Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
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Charles R. Crooks

It is the time of rebirth.  An icon, an event, by its’ very presence verifies that all is well and in balance.  What of this balance, is it not for nature alone to express?  Cannot humankind kind (Thinking individuals.) attune to this balance of nature also?  Is not spring a time to start anew?   

Many would answer yes to the above statements.  Yes! It is nature telling us that all is well, and in balance, and humankind may at anytime attune to this balance.  Ah, but there is a hesitation out there, as I write this, I hear some confusion; many have a degree of strife amidst all this balance and harmony that spring brings forth. 

What to do we must ask ourselves, or better yet, what can we do?  After all, by what measuring device can we use to determine if what we see is really in balance, or just another illusion? 

 If what we see does not agree with what our perception of what balance is, then is the event really out of balance?

Some would describe balance or the term harmony, a condition without strife.  Would you agree?  To be without strife, harmony or balance would naturally manifest.  Hmm, sounds good, but something is missing here.  What do you suppose it is?

Let us take a journey back to nature and observe nature directly. We can do this by several different methods.  One is in your imagination or memory, and the other is via the video store, and getting one of the better quality nature videos proclaiming the springtime. 

There is a good likelihood that most of you will use your imagination, or memory. 

Let us begin by going to a place where we can be quite for a five to ten minutes.   Before doing so, wash your hands, and then get a glass of cool water.  Make yourself comfortable.  These steps are necessary to establish the purity of your efforts.  Many will have their own methods of relaxation and recalling memory.  It is not the purpose of this article to direct you in how you bring the information to your consciousness, but to assist in setting the condition. 

When we initiate any event with an act representing purity of heart, by washing the hands and drinking a glass of cool water, our whole environment changes.  Our breathing becomes more relaxed and even, and so does our heart rate. 

Before going into spring directly, let us divert to the natural rhythms that we can see and feel all around us.  Consider the waves breaking on the shoreline on a clear day with a slight breeze.  Use any coastline you like, for example, the Pacific or Atlantic Coastlines.   

As you recall from memory, or a sound recording of waves breaking the coastline, you might notice that your breathing rate is the same as the wave as they break on the coastline.  This only occurs if you are relaxed.  If you are tense, your breathing will not be in harmony with the sound of the wave crashing on the shoreline.  Take a few minutes to relax and listen to the waves crashing and their cycle representative of breath in and breath out. 

By bringing yourself into this harmony, the natural flow of our breath is in harmony with the natural flow of the oceans.  Just like the wave, for every forward movement or motion, a retraction also is manifest. 

To those that sometimes feel they are not connected, may find themselves feeling different by just slowing down and allowing the breath to naturally harmonize with the oceans.  For as the oceans give life, they also take life, maybe to give to another.  One thing is evident.  The oceans and the earth, whose breath is represented by the natural ebb, and flow, show balance. 

When we are in balance, we then are able to consider the subject of the four seasons.  For our discussions here, we will concentrate on spring.  Once you consider the breath of the planet, you will find the same occurs in the seasons.  Spring, an awakening of all things, fall, a harvest, a contraction. Let us not forget summer and winter, for they hold the same attributes, each being opposite to the other in its’ character.  Do you find strife in these or do you find balance?  Sure, most of us prefer the nice spring day with birds singing and all of life abounds.  What lies beneath all this harmony is the memory of the preceding season of winter. All celebrate the new spring season. As its’ warmth infuses us all, and the earth celebrates by causing all in the plant world to bring forth their beauty.  In addition, in so doing, brings forth food for all, so all may also, celebrate. 

Let us not forget the natural opposites, for without such realizations, a void our world becomes, for without light, darkness, and without darkness, how would we know about light. For contrast in these and all things, exist in this and all the realms, just some a little differently.

Let us then not complain of winter for it is the time of sleep and the prelude to spring, and yet of summer, the expansiveness from spring to autumn for the preparations for winter.  In addition, to each season, the realization of such solidifies that all is well. 

In the time of your personal winter, pray not for spring, but to allow spring to come to you.  Send the gift of love to all and life of spring will follow.  As it does in nature, so too will it naturally manifest in your life should you permit the return of your “Personal Spring”.
