakra is the Sexual Chakra. In certain conditions, this is a chakra that is connected to the ground and the source of power realized when necessary from battle to procreation.

Along with the functioning of the chakras, is the direction of the Vital Life Force by One’s Reality, which is defined as a series of continuing and/or repeating programs exercised by the Mind’s intellectual processes. Since these processes may be considered sub or internal programs it is highly unlikely that the average individual will have direct access to them.

Since each chakras functioning is directly related, and/or directly affected by the Vital Life Force, it would be unwise to attempt to override this Vital Life Force by directly working on that chakra itself. The reason for this is quite simple. Let us say that we have a Solar Plexus Chakra that is out of harmony due to some sort of fear and/or repetition of fear causing continuing unbalance with a chakra itself not to mention the glands and other cells in the area. Since the Vital Life Force being a tool of the Intellect where our reality takes precedence over all other things in the body, the body and the chakras have no choice but to comply. The reason for this, is they are part of that which is sentient, being part of and not separate does not have the ability to operate beyond the parameters defined by the sentient being.

Returning back to the Solar Plexus Chakra in our discussion, the imbalance of that chakra has likely caused the cells and the glands to become chemically imbalanced, and or impeded.  If we are to force Light into the area of that chakra, the resistance caused by the imbalances spoken of here has the potential to bring about complete destruction of the glands and/or cells in the area of the chakra.

However, all is not lost when we realize that we have some Imbalanced Chakras. In order to bring it chakras back into harmony, we must redefine our reality, the director of our Vital Life Force. 

When your reality has been redefined where fear, anger, and past beliefs being no longer valid are dissolved, then our Reality adjusts allowing the Vital Life Force to flow more freely, which in turn redirects the chakras to function harmoniously with the natural qualities within each and every one of us.

In our next class we will first examine the nature of each chakra in your body. Then we will look at the cause as to why that chakra may not be functioning as well as we might like. If it is something that can be resolved right then and there, we will take care of it. The process of tuning the Chakras really should be renamed to the process of redefining one’s reality toward greater internal harmony within. Because really when you look at it, as that greater harmony within becomes evident that chakras themselves will align and become in tune.



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