Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
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The Many Paths

Nov 11, 2002


To align ourselves with the great ones' where our inspirations, our goodness, our peace, and our unlimited potential has been the goal of many throughout the centuries. Some have said many different paths lead to such alignment. This is necessary for the individual posses such a variety of external attributes as to make it necessary for a particular means to bring into the desired condition whereby alignment may manifest.

However, we must consider that not all the paths claimed serve such a purpose, for there will be those that will delay the process stated above. Yet, do we really know how to test whether or not a path will be without delay? Seems at this point, a test is needed.

It would seem such a test would consist of certain attributes or conditions.

First of all, we probably would like to find the condition whereby we can align ourselves to the great ones in the shortest amount of time. Hmmm, seems to me to consider the attributes they exhibit. For example, if the "Enlightened Ones" practice Love, Understanding, and Compassion, then it would seem logical to exercise those attributes in our daily lives. For in doing so as much as possible, we are in the alignment with the  "Enlightened Ones".

Second attribute mentioned is understanding. How is it that we do not wish to give ourselves understanding, yet are likely to give another such a consideration? Part of the Spiritual Process is failure. Failure is to help us adjust just a bit. Understanding is an attribute of the triangle of Love, Understanding and Compassion. With Love, the Breath is provided, and with Understanding Love is made known to us all by the observation of Compassion.

Third attribute Compassion, is the product of Love and Understanding. Consider your response when we see someone else in trouble. Have you every noticed how fast people go to help another in an accident? People come out of the woodwork! It's amazing as the attributes of the  "Enlightened Ones" are being exhibited every day by the acts of good people.

When the freeway collapsed in Oakland California, in a very high crime area, many people of that area were the first rescuers and were responsible for saving lives of those trapped under the collapsed freeway. These individuals' whose overall life did not always align with the attributes of the  "Enlightened Ones" yet when given a chance, acted and expressed the very best of their humanity.

Sometimes our lives are very difficult at times, yet the light spoken of here is within us all. It is just a matter of moving some of the clutter so it can manifest more often.

Please be sure to do your exercises. You will find, that Love, Understanding, and Compassion like the Light they enfold are there anytime you need.

Your are not alone.




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