Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
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Doing the Right Thing


Charles R. Crooks

A Spiritualistic Approach

By Charles R Crooks

Every day we are faced with challenges requiring us to make decisions that may effect our life and that of others.  For individuals who have that morality, or desire to develop that trait, that is to make sure that all their decisions follow the path that consists of moralistic behavior, a dilemma looms over every horizon.

In society, moralistic behavior is judged by the conformance to the local standards set by that group.  The group may be very large or small, doesn’t matter.  Let us consider that the group has determined that in order for acceptance into the group as a moral person, that to demonstrate that morality, a certain act must be performed.  Consider that this act is taking a bullwhip, and whipping a thirteen-year-old with fifteen lashes at the direction of the leader of the group.  The reason given for the punishment is that the thirteen-year-old was laughing with their friend in church.

The example above causes an immediate reaction in us as the punishment doesn’t even come close to fitting the “crime”.  This requirement by the leader of the group is born out of their personal ego being affronted and they want revenge.  Therefore, this is not morality in any form, at least from a spiritualistic approach. It is a means of lesser people misleading others proclaiming that if they do not follow their group or their groups’ decisions, they are guilty and are not moral. As a result of this determination, it is very likely that someone will probably burn in some garbage dump name Hell, outside of Bethlehem.

Morality from a spiritualistic approach is a code, or conduct that prevails, exhibiting spiritualistic attributes.  These attributes are prevalent in the basis of most religions and have nothing to do with pumping up someone’s, or some groups’ deflated ego. 

The primary motive behind the spiritualistic approach is love, followed by compassion, followed by understanding, followed by love; all of which are bound by Natural Law.  Have you ever noticed that when you are in need and you are in a loving frame of mind, that the communication or information occurs, while if you’re not in that frame of mind, communication does not occur.  Love breeds love, while a selfish act breeds more selfish acts that are not spiritual or moral.

A Spiritualistic approach to morality is a code of conduct that exceeds those  codes required of a group of people.  Those that follow the Spiritual Code  of conduct are also bound not by the judgments of egotistical people, but  by the purity of the Spiritual Code itself.  The Spirit Code is all the loving and constructive attributes that one can conceive of,  and living them as best as possible.  To raise others when in need, and  to do good when possible.  To look upon each day as a gift from our creator  and know that the great love that is upon us, twenty-four hours a day, anytime  we have need. Doing the right thing is easy as long as the Spiritual Approach  is followed.