Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
Poor Knights In Service
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Class Announcement

In my last letter I put a request soliciting some ideas regarding the class subject matter that some of you might be interested in.  I am grateful and pleased with the response I received. I’d originally intended to do two sets of four classes in accumulative fashion starting from the more basic level of each to the intermediate and eventually to the advanced level.


So what I’m going to be doing is something similar only little variant to some degree. Classes will begin at 7:30 and will be split into being part one and part two respectively.  This way we are able to give you a short break between the first and second subjects; allowing absorption and validation of some the material that will be presented.


Before going to each individual subject of the evening, there’ll be a short guided meditation to bring you into the proper frame of mind eliminating the worries of the day. Then we will bring about the subject, do some exercises to validate the subject material, and then take a short break. Then we will do the second subject for that particular evening. There will be evenings where the class subject will require the whole evening partly because the complexity and the many experiments that will be included in the particular class.


One of the reasons I stopped doing the classes goes all the way back to 1997 when a successful series of classes was in process some individuals became convinced regarding romantic interludes in the Astral.  It is of no consequence who the individual was or the object of their fantasy. This has happened more than once and I find it unnecessary.  If anyone finds some of these thoughts being active, let me know and I will work a process to dissolve the source. Just for the record, the only activity I participate on the other side has only directly to do with healing work teaching and training. 


The class size will be kept to no more than 12 people. This way all matters can be addressed during the class providing the greatest value for your time.  I also need to address the reservation only item on the website. If you are sure that you are going to make a particular class, please e-mail me so I can make sure you’ve got a seat. Now over the last couple of years what I have discovered is probably 80% are likely to reserve a space ahead of time and the remaining 20% show up at the door. Well, as it seemed to always work out, we never went over the desired number of people in any particular class.


Additionally, I am going to modify the class structure fee. While the recommended charge for the class is $20, I am modifying this to a blind donation. There will be a receptacle at the entrance of the class, covered in such a way that no other person will know how much put in. After all, it is a private matter. The reason I am doing this is to make sure that all who wish to participate can do so in complete privacy without undue hardship upon their finances.


The following is a table from the website with the basic descriptions of time and each class. A more detailed description of the class will be sent out about a week or so before the upcoming class.


 May  25, 2016

Basic to Intermediate Level Meditations

Weekly Letter

Reservation Only


 June 1, 2016

The Art of Expanding The Aura

Using Sound

Weekly Letter

Reservation Only


 June  8, 2016

Chakras, accessing and clearing

Weekly Letter

Reservation Only


 June 15, 2016

Reincarnation Experiment Circular

Weekly Letter

Reservation Only


 June 22, 2016

The Realms, their Nature & Purposes

Weekly Letter

Reservation Only


 June 29, 2016

Knights Templar the First Phase

Weekly Letter

Reservation Only


 July 6, 2016

Egyptian Temple Experiment

Weekly Letter

Reservation Only


 July 13, 2016

Dreaming, how to access

Weekly Letter

Reservation Only


 July 27, 2016

Defining things without prompts

Weekly Letter

Reservation Only

 There are some additional classes and workshops upcoming that will be held on a weekend with information to follow soon.


In the bonds of the Light I am,




All original material is © Copyright 2002-2017 Charles Crooks All Rights Reserved