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Changing the Nature of Water Experiment

Oct 29, 2014

Noting the passing of Dr. Masaru Emoto, on October 17, 2014 it is now time to do the Water Experiment Class.

As always, I support the scientific method which is associated with spiritual work to bring about a Gnosis rather than a belief. The reason the process of knowledge and/or Gnosis are most important, is to the best of my knowledge unlike belief war has never existed as result of knowledge, however many wars have started over the issue of belief.

The problem with belief, has more to do with the issue of an individual turning their authority over to another, and from therein find it necessary to validate their process by getting others to turn their authority over to either them or the person they have turned their authority over to.

When an individual turns their authority over to another person, they become subservient, which can or may be considered an “abomination of the soul”.

I have stated many times that there is no Thing, Place, Person, or Thought, Matter or Light that is outside of the Whole.  The Whole being God, Allah, Buddha Vishnu, Mithra, or any past name deity representing that of the Whole; If we ascribe to that which is been taught for the last four to six thousand years and pretty well accepted by most societies, then we must also currently give the previous statement some degree of validity, but are we also talking about belief?

We also have to take note, that many believers of the previous and/or current represented names deities and/or descriptions of the Whole have fought many wars against those who would not go long with what they chose to believe. Herein seems to be a plague upon humanity, for no matter what continent you are on, these wars existed.

As you can see, I have opened up a small can of worms. So, let us take a moment to see if we can figure out a different way of examining the Whole and how we are connection to it.

I’m going to make a couple of statements for your examination. I’m using the term the Whole generically for purposes of this examination.

When an individual observes the operation of the intellect we find that the intellectual or calculation capabilities of the mind are limited directly to the information perceived through the five senses. This information for the most part, can be considered a best guest. The reason for this is that the perfection of the Whole of which all things of Matter and Light ride upon by the expression of its Law, that which is formed being formed becomes mutable and changeable and subject to the will of that which formed it.

So while the intellect can be extremely accurate in its calculation of information perceived, we still have something missing, and that is the ability to access to the intellectual processes which are unformed, yet perfect, or do we?

Throughout history, there been a myriad of reports of inspirations and awakenings by individuals some of whom have been highly educated, while others their education meager at best. It seems that there is a common thread associated with these revelations, prophecies, and/or inspirations, where their expression was not brought about by the simple equation of which the intellect is most efficient at performing.

There must be then something else that we have access to it goes beyond that which is formed. Remember the intellect is formed and therefore limited to the information received from the five senses.  Where the intellect which is formed is mutable, perfection cannot be. If you go back your basic math geometry and trigonometry, you’ll find that there is no such thing as a perfect square. The reason for this, it is that is known that all things perceived are in constant motion therefore there can be a theoretical perfect square, or a perfect square defined at that moment in time whereby such conditions will change.

We also have to examine the processes of the intellect. There are many tests out there that the intellectual receptors, the five senses are easily fooled. Because they are formed, they do not have the ability to perceive that which is perfect, yet there formation exist on that which is perfect, the Whole.

Have you ever noticed that all realizations occur within? Actually, they occur between your ears, and behind your eyes.  All calculations, perceptions, realizations, and inspirations occurred therein.

Therefore when you perceive Heavenly Events, Angels and whatnot, where are they? They are within you yet you will argue with me on the subject for you’ll think that they are out in front of you or around the corner.

Well, yes your argument would be well-founded, if you are relying on the intellectual process because the intellect being formed has a limitation of distance and time.  So it would be correct to assume that the Angels are outside of you.

Yet let us return to the idea presented earlier promoting that there is no thing outside the Whole, and being cognizant we are part of this Whole, being so, no thing is outside of us.

Therefore, everything you perceive in the universe is also within. Now this ideal or concept really freaks the intellect out. The reason for this is because the intellect is formed, it has established a duty to protect the body at all cost. It is a good and righteous duty. Because the intellect is formed, it perceives itself to be separate from all things around it causing the belief that one must protect oneself from anything greater, because that which is greater is a threat to the existence of the body. When the intellect perceives the universe, because the universe is without limitation, therefore by virtue of its existence is determined to be a threat to the body, the intellect does what it can to collect all things unto itself that it might become equal to or greater than that which it perceives.

This is perfectly normal and natural for the intellect to embark upon such a task. Again I need remind you that the intellect by its formation is limited and does not have all knowledge available to it.  There is a purpose for this, and I will go into more detail in another letter, but for now, let us continue on the realization of the Whole within.

So the question we have to examine here; by what method can we use to determine our connection to the whole?

To the intellect, this is rather perplexing. The reason is, the intellect doesn’t have the resources and/or capability to examine such a matter in such a way the true realization would come forward.

So the real question is, if all things are within, being part of the whole, then what part of us is truly separate from the whole? After all, all things are revealed to us behind your eyes and between your ears. The Whole of the universes within, including all life forms, Angels, good guys, bad guys, happy, sad, in other words all things are within. 

Now while I do not support the process of judgment, I do support observation. The difference is, is one considers oneself superior or inferior to that which is being judged, while one who observes sees different aspects of that of the Whole within.

Everything we perceive, the fact is we are cognizant of that which we perceive, including those things beyond our intellectual capabilities, validates the premise and statement, “All things are part of the Whole, and no thing separate, therefore, we always will be part of the Whole ourselves”.

In future letters more will be discussed on this particular subject.

I would like to draw your attention to the upcoming class; we will be using the scientific method for the purpose of determining whether or not our thoughts really do affect the quality of water. A process that will be used will prevent an individual from using the process of anticipation. Far too often I have seen people tell their class members that they should see something, or feel something. As a result the individuals actually create via their fantasy the anticipated results thereby bringing about belief and subservience. I find these matters to be unpleasant and will not partake in them. If the experiment is well-designed and done properly, success will occur. However, there times when we have not always been successful in some of our experiments.  When we goofed, we adjust and give it another shot. Usually we get it right the second time. At least one thing is very important here, belief is not required.




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