Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
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Remote Expansion and Healing Part 1

Oct 08, 2014

I’m sure some of you are probably wondering why the short notice regarding the upcoming class this Wednesday.  My original schedule was to put out the announcement on Friday. However, Mother Nature had other plans for me. Many of you throughout the area were affected by the storms including loss of trees, not to mention loss of power. Well from 4 o’clock Thursday afternoon to 9:30 PM Sunday evening the area I am in has been without power. It wasn’t until this morning around 6 o’clock that I finally had full Internet access.

So, let us talk about the upcoming class, 

The subject of Remote Expansion and Healing is pretty self-explanatory.  You’ll also notice that this class is a part one and part two primarily because the amount of information that will be presented to you, not to mention exercises involve cannot be completed in a single class session.  Additionally, you live exercises to complete during the week before part two of this series.

There are several reasons why it is important to consider expansion of our qualities which naturally brings about a healing condition. Along with the information you receive in part one will have to do with the nature of our energy, expansion thereof, validation through exercises.  You will also receive a list of exercises to do during the week in preparation for part two.

Part two will continue are part one left off with some validation exercises to make sure everything is working properly. Then we’ll start looking at the ability to remotely expand our energy to a specific place.  As always, will always run test to validate the success of our efforts, here belief is not required.

As with these classes, because of space, reservations are required. Please send me an email and I will return to you the time and location information in your reservation confirmation.




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