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Idiot's Delight Jan 14, 2014  Modified


I believe Albert Einstein once stated, and I paraphrase here, "The shortest distance between genius and stupidity, is a single thought".

With this in mind, let us consider the many times in our past we have either been inspired with pure genius, or taken action predicated by the complete stupidity available to all.  Now, what is interesting is that for some reason, knowing that the chance for the exercise of stupidity is about equal to the chance of a point of genius, we might find this to be a little frightening.  So, when somebody is acting with wisdom, we will say they are wise and in some cases acting as if the Genius Angel was on their shoulder.  We can use other terms to describe the actions we, or others, take part in as either strokes of brilliance, or complete idiocy, and/or dumber than dirt.

Another characteristic we have is that our natural fear of being exposed as the “Village Idiot” is quite high in just about every one of us.  The reason for this is that, since we are involved in a society predicated by insecurity, where the intellect is strong, and the Spirit dim, and/or diminished; the participants in this society are looking for acceptance from others.

If those in that society had a better understanding of the Spirit within, they would not seek acceptance and/or superiority over others.  The reason would be that the Spirit would be bright and secure, while the intellect would still function, but not as the "Prime Point of Realization", but, rather, as a secondary point of realization, directed by the Spirit.

Until this understanding is obtained each and every one of us will have the fear of being judged by others, and the power to set and/or reject the individual predicated by the determination, whether or not the observed actions resulted in genius and/or idiocy.

Yet, time and time again, we make mistakes, do stupid things, apparently proving to all observing, and ourselves, that the scourge of idiocy and/or stupidity is within each one of us.

However, one the most difficult things to accomplish, is to give equal time to the genius in us all. We seem to be hung up on the idea and/or fear of being exposed as a blooming idiot.

Now, probably the reason we prefer to give attention to our diminishment, as compared to our strengths, might have to do with the way the intellect works.  When the intellect is the master controller, the Spirit and/or God connection within each of us, is likely to be diminished.  What this does, is to delegate all realizations to the intellect.

In our previous teachings, we determined that the intellect has as its primary responsibility, to protect the body all costs.  Additionally, the dilemma the intellect faces, is that in order to protect the body all costs, the intellect must bring the body and/or itself to the same perfection observed as the Universal balance and/or Universal perfection, of which it first perceived upon entering into the physical world.

The logic is that if the perfection of the Universe exists everywhere, and in is perfect balance, when that which is not a perfect balance is not good and therefore must be walked away from and/or destroyed.  Further, that logic also states, "We must purify that which we see of which is apparently outside of the law of God".  There are two conditions, here, to consider.  One, if everything is part of the whole, and nothing is separate, then how can anything be outside of the law of God, of which the whole is God's law exercised.

An internal dilemma starts to arise here, for the intellect, seeking perfection to be equal to, or greater than that which it observes as “The law of God”, must find some means to accomplish the task.

Since the intellect has only the five senses, as the only means by which it may receive information, (Studies have shown that the five senses have a combined inherent error rate of around 10% to 30%) another problem arises that is, "instant insecurity".  You see, since the intellect has determined that there is no possible way, at least through its means, to achieve perfection, being equal to the universe as observed, the intellect must attach itself to something as close as possible to the representation of the perfected universe observed.

In doing this, the intellect, in its desire to achieve safety and perfection may attach it to that which is not safe and/or perfect.  The reason for this is that what it attaches itself to, was brought about by other intellect's seeking security.

As a point of reference, we can bring on the attributes of the family, religion, society, and other people around us, that we have decided are superior to ourselves.

While all this is going on, we are turning away from that which we are part. As stated earlier in this letter, if everything is part of the whole, and no thing separate, then we have no validity in the illusion of separateness brought on by the intellectual activities.

After all, how can we be separate from the whole? Additionally, the Spirit attribute of ourselves still exists and is functioning, but at a diminished level. That is because the intellect has turned away from the Spirit within, and drawn its attention to the worldly things, where not all the answers and/or connection to all things are readily available.

It is the nature in human form to be without all the answers, for to have all the answers would mean that we would have no challenge, therefore no growth, and no advancement.

It is for the purpose of learning and advancement that we are drawn to this world, the world of the restrictions. The key here is to recognize these conditions as natural and normal, including the acts of stupidity and genius.

If society ever ascends to that point where it is functioning from the spiritual attributes being primary and intellectual attribute being a secondary point of realization, will the fear of judgment from others will not continue?  But for now, we are more than likely to put our value in their hands.

And, this is where the problem arises. Each and every one of us is part of the whole and is validated by the spiritual attributes within; each breath confirming the renewal of those spiritual attributes within us by virtue of God's law. Therefore no thing breathing, and no thing existing can be outside of God's law.

As long as you're breathing, you have a “Light of God” within you. If you did not, you would not be breathing.

That being the case, why would you defer to others what God has already given unto you? Do you suppose that the attributes of Love, Understanding, and Compassion, are a direct manifestation of this Light within?

After all, if you can conceive of the ideals, you have confirmed that which we speak of today is already within you now.

You'll probably discover, regardless the amount of protest and/or history of stupidity one may realize, that the continuing denouncement of that which is truly within the individual, is in itself an error.

Realizing that Love, Understanding, and Compassion, are within, it would seem silly to try to get acceptance from those around you already have goodness within. 

This silliness is the reason why our bodies revolt, and our minds real, when we fall into the trap of getting acceptance from those who, for one reason or another, we have chosen to be superior, ourselves.

We will also discover that petitioning for acceptance from another individual makes it “illegal” for them to give it to us. The reason for this is that our reality is making a statement similar to this, "I am not good enough, goodness does not exist within me, therefore, do not give me acceptance, and treat me badly".

So, by the statement of law above, the individual finds that people will be in the habit of treating them badly.

However, if the individual decides to change the order of precedence from the intellect as a prime point of realization to the spiritual attribute within, the law the individual will change. Now, our statement would read, "The Light exist within me, and I am not outside of the love of God, and/or the greater goodness of all that is possible. Therefore because these things exist within me, you have the permission to treat me well".

Throughout the centuries, religions, philosophers, shamans and teachers have tried to bring humanity to the point of the realization of what is truly within. Now, you're probably wondering why they failed? Well, it is really quite simple. One is likely to choose those things that are fun, exciting and easily dealt with, the logical and/or intellectual. The second choice here requires a little more effort, and consists of activities that are associated with the more deeply spiritual attributes, not as exciting as the Intellectual and are not always easy to understand.

Remember, we must also realize that while the Light exists within ourselves, our stupidity and/or idiocy is not an affront to God, and/or the goodness within, but rather a diversion from that which can be easily reversed.

Therefore, be kind to yourself, and others. Love for the joy of loving; give for the joy of giving; provide compassion and understanding for the joy of providing comfort to others. The capacity for humanity to express its goodness is without limits.





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