Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
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Charles R. Crooks

Oftentimes we find certain stresses occur within ourselves.  We sometimes might attribute the cause of the stresses that we are experiencing directly related to external forces.  We could easily argue that the environment at one’s work, other people, crowded city we live-in, or the weather, are likely candidates responsible for our stress. In our desire to improve our conditions, or our reality, we spend a great amount of energy attempting not to react to the outside stimuli that we find brings us stress.  We cannot discount the nobility of such an effort, however, the effort itself sometimes brings stress, and we become equally frustrated of our repeated failures.

Therefore, we would have to ask the question “Why do we have stress anyway?”  To better answer the question, we must consider the reason for stress or resistance.  Consider something so simple as exercise.  We all know that if you do some sort of exercise, such as lifting a weight, the muscles involved become strong enabling them to perform at their peak.  Yes, lifting the weight brings stress upon the tissue of the muscle.  Yet, the muscle benefits.

 In the previous example, we are dealing only with the simple aspects of stress, or resistance.  However, let us consider another approach.  Let us say that John has a particular idea about something.  Let us call that something widget-one.  John has designed and examined widget one and from his perspective, finding widget-one to be very good.  Therefore, from John's point of view, everything is good today.  Now comes into the room Charlotte who examines widget one.  Upon Charlotte's examination of widget-one, she determines that widget-one is not worth much.  When Charlotte informs John of her observation, you can guess what happened.  John came completely unglued.  Now the funny thing about this is, the Charlotte is 100% correct.  John's widget-one was at best mediocre.  Yet, at this point now that John has come completely unglued and his stress level is very high.  However, John does something that helps alleviate the high stress level.  He decides to consult with Charlotte to determine the reason for her observations.  After a few minutes, he comes to the realization that Charlotte was 100% correct.   

So, what does John do in this case?  He redesigns widget-one, and in so doing, develops widget-two, which is a much better item.  He then brings Charlotte in for her opinion.  She concurs that widget-two is a much better item. So here, we have a situation where John's stress was remedied by changing directions.  Let us say, John could have remained in his temper tantrum considering Charlotte to being biased, unfairly critical, personal agenda, and any other aspect that does not bring about a fair and just observation of a product or idea.  John's stress would have remained high.  Nevertheless, as with anything that is uncomfortable such as stress, we learned to make adjustments to prevent it from happening repeatedly. 

So you could possibly say the stress has its purpose.  After all, stress is a modifier of inaction.  It really does not matter in this discussion whether using male or female individuals.  The idea was to bring forth the point regarding stress.  From the standpoint of spiritual advancement, what role do you think stress has to play in the adventure?  How many have found that when they are under stress especially when they are at wits end, the first thing they do is to draw their attention towards the spiritual world.contacts

 Stress usually shows up when we try to control something.  The process of control is completely different from the process of direction.  Control brings about extreme levels of stress, and as a stress continues to grow, the futility of control becomes evident.  Eventually, the stress will become so overwhelming that the individual breaks down or gives up or, because of extreme discomfort.  

Now that we talked about stress a little bit, let us consider the issue of fault.  From the spiritual standpoint I think that the only place at fault can be used is describing that condition which causes the earth to move in California.  So it comes to examining our progress, since it would be a improper to use the term fault, “such as we are at fault”, because fault now represents a condition in the earth in California, we must use a different term. So, what does this mean?  Well, if fault no longer applies, then we cannot find fault will ourselves for the things we goofed on in the past let alone the related stress.  Since fault no longer applies what are we going to replace it with?  How about, understanding, oh yeah, compassion, hmm, love seems interesting too.  Well what do you know?  It seems that the solution to the issue of stress is really the spiritual attributes, which bring about change and transformation.   

Try to rewrite your priorities in life you wish.  Determine what things are important, and are in harmony with the spiritual attributes of love, understanding, and compassion.  Try not to be hard on yourself.  There will be days that you can be very, very spiritual.  And, there will be days that are so bad that you may feel like you've stepped back a thousand years.  Not to worry as with the spiritual attributes and conditions associated with them, what you learned you keep.

 All you have to do is do your best that you can with love, understanding, and compassion especially toward yourself and you will be fine, not to mention your stress level will decrease tremendously.
