Sacred Flame Charles R. Crooks
The Healer of Hearts and Minds
Poor Knights In Service
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Fraternal organizations

Confraternity of the Rose Cross - The Confraternity of the Rose Cross (CR+C) is a fraternal order and school of mysticism. Its aim and purpose is to offer a system of study to people who have felt an urge from within to consciously advance themselves along the path of spiritual evolution.

British Martinist Order - The aim of the Order is to increase individual spiritual awareness for the betterment of humanity. This site is intended to give a brief introduction to the BMO.

Servants of the Light Association - A mystery school registered as a non-profit organization.

Cénacle de la Rose-Croix - A French Rosicrucian movement

International Co-Freemasonry British Federation - A Masonic Order for men and women, of all races and creeds, admitted on equal terms. 


Enchanted Energy Haven

Galactic Center by Joni Patry