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Harmonic Concordance

November10, 2003


This last week, and I'm sure everybody has heard of the harmonic concordance. In case you haven't there are many web sites related to astrology which have something to say about the unusual formation where the Star of David is seen as a result of the trines of five planets and Ciron. For purposes of definition, the term concordance is similar to a term, such as agreement or in harmony with.

Should you choose to examine some of the material regarding this most unusual event, you'll find there are those who spent much more time studying the significance of the harmonic concordance and therefore will be able to give you a much better overview of the effects it will have on humanity.

I would like to suggest, that even though the harmonic convergence has occurred as a couple days ago, the effects still continue and the opportunity to define what you wish to have in your life still exist.

Many people have taken the time to redefine and how they wish to see the world and what they wish to have in their lives. It seems as a result of this harmonic concordance, many individuals decided to take a little time to meditate and re-examine those things that are valuable to themselves and to those around themselves.

From a spiritual perspective, any time you can get an individual to meditate or contemplate things that relate to the goodness of this world and the goodness of the themselves, attempting to clear out those things, that do not support the spiritual attributes within, is time well spent.

As stated many times, it is very important to be kind to yourself. Try not to judge yourself harshly. If you find your are judging yourself harshly, please take a moment and consider the goodness that is within you. If it wasn't within you would not be able to understand that goodness.

Many of us have memories of an adversarial nature. We might look upon ourselves and find that we are at fault in some manner for bringing these events to ourselves. It is here that it is most important to consider the loving attributes of the goodness of ourselves and the potential therein before we make further judgments upon the difficulties of our life previous to this date.

Crossing the threshold from one way of doing something to another, we set into action a series of events. The events are guided by the attributes of Love, Understanding, and Compassion. Doing so causes our reality to change permitting others do the same and we actually are changing the world. Think of it this way, in order for humanity to have all choices possible all things must be made available equally for every individual. What that means is that all forms the goodness and all forms of evil must be made available. It is a choice that we are faced everyday. What makes us different from one to another, is the choices we make. Our character is determined by our choices. If we choose a path which is constructive, then the things that come into that path must conform to our reality. If we choose a path to destruction, then so most instruction come to us, it is only a matter of law.

Therefore, resolved to do your best in all matters that you are challenged with. Find understanding and compassion toward yourself, just as the angels would gladly do, and peace will fill your heart.




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