Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
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The Importance of The Exercise

Oct 24, 2003


In my previous message referred to the importance of the exercise, and how it affects those around this. Many have reported their results to me, and I'm very appreciative.

As many of you have noticed that as you re-adjust your reality, all things adjusted accordingly.

It is for this reason I find great importance to this effort to bring your stories to those who have not had the chance to experience the exercise and what it represents.

I have received many reports of people who have restarted the exercise after reading some of the stories by actual users of the exercise on this web site. I have also received reports of those who originally doubted the effectiveness of the exercise by virtue of its simplicity. But, after reading the reports submitted, regarding your successes directly related to the exercise, those individuals found not only to the exercise to be powerful, but also, the stories you told were valid.

It is for this reason I am making a request. To those of you have done the exercise and have not sent in your story please do so. Even if your story is short or have not done the exercise for only a short time, or the results are that impressive at this very moment, please send your reports and to me so I can put them on the web site and allow other people the benefit of your experience and your thoughts.

If you think that your thoughts carry not to good measure, please think again. Whereas the expertise of a technician is directly proportional to the amount of equipment he has destroyed, so to is wisdom realized only by the depths of brain inaction.

It is here where love, understanding, and compassion prevail. Realizing where all individuals no matter what their condition, nor does the matter of what their purpose at one time or another is, will ask a question. Depending on the nature of the question will, determine the outcome of their realization. Those who receive the question whether or not they have the answer have an innate responsibility to remember at one time in their life there were asking the same question.

Therefore, please try your best to respond without judgment and do the best you can to answer the question presented. For in this work, the attributes that I speak so highly of, Love, Understanding, and Compassion are yours provided that is what you bring forward.




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